Asymmetric bob haircut: a review of fashionable hairstyles, selection tips, photos

Times when the length of hair was the same on all sides, and the parting was located exactly in the center, sunk into oblivion. Therefore, if you make yourself a similar image now, those around you will find it at least unfashionable and non-modern. And all because today the trend towards naturalness has gained unprecedented popularity. Accordingly, makeup, manicure, styling should look as if they were not touched by the hand of a professional stylist. In the first two details, the main role is played by color, so pastel colors will be the surest decision. But if it comes to styling, then asymmetry plays a leading role.

In this article, we invite the reader to consider a haircut such as an asymmetric square. After all, the options for this type of styling currently there is an incredible variety in which it is easy to get lost.

Classic square

Before presenting the reader with the haircut form indicated in the heading of the article, it should be clarified what constitutes an ordinary, classical square. So, it can be of different lengths - to the shoulders, chin, cheekbones and even ears. Basically, the young lady chooses the most suitable length on her own, sometimes consulting with a stylist. But recently, a very simple and affordable at home method has become known that will help to understand whether short styling is suitable for a beautiful lady or not.

Bob haircut

Since in this article we find out the features of the asymmetrical bob haircut, we will explore the mentioned method step by step:

  1. First, we note that it requires the preparation of a pencil, a ruler and a large convenient mirror.
  2. Now we apply the first tool, holding it in a horizontal position, to the chin.
  3. And the second one determines the distance from it to the earlobe.
  4. The obtained value is the answer to an exciting question. If the final figure is less than 5.7 centimeters, then a short haircut is suitable for a specific type of face. Otherwise, consider a longer option.

Also, the classic square varies depending on the type of bangs, which can be straight - thick or rare, asymmetrical - laid to one side, and also long or short. The desired type is chosen by the young lady herself. Recently, by the way, super-short bangs have gained popularity - 2-3 centimeters from the hairline. Similar features can decorate the studied haircut.

Asymmetric square without trimming hair

Asymmetry is, in simple words, a certain bias, or intentional distortion. In the case of the studied form, it manifests itself in an unusual haircut of the main hair or bangs, as well as in the styling features. It is worth noting that you can correct the image without going to the stylist at home. To do this, just change the parting line. That is, move it from the center to the side. Moreover, the parting does not have to be even, the zigzag variant also looks great. It creates an additional illusion of negligence, and, accordingly, the naturalness that is so popular these days.

asymmetric side cut

A huge number of celebrities have already taken advantage of this trick. For example, foreign singer Katy Perry. Maybe the reader should try?

If a bang is provided in a classic square, you can create another stylish look. To do this, make a parting from one side from the temporal cavity to the crown. Lay the bangs and the tacked part of the hair on one side. Finally, fix the hair with varnish or other preferred fixative. And now the asymmetric bob with bangs is ready!

Kare with lengthening

Recently, stylists have discovered a new type of study haircuts. The image has already been tried on by many celebrities. Among domestic celebrities, Olga Buzova can be distinguished. Asymmetric caret in combination with dark hair looks simply divine and incredibly stylish! Fans appreciated the image and also rushed to the hairdressers.

Although the haircut can be done at home. It is only necessary to draw an even parting from the forehead to the base of the skull through the crown and back of the head. Then pull the left strand to the right to the shoulder and cut, determining the desired length and holding the scissors parallel to the floor. Do the same with the right side of the hair. You can not do bangs, but if you still want to, we suggest that you consider the best option for cutting an asymmetrical square with a bang in the photo below.

asymmetric bob haircut

As you can see, this is the most common direct bang. Its density can be determined independently. But the length should be as follows: wet hair, separated for bangs, cut off at the bridge of the nose, not shorter. It is important!

Asymmetric bangs

If you want to create a very extravagant look, you should experiment with the next haircut. The only caveat is that it looks best on dark hair. Therefore, bold, self-confident and self-respecting brunettes must definitely try it.

In addition, it is important to note that it is almost impossible to perform it at home. Therefore, to get the perfect shape it is still better to fork out for a trip to a respectable beauty salon.

asymmetrical bang

Another feature of this bob haircut with asymmetric bangs is in the styling. After all, leaving the hair hanging loose is a big mistake. Curls should be washed and extended with a special hair straightener. Also, carelessness in makeup should never be allowed. After all, a haircut requires clear lines, but does not allow excessive pretentiousness. Only following these recommendations will it be possible to make the image as expressive as possible.

Asymmetric medium length hair

We are used to thinking that the studied haircut certainly obliges the young lady to part with her wondrous hair. Although eminent stylists convince us otherwise. With a similar haircut, Victoria Beckham once appeared in public, and soon not only young people, but also women β€œaged” tried on a spectacular, stylish and comfortable look. In the presented photo you can see the rear view.

long asymmetrical cut

Asymmetrical bob haircut allows you to preserve the hair length and give the appearance of expressiveness. You can work with cut hair as you like: straighten curls or curl, lay on one side or leave in free fall. Also, many young ladies ask the master to leave a convenient length on the back of his head, so that if desired, a pile of hair can easily be collected in a tail.

