Kolganovy root: application in traditional medicine

An inconspicuous and unprepossessing plant, finding shelter near ditches and swamps, does not attract the eyes of a passerby, but in vain! Kolgan, which in botany is called an upright cinquefoil, was used for the preparation of medicines, probably even in those days when the wise men and druids acted as doctors. The most valuable part of this plant is its rhizome.

kolganovy root

What properties does the cinquefoil have! When ingested, the collan root stops cramps and bleeding, removes inflammation in the intestines and stomach, and relieves pain. And if you insist on goat milk, you can get a soft diuretic.

Topically used kolganov root treats many skin diseases, burns and frostbite, helps with hemorrhoids, heals wounds. Gargling with a decoction perfectly copes with tonsillitis and stomatitis, and powder from ground rhizome gently and quickly stops diarrhea.

Most often, a decoction is used in the treatment, for which a dried gang root in the amount of 50 g is poured with boiling water (half a liter) and boiled for half an hour over low heat. The water evaporated in this case is replaced with boiled water to obtain the initial volume. Such a decoction is drunk with internal inflammation and bleeding of various origins.

Kolganov root photo

For the treatment of the throat or oral cavity in case of tonsillitis, stomatitis and gum problems, the decoction is prepared differently: 2 tablespoons of chopped root are boiled for 20 minutes in half a liter of water, infused and filtered for an hour. Rinses are done up to eight times a day.

Fresh kolganovy root goes to the preparation of the ointment. Rhizomes for ointment should be crushed, added to melted butter over low heat (about 150 g), which is boiled after combining with the root for 5 minutes. While still warm, the resulting oil is decanted and used in the treatment of weathered lips and skin cracks.

There remains one more "potion" in which root gangs are used - tincture. It is very helpful in the treatment of pulmonary diseases, with problems with the kidneys and liver. The easiest option for preparing tincture is 200 g of rhizome per half liter of vodka (infused for 3 weeks in the dark, take in an amount of 40 drops to 2 tablespoons). By the way, if the medicine is urgently needed, the roots can be finely chopped, then the period of infusion will be reduced to two to three days.

Kolgan root tincture

But if you need to cure cirrhosis, tincture is done on 5 g of roots and 25 g of grass (dried and ground), which in 600 g of boiling water for half an hour are infused in a water bath. After subsequent filtering, such a drug is drunk in a quarter or in half a glass three times a day for two hours before a meal. And so a month and a half. Treatment should be accompanied by an appropriate diet.

There are few restrictions on the use of such a useful plant: constipation, a tendency to alcoholism, age up to 12 years, pregnancy and feeding, and, as always, individual immunity.

An interesting observation: ginger is similar to root gangs. The photo of the first is similar to the photo of the second. As ginger has many useful qualities, so gang root can be indispensable in the treatment of certain diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14546/

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