What should be men. A real man - what should he be?

Information about what men should be will be useful to both women and the stronger sex. We will try to describe in as much detail as possible the qualities that a person must possess in order to please girls and be successful in every area of ​​life.

There are many works praising the best masculine qualities. These are mainly female novels and poems. What should a man be like? Who knows?

A full answer to such a question can hardly be found. Each of the women has their own ideas about what men should be. One thing is written in women's magazines, and this may well be correct. The author may write something else in his book, and, in his opinion, this will also be correct. Each girl in her own way represents what a dream man should be like, and she is also right, because she chooses it for herself.

Today, in women's conversation, you can often hear the phrase "real man." Men use his slightly altered form - "normal man." This article presents only some of the qualities that should be present in a man who will be close to ideal. So, a real man: what should he be?

what a dream man should be like

A man must have a goal

In our opinion, this is an extremely important point. Perhaps the goal will change from time to time. What should be a modern man? First of all, he must know what he wants and what he is striving for. The goal can be anything: to achieve something in work, career, sports, personal life. The main thing is that she be. If a man does not have a goal, then this is very bad, because his free time begins to select beer, TV, bed. A similar existence is chosen by 95% of people, and no one will tell them that they do not live correctly, since it seems that everyone decides this question for themselves. Which man will you choose? Successful and purposeful, or that has grown a certain place to the sofa? What should be men? Able to set a goal and achieve it.

Be able to bear responsibility

What should be a man? The qualities are individual, in the eyes of each girl. But, of course, it will appear on any list that a man should be able to bear responsibility for himself and his family. A man should not be afraid or avoid it.

For example, one guy has conversations in this vein: he will be fine. Someday. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, when the president changes, when the aliens arrive, it doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that only after this event will he have a job, he will begin to get acquainted with the girls, he will have both money and goals. Frankly, these guys do not rely on their own strengths, but on a successful combination of circumstances. But only when will it happen? In general, someday, but obviously not today. And not tomorrow. Perhaps in a month or even a couple of years.

But the other guy takes a different approach. He sees a problem before him and thinks about how to solve it. That is, the guy understands that if he does not solve the problem on his own, then no one will do it for him. Even if he does not succeed the first time, he brings the matter to an end.

What should be a man? Quotes from the literature offer many options. But if a guy is not responsible for his life - can he be called a man?

He must have a strong character.

what should be the character of a man
What should be the character of a man? First of all, strong. Here we are not talking about the strength of the biceps. A man must have a lot of positive energy and be able to share it with others. He always has free time that he can, and most importantly, wants to devote to his relatives - family, wife, girl, friend. In modern society, many just try to take something from another. But when there is such a guy who does not mind sharing, no matter what: time, good mood, a hobby or a cup of coffee - it really attracts.

A simple example. There are two guys. One is constantly in a bad mood, crying and sad, telling how badly he has to, demanding with all his appearance pity for his person. And the second one always smiles, cheerful and joyful - he knows how to solve his problems and support others, give advice or help with work. Which of the two guys would a sensible girl choose?

Therefore, to the question: "What should be men?" - one of the answers: those who know how to be happy and share their joy with others.

He must be physically strong.

A real man should always be ready to protect himself and his family. What should be the body of a man? No, muscle abundance is not necessary at all. However, it is not in vain that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. A man must be active and dexterous, because if he is passive and physically weak, then what kind of health of mind can we talk about?

Have your own style

what a man should be quote
In most cases, guys just copy the reactions, clothes and habits of another person. He observed the behavior of others, he liked the way a person behaves, and he begins to repeat the same thing as a circus monkey. Needless to say, this looks unnatural and false from the outside?

What should be your beloved man? He should have his own style, which will be strictly individual. He should not be in the habit of looking at others and imitating them.

This includes everything, for example, your own opinion about another person, without taking into account the opinions of others; individual non-standard jokes; clothes that will not allow a man to get lost in the gray mass. You can never confuse such a guy with others, even for a kilometer and in a crowded crowd.

