Chocolate hair color: actual shades

Beautiful and elegant chocolate hair color suits girls with different types of appearance. But still, one person goes more than others. It gives someone brightness, freshness, and even a certain aristocracy, while others, on the contrary, visually age and somehow spoil.

That is why, before dyeing hair in the selected color, we strongly recommend consulting with a stylist. If for some reason this option does not suit the young lady, we suggest that she simply study the material below. After all, in it we have collected the most complete information about such a desired shade.

Why is color considered fashionable?

Of course, the easiest way to answer the question, formed in the headline, with the next phrase - a huge number of girls and women choose it. But that doesn’t make much sense. Therefore, we will try to understand the topic in more detail.

So, according to stylists, chocolate hair color (a photo of one of the shades shown in the picture below) is the most universal. That is, a young lady with the hair of this tone can appear at a social event, and in a club, and even go to dig potatoes. But at the same time it will look not only worthy, but also appropriate, which is also important.

dyes for chocolate hair colors

Celebrities prefer it for a slightly different reason. After all, it is this color that allows you to carry out fashionable coloring on your hair, reminiscent of burned-out locks or elegant highlights. Which look beautiful and vibrant in the frame, and also very natural.

But the reviews of ordinary people describe us another significant advantage of chocolate-colored hair. They relate to the theme of diversity, which allows you to choose the warm or cold tone that suits a particular person. And this is true, because the chocolate palette has a huge number of shades. Let's consider them in more detail.

Cold chocolate tones

Most people, when talking about the color studied in the article, represent dark, almost black hair. Although in reality the palette of shades of chocolate is much more diverse. And then we will see this:

  1. Dark chestnut - the tone that we just mentioned is ideal for persons with light skin. It looks especially impressive in combination with bright eyes, for example, brown, hazel or green.
  2. Dark chocolate is a little darker than the previous shade, but it looks more natural. It will decorate a girl with dark, tanned or olive skin and bright eyes.
  3. Milk-chocolate hair color, rightfully considered not only very beautiful, but also a “delicious” color. After all, looking at him, you think of chocolate, cocoa or coffee with milk. It suits all young ladies, except those that have freckles and hazel or green eyes.
  4. Light - will be an excellent option for a person with fair skin and gray or blue eyes. Most often, he is chosen by blondes who are afraid to radically change their image, but still want to experiment.
  5. Ash-chocolate - a shade that significantly transforms a girl with a cold appearance: blue, blue or silver eyes and light or porcelain skin.

Warm chocolate tones

Chocolate hair color is quite original. After all, in it you can find echoes of other traditional colors: blond, blond, red, red and even black. Therefore, if a girl wants to "try on" one of them, she should first try out the chocolate gamut. In addition, such manipulations will allow you to get used to the color and not be disappointed when you see the contrast in the mirror.

So, warm chocolate tones consist of the following shades:

  1. Caramel is a color notable for incorporating a little chestnut and red. As a result, the shade turned out to be very bright and original. Young ladies with slightly or strongly tanned skin, distinguished by golden-brown, amber, dark-brown and hazel eyes, should choose it.
  2. Coffee - the tone in which the shades of brown and red intertwined, giving it incredible brightness and aristocracy. Such a color will undoubtedly adorn freckled individuals with brown or green. He also resembles dark-skinned girls with dark, almost black eyes.
  3. Dark chocolate is a hair color very similar to black, so many people even confuse them. But there is one significant difference between them. This shade is not as sharp as black. Therefore, it is even like blue-eyed and gray-eyed beauties.
chocolate hair color photo

How to choose a decent color?

We have already said that the chocolate palette is extremely rich in shades. In addition, each well-known (or not so) cosmetic company seeks to present its own tone, which will look much more advantageous than that of competitors. And accordingly, sales will be much better. That is why many girls and even adult women are scared and lost from such a variety. They can not choose the most impressive shade for a very long time and often go away with nothing. And more often they get something that later does not like at all.

To prevent this from happening and our reader will be able to choose the best hair dye for chocolate flowers, we suggest that you follow the advice below. So, the most important thing: you can’t buy a coloring agent, focusing on the model from the packaging! It presents the result of dyeing blond hair. Therefore, for girls whose curls are not light or blond, it is important to be very careful. After all, incorrectly selected hair dye may not appear or turn out darker. Navigate this issue is quite simple. You just need to look at the back of the package. Original hair colors and the result of their coloring are presented there.

When is it necessary to postpone the change of image?

A huge number of young girls who, due to inexperience, do not know about the properties of coloring compounds, purchase the necessary hair dye in the store (with chocolate color, for example), run home and paint their hair in the desired color on their own. But the result is not something that does not please, it is horrifying. After all, the hair suddenly acquired some kind of unnatural red or even green color. And here begins the tears, panic and complaints about how difficult today's life is.

