Haircuts for a short neck: features, types and recommendations

Each person is individual, and we all try at all costs to emphasize our strengths and hide our weaknesses. This is especially true of appearance. A large nose, wide face, short neck, high forehead - and this is not a complete list of imperfections that ladies of any age pay attention to. However, in order to rectify the situation, one does not need to seek the help of plastic surgeons; one can skillfully take advantage of what nature has awarded. It is only necessary to choose the optimal hair length. And an experienced hairdresser will help in this, the tips of which are most often worth listening to. Which haircuts fit the short neck?

Short hair: yes or no?

We all dream of thick and strong hair, but the fact is that the smallest hair owners have the least problems choosing a haircut for a short neck. After all, the harder and thicker the curls, the more difficult it is to style them, especially those who have short hair have a hard time. Laying them so that they do not stick out in different directions is very difficult. If you want to make the neck longer, you can use the popular haircut "under the boy" and any of its other derivatives. Such a hairstyle, of course, is a risky option, and not every young lady will dare to abandon her shock. But the fact remains, a fully open neck always looks longer visually. If you naturally have a low hairline in the cervical zone, then ask the master to make a haircut a little higher.

rack for short neck

Does bangs take place?

It has practically no effect on the length of the neck of the bangs; slanting bangs will help to visually improve the situation. And to check whether this option suits you or not, you can as follows: put a lock of hair on your forehead, fix it with a clip and evaluate the result in the mirror. If the result suits you, then you can safely do bangs. There is another way that is perfect for oblique and asymmetric bangs. Just throw the tail onto your forehead, fix it with a clamp or invisible and evaluate the result. Such experimental procedures will help to determine one hundred percent whether it is worth doing a bang or not. Do you have a short neck and a full face? A haircut for this type should be selected by a professional.

open neck

Is bean suitable for short neck?

As well as "under the boy", a bob haircut opens both the neck and face, which is very beneficial for those who do not like the length of the neck. However, before deciding on a haircut, you need to pay attention to a number of factors. The important thing is how high the hair is cut off. If your neck is slightly shaved from behind, then do not forget to regularly refresh your hairdresser at least every three weeks. This is a very significant rule, because otherwise the hairstyle will look unkempt.

Long neck

Long hair?

Long hair is, of course, always beautiful and feminine. There is no girl in the world who has not tried to grow long hair. But the truth is that some young ladies will have to forget about such curls. If the hair is thin and brittle, then it makes no sense to try to grow them; they will not look the most presentable. But if you are a happy owner of curls, then long curls can become your main highlight. Also, strangely enough, if you want to grow beautiful long hair, you will have to cut them periodically so that the hairstyle does not lose its shape.

What to do if a haircut is not successful?

If with the help of a short haircut the neck has become longer, but other facial features do not look so unpresentable, the most common extension will help to correct the situation. Grow your hair at least to the chin and go to a good master to correct the situation. Of course, specialists work with shorter hair, but dealing with them is not so simple.

asymmetric haircut

Who should use very short hair?

And, no matter how many people say, but short hair is not always a men's haircut. Such a hairstyle can look very attractive and even sexy. It is suitable primarily for girls with a short neck, for those with thin and sparse hair, and it is also an ideal solution for an oval, square or round face. But for ladies in the body, short women's haircuts for a short neck will not work at all, here you need to try to balance the figure so that everything looks harmonious. Also, owners of a small face need to beware of such a hairstyle. An open neck will make even smaller features even finer. The face becomes “bird”.

And what about the length to the chin?

Such a hairstyle is considered very practical, gives airiness, charm and sophistication to the image. Such a haircut is especially suitable for those who have a triangle-shaped face. And also ideally hide such a flaw as a sharp chin. Such a hairstyle will help to correct not only a too small neck, but also a magnificent bust. And lengthens not only the neck, but also draws girls with small stature. If the face is stretched, then its length will be advantageously hidden by a haircut to the chin. Such a haircut is not suitable for a short neck and a round face.

bean for short neck

What hairstyles visually lengthen the neck?

Hairstyle is one of the main elements of our image. The wrong haircut can shorten even the most beautiful high aristocratic neck. Or, conversely, add this missing grace to absolutely every girl, it’s up to the little one to choose the right shape and length for a short neck, as well as a hairstyle for her. Visually lengthen the neck the following options:

  • A bunch made right on top of the head. If you are still the owner of the bangs, then you simply can not find equals. A high beam will not only visually stretch your neck, but also give elegance and elegance to the image.
  • Ponytail. A high tail, as well as a bunch, will stretch your neck and ideally fit any look.
  • If the length of your hair is below the shoulder blades, then perfectly straight strands will visually stretch your neck. Arm yourself with an iron, a comb - and forth, create beauty! Such styling will look especially impressive on thick, thick hair, without split ends.

Hairstyles that need to say a strict "No", as they not only do not lengthen, but also shorten the already small neck:

  • A standard pigtail that weaves from the back of the head or at the base of the neck.
  • An ordinary tail tied at the back of the head.
  • Low bumps, fleeces, bunches and so on.
  • Hairstyle from braids "basket".

A correctly selected hairstyle can not only make the image complete, but also visually hide all the flaws, including a short neck.

short neck haircut

What haircuts will be ideal for owners of a short neck?

An extended square will save the situation. When the hair of the face is longer, then the forehead is too high, and the neck, in contrast to the long locks, will look elongated, “swan”. An ideal haircut for women with a short neck is considered to be a “cap on a leg”. In the classic version, the hair length at the parting can reach seven to eight centimeters, and the closer it gets to the neck, the shorter it becomes, and then it completely disappears. The leg is the shortest part of the hair at the hollow of the neck. Usually it is longer than the hairline by one, maximum two centimeters.

rack with bangs


In addition to hairstyles, some tricks in clothing will help to visually lengthen the neck. Everything should look harmonious, and if the hairstyle will crank your neck, and the outfit spoil everything, then there will be no use. Stylists recommend following these tips:

  • A v-neck will save short haircuts covering your neck.
  • A turndown collar that is considered classic.
  • Do not fasten blouses and shirts on the last buttons so that the neck is ajar.
  • If weather conditions do not contribute to putting on a blouse, and you have to wear a golf or jumper with a high neck, then you should not be upset. Put a vest or cardigan with a V-neck over the turtleneck, and the short neck will immediately become longer.
  • This also applies to accessories, for example, long strings of pearls and any other beads are visually extended. An ideal option would be that was fashionable in the 20s, then the beads were worn to the very waist.
  • Visually create V-neck pendants and pendants. This triangle visually lengthens the neck, the same goes for chain earrings or drop earrings.

The so-called necklace-collars and large beads in several rows at the base of the neck are suitable only for owners of a long neck. Round earrings also shorten it . In any case, do not despair, because the neck is a feature of the physique. It is important to always walk with your head held high.


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