A man must be able to keep his word

In the world there are many people who today say one thing, tomorrow they promise another, the day after tomorrow they swear an oath in the third. It often happens that guys simply give up their own words in favor of personal gain. Many will say that this is wrong, and one cannot disagree with this.

If a person has given his word, then even if he breaks into a cake, he fulfills the promise. Only in this case, the man will be respected by relatives, friends, colleagues. It is these guys that girls like, because they can be trusted, they will become a reliable support.

A real man will constantly monitor what he says and be responsible for what is said. He will never contradict himself, in no case will he unreasonably slander other people, dissolve gossip in order to humiliate someone and so on.

Alcohol is not for real men

what should be the body of a man

Firstly, alcohol negatively affects health even in small quantities, and a man thinks about his health - both moral and physical. Secondly, a real man should be able to enjoy life without alcohol.

Does he know how to control himself?

A real man should be able to remain calm in any life situation. Only then will he earn real respect, or perhaps even admiration. After all, men who perform their personal or labor duties, while not allowing themselves to show anger, aggression or discontent, evoke those feelings around them.

Straightforwardness and rigidity are the natural properties of the entire male sex, which are necessary in order to solve emerging issues and problems. However, it is not appropriate for a real man to have any complaints against colleagues, management, subordinates, friends or a beloved woman . This is ideal.

However, this does not always happen. Nervousness, stress, negative mood are common causes of early heart attacks or nervous breakdowns. Still, the beloved woman should allow the man to let off steam or at least talk out. Unspoken negative emotion can easily cause illness or malaise.

A man must be smart

A keen mind, coupled with a good sense of humor - the necessary qualities of a real man. Without them, it is impossible to succeed.

When a person makes particularly important decisions, in most cases he is faced with the problem of choice. In order to make the right decision, a man needs a sharp mind and rich experience accumulated throughout his life. Even the usual communication with a girl requires a lot of worldly wisdom from a guy.

what men should be

He must be loving

A real man loves not only himself, but also his parents, his wife, his children. The family should be the foundation on which his life is built. Everything else is secondary.

Financial success and career is not the end in itself of a real man. He does not achieve this for Ponte, but in order to ensure his family and loved ones a high standard of living, to make sure that they do not need anything.

Independence is an important feature

A real man in an emergency is quite capable of ironing his shirt himself and not forgetting to pick up a child from kindergarten. Without any problems, he takes responsibility for his family and friends. In addition, to any occupation, even if it is changing a diaper for a baby or mowing grass from a personal plot, he treats as if his fate depends on it.

what should a modern man be like

To be able to fulfill oneself

It is believed that for the sake of his family happiness, for the peace and well-being of loved ones, as well as in the name of financial success, a guy from romance should turn into a simple employee of an ordinary office. Children's dreams of traveling, of conquering the heavens and aerobatics have to be replaced with daily routine work in order to be closer to the family and provide a steadily growing income, live a measured and calm family life. And, as already mentioned, do not complain about your share.

However, any real man is characterized by a desire for "high." It is necessary to respect his aspirations, to support him in his work and hobbies, leaving him time for self-realization. Then a man will achieve much greater success than stepping over himself and working on an unloved job.

To be or not to be selfish?

Often, women unconsciously demand from their men a complete and unconditional altruism. That is, before making a decision, a guy should think about anyone, but not about himself. But do you act correctly if you force a man to renounce his interests?

a real man what should he be

Of course, each person needs personal space in order to build his life. Well, if this does not contradict the interests of a loved one. However, perhaps it is worth changing tactics and showing interest in the hobbies of men? Who knows, maybe you will like it too?

Show emotions

Mental and physical male development is half the battle. If he does not have high moral and spiritual qualities, then he will be nothing more than a cyborg.

Only that man who loves will be able to make himself and his parents, and his wife, and children, and all the people around him happy. Those men who are strong in character, but at the same time loving and able to show their feelings, cause universal respect.

Finally, he must be neat

Do not panic, it just means that a man needs to learn how to put his dirty socks in the bathroom and, when he comes home, gently fold his clothes. A car, by the way, should also not be littered with garbage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14557/

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