Asymmetric caret for thin hair

The presented types of care are ideal for thick hair, not devoid of volume. However, not all can boast such wealth. Therefore, eminent stylists offer an excellent option - a square with a barely noticeable lengthening of the front strands, in which there is no bangs. The only caveat - this haircut is not suitable for an oval face. The rest of the young ladies can easily experiment with her.

In this image, a TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva appeared on the screens some time ago. As many have noticed, the asymmetrical caret looked very impressive on a woman. Moreover, she gave her face a more youthful and fresh look.

Asymmetric square on curly curls

A classic square does not always look on curly hair, because it requires a clear silhouette. But thanks to the popularity of asymmetry, even among young ladies with curly hair, it became possible to decorate themselves with a spectacular haircut.

asymmetric haircut curly hair

The most important thing to consider is that the curl with lengthening in the face looks most interesting on curly curls. But it also requires mandatory fixation with varnish, gel or mousse. No complicated manipulations are necessary. You just need to apply the product on your hands and evenly distribute along the hair. Moreover, the usual styling and looks with the effect of wet hair. If you want to try on the last image, you need to let the hair dry on its own. Previously, any fixative should be applied to it.

If desired, with curls, you can try the previously mentioned haircut - an asymmetrical square for medium hair. It on the wavy hair also looks very original.

Shaved temples

The studied haircut is not only suitable for a romantic style. If desired, even young ladies who prefer a sporty style and who want to look feminine, stylish, fashionable and modern at the same time can try it on. But they do not need to choose one of the usual forms that we wrote about earlier. It is much wiser to pay attention to the one that is different and stands out thanks to shaved temples.

asymmetric bob haircut shaved whiskey

Such beauty looks very impressive. In addition, she has a whole sea of ​​variations. In fact, you can add asymmetrical caret to each existing haircut type (with an extension in the front, for wavy hair or thin), as well as add any other feature to any other. And this will also make styling more stylish and extraordinary.

Side Shaped Rack

Another unusual option that stylists offer requires shaving almost half of the hair. But he can choose sports young women who do not want to go to the hairdresser. After all, you can make this haircut even at home. And the young lady will cope with the task on her own. You only need to prepare a hair clipper, comb comb and scissors. Then it is necessary to separate the fronto-parietal zone of the hair from the rest with a round part and fasten with an elastic band or a clip. After the temporal, lateral and occipital parts of the hair we shave off. And the previously separated part is pulled up (it can also be pulled forward) and cut to the desired length.

Shaved head

Another effective option can be considered in the photo below. In this case, cutting an asymmetrical square becomes unusual, because the hair on the back of the head is cut off completely or as short as possible. Variations are also possible depending on the desired design. Modern youth is very fond of decorating themselves with ornate patterns. And the head can also be an excellent field for creativity. You just need to prepare a special nozzle or go to the nearest beauty salon.

Asymmetric haircut shaved nape

If the reader decides to do the work on his own, he should prepare in advance a sketch of the desired pattern on a sheet of paper, and then transfer it to his head using a cosmetic pencil. The one that is used for eyebrows, eyes or lips is suitable.

Graduated bob

The following remarkable option is most preferred by young people. It is performed in the same way as a regular square. But in the end, the master processes the ends of the strips with special thinning scissors, giving them a torn edge. This shape is ideal for both curly and thin straight hair. It does not require excessive care. To look stylish, you just need to keep your curls clean.

"One-sided" square

The asymmetric bob-haircut presented on the photo below looks spectacular and unusual, ideal for modern young ladies. She wins due to the fact that the left side is radically different from the right. And all thanks to the fact that she is almost completely shaved.

asymmetric one-sided haircut

In the above example, the master diversified the image with a thick bang that covers one eye. But if you want, you can do without it. In this case, the hair is also combed on one side and cut, maintaining the overall length.

Full face care

It is traditionally believed that young ladies, who are dappies by nature, are strictly forbidden to cut their hair short. The thing is that such a length visually flattenes the face, from which it seems even more complete. However, if you look at celebrities, both young and young, you will notice that they often combine curvaceous and forbidden haircuts, but they look great at the same time. What's the secret?

In fact, everything is quite simple. Together with their stylists, they choose asymmetric haircuts: bob-bob, bob-leg and others. Their key feature is that short haircuts open the neck, focus on it or create additional volume near this zone. This slightly lengthens the silhouette. Thus, some short haircuts even allow you to hide extra pounds. The main thing is that they are selected correctly.

It is most reasonable to discuss this issue with a stylist, and then use the appropriate option for an asymmetric haircut for bob with bangs, a bob with a leg or another model you like.


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