But if the young ladies knew several important nuances, this would not have happened. For this reason, we will consider when it is not worth painting. And why.

So, the most important thing you need to know about how to dye your hair chocolate color:

  1. If a beautiful lady has recently dyed her hair using natural dyes (henna or basma), the procedure can not be performed - the hair will turn gray-green.
  2. If the girl’s hair is currently black, red, purple, or of another bright color, she will first need to bleach it with a special compound.
  3. Also, before using any coloring agent, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. It is easy to do. It is only necessary to prepare the mixture according to the instructions, apply a drop on the wrist and wait a quarter of an hour.
shades of chocolate color

What paint to choose?

Currently, a huge number of cosmetic companies offer chocolate hair dye. Photos of curls of this shade are presented on many packages, so there will be no restrictions on the choice. And this is what very often complicates the life of shoppers. Therefore, we would like to highlight the advantages of popular brands:

  • ammonia-free paint - Loreal, Pallette and Garnier;
  • providing one hundred percent shading of gray hair - "Garnier" and Syoss;
  • convenient application of the composition - "Schwarzkopf", "Pallet", "Garnier" and "Vella";
  • the largest selection of shades - “Garnier”, “Pallet”, “Loreal” and “Estelle”;
  • hair nutrition - "Garnier";
  • color duration - Garnier, Schwarzkopf, Pallet, Loreal and Syoss;
  • professional paint - Syoss;
  • the most reasonable price is Londa;
  • use of natural dyes - "Londa".

Shades of paint "Oliya" from "Garnier"

This line of the famous French company consists of six very beautiful and spectacular shades of chocolate. They stain excellently, and thanks to the oils included in the composition and the absence of ammonia, nourish and moisturize the hair.

Demonstrates a palette of chocolate colors for hair photo below.

chocolate hair color photo paint

Shades of paint Loreal Paris Sublime Mousse

Another world-famous French company also offers very decent tones of chocolate, which lie flat and look royal. No wonder the stars choose her. For example, Aishwarya Rai, who even once advertised a reputable brand.

The palette contains nine amazing shades, as close as possible to natural ones. Therefore, each girl will be able to choose her own. To guide the reader in the names and numbers, we present the following image.

chocolate hair color dye

Schwarzkopf Palette Perfect care paint

Another eminent company, but already German, also deserves attention. Because it releases paint in which there is not a single gram of ammonia. But the color still turns out worthy, multi-layered and very effective.

palette paint

Is there an alternative to paint?

Many girls and even some women do not risk dyeing their hair in light chocolate color (or another of the presented palettes), because they are afraid of damaging the structure of curls. In addition, on the Internet you can read such awesome reviews that even the desire to change the image will disappear. However, the young ladies who fear for the health of their hair, we offer an alternative - tinted balms.

Of course, they are washed off quite quickly, but for many this is even better. Because you can quickly get rid of a dislike shade. And the beautiful lady is free to experiment with her own image again. The most popular brand in Russia that provides girls with this opportunity is Tonic. In its assortment, it has hundreds of original, bright, dark and very unusual shades. Therefore, each person will be able to choose something of their own.

But it’s important to use the product correctly, otherwise the negative consequences will ruin all the joy of the purchase. We will talk about what you need to know to correctly carry out the procedure in the next paragraph.

How to dye hair with tonic?

Actually, the technology described below is very simple, but you still need to read about it. This will avoid many problems. So, the procedure for coloring the original hair color in a chocolate shade with the help of a tonic consists in such actions as:

  1. First, you need to carefully comb the strands so that when applying a tinted shampoo, you do not deprive each strand of attention.
  2. Wet hair thoroughly with water. Do not use ordinary shampoo!
  3. Then you should put on household or oilcloth gloves and gently smear the composition on the hair. However, it is important to know that the tonic is much more liquid compared to paint. It is recommended to type in small portions.
  4. The duration of the procedure varies depending on the desired intensity of the shade, but mainly ranges from 5-30 minutes.
  5. When time passes, the hair should be washed under the tap. Do not use detergents! Only a mask or conditioner is acceptable.
chocolate hair color photo shades

Is it possible to dye hair with natural means?

Manufacturers of cosmetics offer us different shades of chocolate color for hair (photo options were presented in the article). However, some young ladies do not want to resort to chemistry, preferring infusions, decoctions and other natural dyes. We will talk about them further:

  1. Onion husk + coffee will change the color of the strand to red-brown. Blonde girls are better off not using this method.
  2. Cinnamon will color the hair in caramel tone. But only if the hair is blond.
  3. The root and leaves of rhubarb + henna will make curls ashen-chocolate. This option is more suitable for fair-haired or gray-haired people.
  4. Coffee will give your hair shine, shine and a dark brown shade. Not recommended for blondes.

Observing the described recommendations, you can select a decent chocolate shade through the use of natural means.


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