Mini-brick factory. Brick Production Equipment

The idea of ​​a mini-brick factory is very relevant for those who decide to start their own business. After all, it will not be difficult to equip such a small farm. Almost everyone in the country has a separate utility room. And its small area is quite enough to implement such an undertaking. In addition, what brick can be made of is quite affordable materials.


The whole charm of such a production is that bricks are always required by local residents, neighbors of a country economy. Customers will purchase the product in small packages to use in the construction of a personal plot and minor repairs. It will not be necessary to provide and pay for long-distance transport, which will affect lower costs. Consequently, products will be cheaper for customers. The owners of land have almost always the need for minor construction and repair work, and bricks are the most common material. It continues to be used for centuries.

vibroforming machine

Production stages

Before you make a brick in your small factory, you need to check whether there is such a production in the district. If not, the business will pay off quickly enough. Affect the timing of product quality. After all, if it is high, consumers will begin to provide advertising for production on the principle of word of mouth, recommending such bricks to everyone.

Brick production always begins with the preparation of raw materials. In order for the product to be of high quality, it is necessary to select raw materials with special care. Clay is cleaned of impurities, it is crushed, and then mixed in a mixer with water. After the product is transported to the extruder. By cutting mechanisms, a homogeneous mass is divided into individual bricks. Then the product is laid out on pallets, transferred to a warehouse. Products must be dried for some time. Next, the bricks are burned.

It is noteworthy that sometimes clay is mined independently. But often purchased at the factory. It is better to go along the second path, since in this case the raw materials will be better. Water is used both ordinary and purified.

How to make quality

There are several varieties of similar products. Bricks are made of ceramics, silicate, they are facing. For this reason, it is first necessary to determine what the mini-brick factory will produce - what kind of customer needs it will cover. To do this, it is worthwhile to carefully analyze the current situation: which raw materials are the most popular and which are practically not available on the market.

Before making a brick, you need to choose its type. After all, the raw materials will depend on this. If the brick will be produced silicate, in this case, the role of raw materials will be quartz sand with lime. If in the area there are not enough facing bricks, it is worth considering the production of a hyper-pressed variety. This will require suitable types of clay.


It is recommended that novice entrepreneurs begin arranging a mini-brick factory by choosing a QTJ4-40 aggregator. The thing is that it combines a huge number of critical factors. This Chinese-made machine allows you to produce high-quality products, its components are reliable. This is a full-fledged analogue of what is produced in other countries, but its price is acceptable. At an authorized dealer, it is $ 3,000 (about 208 thousand rubles).

how to make a brick

Given that most foreign-made machines in any case include components made in China, it simply does not make sense to overpay just for the name.

The mini-brick factory with QTJ4-40 is very energy-intensive - it will not consume much energy. After all, the expense is organized very competently. In order to serve it, you will need to hire no more than five people in staff. No need to worry about storing large stocks of products. In addition, at such a mini-brick factory, production can easily be adjusted to a wide range of different raw materials. Thanks to this, it is possible to satisfy the market demand for a product in any region with it. The machine will work in virtually any environment.

Among the units of the plant there is a mechanical press, and a molding auger, vibration mechanisms, the furnace itself, and a feed drive. At the same time, all nodes are compact enough. The aggregator weighs no more than 1500 kg. Production in this case will be quite environmentally friendly. This type of plant does not pollute the environment. In addition, production will not do any harm to the workers.

Manually assembling the plant is a simple task, and after 45 days from the moment of order it will be possible to start production. But you must comply with some requirements for the premises in which the plant will be located. Do not allow excessive humidity, because this will adversely affect both the equipment and the final product. Do not place the equipment in a place where direct sunlight. The same applies to storage requirements for bricks.

what can be made of brick

This list of requirements is limited, and this is a great advantage of organizing just such a business at home.

Types of bricks

With QTJ4-40 equipment, it becomes possible to produce standard, porous, slotted bricks at home. Blocks for sidewalks, tiles are also produced. Productivity when using such a machine will be high: 2000 - 10000 units of production per hour. It is important to consider that all operations will be automated. Product quality is also monitored automatically. If factors that can lead to marriage are discovered, production stops on its own.

Raw materials

As raw materials, clay with vegetable impurities, waste from the mining or cement industry can be used. Used slag dumps, mines. Sometimes sawdust is also in demand. In any case, water will be used during production. To give special shades of products, the coloring pigment is kneaded in the raw materials.

The choice of raw materials in this case is wide enough, which allows you to equip your mini-factory in any part of the world. Given all the costs, the cost of bricks will remain quite low. Thanks to this, a high demand for the product is ensured.

tunnel kiln

It will not be difficult to scale up the business at any stage. All that is needed is to purchase additional equipment. For example, at any time you can always order a Chinese tunnel kiln or purchase a new machine, expanding production. Their selection in the market is quite large. Having bought an additional vibroforming machine, you can make the production process even more uninterrupted, expand the product range. This is due to the popularity of the machine among those who decided to do the brick business.


The simplest brick making machine is the Lego mechanical brick press. It is reliable, its work does not require electricity. It is easy to put even in the trunk of a car, when it comes to a pickup truck. Using a press, you can make 100-150 bricks per hour. This is a great option for those who want to save money and start a business with minimal investment. But it is important to consider that technologies will include some nuances. After all, the press force does not exceed two tons, which means that you will need to use a plasticizer. Given this subtlety, the quality of the final product will not be lower than that produced on hydraulic equipment.

mechanical press

Tunnel kiln

The process in such a furnace is continuous. It is open on both sides, and firing occurs in the middle. The product entering it on a trolley passes through the firing non-stop. As a result, this allows you to produce a huge number of bricks without stops between batches.

When planning to equip your plant using a tunnel furnace, you need to consider that in this case it will be necessary to conduct electricity to the plant, 200 kW will be enough. You will need to spend on production and fuel. It can be firewood, coal, gas or fuel oil. It will not be difficult to produce whole pallets of bricks in a short time. By the way, in one such fits 420 or 200 units of the product.

Steaming chambers

A valuable addition to the equipment during the production of bricks will be the use of such cameras. They speed up the production cycle several times. If you do not use them, the brick becomes durable only 28 days after manufacture, while this equipment allows you to use it already 10 hours after production.

brick pallet

The inclusion of chambers in the production cycle makes it possible to produce whole pallets of bricks much faster.

Business payback

steaming chamber

It should be borne in mind that today there are a lot of options for equipment for making bricks. As a rule, investments are paid back only two years after the start of operation of the plant. It is also possible to use leasing to obtain equipment, and then pay for it in installments. There is a lot of equipment and domestic production - it is notable for moderate prices, high quality. Thus, a novice businessman has a decent selection of options.


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