Vladimir Frolov - chiropractor

Frolov Vladimir Alexandrovich - osteopath, professor, academician and associate professor of the department. His contribution to alternative medicine is undeniable, he has written many scientific works, confirmed by years of successful practice.

Vladimir Alexandrovich Frolov chiropractor

Vladimir Alexandrovich Frolov is a manual therapist, widely known among psychotherapists and osteopaths for his research. Over the past decade, manual therapy has gained great popularity. A large number of positive reviews of enthusiastic people who managed to get rid of pain and chronic diseases spread on the Internet.

The difference between massage and manual therapy

Vladimir Frolov believes that, despite the fact that these procedures are very similar in appearance, these are completely different things. Osteopaths use massage as a preparation for their primary treatment. Manual therapy acts directly on the spine itself. During massage there is a superficial effect on muscle tissue.

Frolov Vladimir Alexandrovich

Top Health Secrets

Vladimir Frolov does not urge everyone to engage in professional sports. He is convinced that the negative influence prevails in him due to injuries and constant overload. However, this allows doctors to study the capabilities of a person, so he respects athletes with great respect.

According to the therapist, exercise in everyday life should be an integral part of the culture. In general, our health condition is determined by three factors: mental state, nutrition, physical activity. Despite its simplicity, adhering to all three rules can be quite difficult in modern life. There is one secret - 10 thousand steps every day. They will relieve excess weight, pain and shortness of breath.

Is manual therapy a panacea for all diseases?

To the question of whether osteopathy can cure heart disease, vision, internal organs, improve women's health, and establish sexual activity, Vladimir Frolov answered in the affirmative. Often, pain in the spine is confused with pain in the heart. By interacting with the receptors of the heart muscle and spine, a professional can relieve pain cramps.

Frolov Vladimir Alexandrovich Osteopath

Non-specific eye diseases, female diseases - all this can be cured with the help of manual therapy. Chiropractors also practice the treatment of diseases in areas such as gastroenterology, traumatology, orthopedics. Many women reported getting rid of frigidity after a full course of therapy.

Chiropractor without medical education: a scam or a professional?

Recently, many "specialists" have divorced, having completed short-term massage courses and positioning themselves as manual therapists. When asked if this is a violation, Vladimir Frolov replied that since 1997, the specialty “Manual therapist” has been officially entered in the register of medical professions. This is a kind of bloodless surgery that can be practiced exclusively by specialists with a medical background.

Non-specialists can cause serious harm to health, in practice, doctors had many cases of complications caused by unprofessional therapists. Separation of the bone structure, rupture of tendons, ligaments, vertebral arteries, etc., may occur.

Is pain during the procedure normal?

During the session, slight pain is permissible, however, it all depends on the particular case. In certain diseases, pain can be an indicator of healing. However, after the procedure, pain impulses should not occur. Their presence indicates that the session was carried out incorrectly, and the goal was not achieved.

Vladimir Frolov

Do not be afraid of a light crackling of the joints during the session, this is only the acoustic effect caused by boiling gases in the synovial fluid. Each joint contains this fluid, and when pressed, a crunch occurs.

How often do you need to visit the therapist’s office

Frolov Vladimir Alexandrovich recommends going to an osteopath at least 2 times a year. With a constant examination, early detection of diseases and their prevention is possible. After all, it is much easier to cure the disease at the initial stage than to deal with its consequences. In the early stages of one or two sessions is enough.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14549/

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