This fancy ginger root: good and bad

In the form of ground seasoning, this exotic root crop has been known for a long time, and not only in its homeland - in India and the countries of Asia Minor, but also in Europe and in Russia. But as a tasty remedy for the treatment of many diseases and for weight loss, we recently tried ginger root. The benefits and harms of it are also not fully understood, at least not everyone is aware of this.

ginger root benefits and harms

What good is ginger

In fact, everything is good in it: both taste, and spiciness, and useful properties, and even this multi-fingered spine looks very funny. Many of our compatriots for a long time could not understand what kind of overseas miracle appeared on the shelves of supermarkets and what they eat ginger root with. The benefits and harms of it are a topic for another discussion, but first, a little about the unique composition. In ancient India, the plant was considered a cure for all diseases. Partly, you can agree with this: after all, ginger is a real storehouse of vitamins (A, C, group B), valuable trace elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, etc.), amino acids important for the human body (phenylanine , valine, methionine, tryptophan and others).

ginger root for weight loss

And now about the benefits

Perhaps this is the most difficult question about ginger root. Benefits (and harms in some cases) can be painted on dozens of pages, and this seems incredible. Nevertheless, the healing properties of this bizarre root are used in folk medicine to stimulate the digestive process and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and to cleanse the vessels. Its antiparasitic action is also known. Ginger can also be taken as an anesthetic for headaches, muscles, joints and menstrual cramps. It enhances immunity and tone. This plant is also taken for various female diseases - myoma, adhesions, infertility. And men regard him for his ability to prevent the development of prostatitis and stimulate sexual activity. Ginger is especially popular for treating colds. The shock doses of vitamins and essential oils included in it have a strong warming and diaphoretic effect. Finally, this spicy, piquant spice is extremely loved by those who want to lose weight without much sacrifice.

ginger benefits and contraindications
Ginger root for weight loss

Here you can give yourself free rein. Tea, a variety of cocktails, an addition to fresh salads, side dishes for meat and fish dishes, pickled slices of sushi, candied fruit - ginger root is good in any way. The benefits and harms in this case are simply not comparable: there are many times more recommendations for its use than contraindications - we will talk about them a little later. In the meantime, the most delicious recipes for losing weight.

  • Ginger tea. Cut a fresh root of 10-12 cm into thin slices, put in a liter thermos and pour boiling water. Throw the same circle of lemon and close. Insist a few hours. When using add honey.
  • Drink with ginger and aromatic herbs. Grate 100 g of ginger, toss in a 3-liter pot of boiling water, throw mint leaves, lemon balm, lemon slices, turn off the heat and cover. In an hour, the drink is ready. You can drink it both hot and cold.

Drinks and teas with ginger cleanse blood vessels, intestines, speed up metabolism and burn fats.

Ginger: benefits and contraindications nearby

Like any herbal remedy, ginger has a number of contraindications. So, due to the abundance of essential oils in it, it is recommended to take it with caution to people with peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines. Due to its strong tonic effect, ginger is not recommended for hypertensive patients, people with heart diseases, and pregnant women. And one more thing: do not abuse it at night - there is a danger not to fall asleep.


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