Psychologist Veronika Stepanova: biography, personal life

A highly qualified professional, a psychologist with a great experience, who is now very popular, is Veronika Stepanova. At the same time, her biography on extraneous resources is not too disseminated, so our article will be based directly on the words of a psychologist, as well as information from official pages on social networks.


Stepanova Veronika Yurievna Born on August 14, 1978. Today, she works as a clinical psychologist by education at the FSBI SPb NIPNI named after V. M. Bekhterev.

Studied Veronika Stepanova at St. Petersburg State University, at the Faculty of Psychology, at the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychophysiology, where she received a completed higher education.

In addition, she also graduated from two other educational institutions, the last of which is in America. This confirms the high qualification, for which Veronika Stepanova collects reviews with good wishes and thanks. The girl received secondary education at school No. 77 in the city of St. Petersburg. There she studied for the full 11 classes.

A family

Psychologist Veronika Stepanova prefers not to disseminate information about her spouse. However, it is known that there is one. Unfortunately, no source on the Internet can find out who Veronika Stepanova married. Personal life at the same time not completely hidden: it is known that a woman has two daughters.

Veronika Stepanova personal life
The eldest, Alexandra Stepanova, currently lives in America in 2016 and actively supports the activities of her mother by filming review videos about her open lessons and discussions. With the youngest daughter, the Internet star practically does not part. On personal pages on social networks you can see a lot of their joint photos from different parts of the world, where they spend personal time in the family circle on weekends.

YouTube Activities

Not only the eldest daughter has a personal blog, but also Veronika Stepanova herself. Psychologist Shares professional knowledge with people, gives advice, discusses on his channel the main problems of society and, of course, mental illness, their subtleties and features.

veronika stepanova reviews

The channel has already gathered more than 50 thousand fans who follow her work and work, and some videos collect more than 200 thousand views. Veronika Stepanova tries to read the reviews under these videos regularly, she also conducts consultations on Skype and, if possible, tries to answer potential patients in private messages.

The Veronika Stepanova channel was created on August 23 in 2012, although it began its activities much later - 3 years ago. The total number of views for 2016 is 7 and a half million!

Veronika Stepanova
This resource contains a lot of unique information, some of which cannot be "obtained" on third-party resources. When discussing a topic, the medical psychologist does this with such professionalism that the audience gets the impression that they are currently consulting with her personally.

Speaking of various diagnoses, Veronika Stepanova always brings her opinion and reassures the audience in roundabout ways if they suddenly suffer from it. Videos are also often humorous in nature, where the psychologist grimaces, sings songs with his beloved daughter and the like. This serves as a kind of relaxation between serious topics, which she also often reveals in a light message.


Some people consider the specific approach of this woman to be wrong, but with the help of bold statements and impudent words, the psychologist manages to attract the attention of young people.

Some go to her channel, just to laugh, relax, in the process of which they unwittingly learn new, useful information about people, their nature and mental illness.

Stepanova Veronika Yurievna

Veronika Stepanova most often affects the topic of sex and all the ensuing issues. The psychologist makes such a bold move with dignity, not allowing himself to be superfluous, and, despite profanity, it never offends people or any psychological deviations. We can say that the opposite is true: she treats the mentally ill with some respect and tries to explain herself in an accessible language.

Sexual preferences

This topic may sound defiant, but in reality many are interested in answers to such questions. By following Stepanova’s video blog, she can infer that she likes men with unusual inclinations.

The fact is that the psychologist herself has repeatedly repeated and does not hesitate to remind about this: guys and men in women's clothing, with cutesy habits or love for dressing in clothes of the wrong gender, attracted her from an early age.

Veronika Stepanova psychologist

Due to the fact that a woman does not hide such a vulgar fact (according to the majority of Russian residents), her words do not cause a reckless desire to condemn other people's personal preferences. Thus, the psychologist manages to arouse the confidence of his viewers, because it is completely open to them, even if it comes to the fact that it does not have to be put on public display at all.

Character Features

We can talk a lot about the personal qualities of Veronika Stepanova, and all of them are positive from the point of view. First of all, this is an open person, without any complexes and convictions imposed by society.

This person has a tough, imperious character that does not forgive insults or simply does not perceive them. This quality allows her to be as professional as possible in her statements, conclusions and even in simple communication with people who need her help.

Veronika Stepanova biography

The psychologist is always specific in his words and never refuses them, which makes it convenient to watch her video blog, because it provides him with structure, reliability and consistency. Touching upon a common topic, Veronika Stepanova always talks about the branches adjacent to her, and with this, her viewers can always find exactly the information that interests them at the moment.

Although in the statements of an employee of a medical institution you can often hear completely unacceptable things related to feces, obscene jokes and everyone else, fans of creativity do not take this as something serious. With this feature, viewers manage to laugh heartily and relax as much as possible, even if the main informative load is devoted specifically to their problems.

To summarize

Modern and humorous approaches even to such serious things as psychiatry and psychophysiology can sometimes only be beneficial if a person really knows how to use these techniques.

Veronika Stepanova is precisely the psychologist who is able to use innovations in the youth environment with sufficient professionalism and quality.


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