B vitamins for hair - their health and beauty

Everyone knows that our body needs vitamins. They should be taken in courses, twice a year - in the spring and in the fall, when, for completely natural reasons, the body lacks nutrients. And of course, in order to improve the condition of hair, skin, nails, you can take special sets of vitamins, especially useful for a particular organ.

B vitamins for hair

Hair really needs care, care and nutrition, because it is by their appearance that you can determine the general condition of the body. Of all the additives, it is precisely B vitamins that are extremely important for hair. These "beauty vitamins", as they are sometimes called, are also required for nails with skin, and their lack causes not only a decrease in immunity, but also certain diseases. Vitamins B for hair accelerate their growth, make hair strong, strong, shiny.

Each vitamin is responsible for certain properties and condition of the hair. B6 monitors moisture levels, eliminates dry skin, is a natural antidepressant involved in the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness necessary for good mood, appetite and normal sleep). Vitamin is also used to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as dandruff. It is found in fish, chicken, liver, soybeans, whole grains, nuts and vegetables.

vitamins in for hair

Thiamine or vitamin B1 is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. If it is not enough in the body, the hair becomes brittle and dull. You can find it in milk, the same liver, potatoes, cereals and yeast, legumes and rye bread.

B vitamins for hair are very important, especially B12. It is involved in cell division and is therefore associated with the cells of the whole body, whether it be skin, hair, blood or immune cells. If it is not enough, the hair begins to fall out, the skin dries, everything itches. But you need to use it carefully, because an excess of the same vitamin causes hypervitaminosis. You can find it exclusively in animal substances: in the liver, kidneys, heart, milk and seafood.

Taking B vitamins for hair inside is wonderful. But it would be good to use them externally, in the form of nutritious and preventive masks. They need to be carried out a couple of times a week, gradually improving the condition of the scalp. An excellent option for strengthening hair - vitamins of group b in ampoules. These masks are used in this way: one ampoule is taken, one spoonful of burdock, almond and sea buckthorn oils is added. One egg is broken here. Everything is mixed, applied to the scalp and curls, put on a bag, and on top - a hat or scarf. The mask holds for about an hour, washed off with shampoo. From the first time, the condition of the hair will noticeably improve, hair loss will decrease, and shine and silkiness will appear.

B vitamins in ampoules

Another great mask: one yolk, a spoonful of honey, vitamin C and aloe juice are added to the vitamin B capsule. Everything is stirred, applied to clean hair, lasts an hour and rinsed off. In total, the course of such masks consists of ten procedures. The only thing worth considering is that vitamins B6 and B1 do not need to be mixed, so masks must be alternated with them.

B vitamins for hair are an indispensable tool for nutrition and health, as well as for the proper development and functioning of the whole body. Well, masks with vitamins will help make hair much more beautiful and attractive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14606/

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