Fist and finger push ups

Fist push-ups are very popular exercises, both among men and women. With their help, the former form a beautiful relief of the arms and shoulders, and the latter they allow you to tighten the chest and give it a beautiful shape. In addition, such an exercise strengthens the hand, makes the fingers harder, which is very important for practicing various martial arts.

Push-ups, in principle, including push-ups on the fists, are done from different surfaces. Most often, from the floor and wall. On the palms you can still do push-ups from the bench, but on fists it is simply not very convenient to do this .

Pushing up the wall is the easiest. The load on the hands is minimal, such exercises do not require preliminary physical preparation, but the effect of such exercises is much less.

Push-ups are more useful, but an unprepared person is unlikely to be able to tear oneself off the floor more than 2-3 times. In this case, the first few classes it is better to do push-ups on the palms, and only then, when your hands get stronger, go to the fists. The second option for beginners is to push up, leaning on your knees.

Starting position for pushing up from the floor on the fists: lying on the floor, legs stretched along the body and connected together, hands bent into a fist, spaced slightly wider than the shoulders. When performing the exercise, the legs should rest on the socks, the body should be stretched out, the neck straight, the elbows bent at an angle of 45 degrees to the body. If you throw one foot on the other, the load on your hands will increase, if you place them, it will decrease. It is important to put your hand correctly - the fist should rest on the knuckle of the middle and index finger. Most likely, the nameless knuckle will also touch the floor, but you do not need to rely on it.

Better to start with 5-10 push ups. And gradually increase them over one to two weeks. It is better to do several approaches 10-15 times, than one - 30-40 times.

How to make exercise more effective? Create an extra load. To remove the leg by the leg, as already mentioned, or push-ups on one arm. In this case, the entire body weight rests on one arm, there is a big load on the press, triceps and pectoral muscles. Such an exercise requires lengthy training and a good sense of balance, in extreme cases, you can spread your legs so that when pushing up, do not fall on one side. For burdening, you can put a pancake on the back, or another stable load (up to a bag of sugar).

Another option for complicated exercises is push-ups with fists with cotton. In this case, a person not only trains strength and endurance, but also the speed of reaction, which is as important when doing martial arts as strong and strong muscles. Depending on the practitionerโ€™s training, cotton can be done behind the back, in the front or even several times.

When the push-ups on the fists are mastered, you can start push-ups on the fingers. These exercises are one of the most difficult, but also one of the most effective. The whole body weight, which is 60-80 kg, rests on two fingers. It is not surprising that after several weeks of exercise, the fingers become hard as a stone, and the force of the impact increases at times. The starting position for this exercise is exactly the same as for push-ups on the palms. At the first lessons, it is better to rely on all 10 fingers and only leave 2. Overload from the first day can lead to injury.

In order for the muscle groups to be worked out evenly, you can change the position of the body, for example, put your feet on a stand or bench so that they are above your head while pushing on fists. The benefits of this shift will be tremendous. At different positions of the body, different muscle groups swing, and, therefore, the body takes on a uniform shape in the upper and lower parts of the press. A stand can serve not only a bench, but also a bed, an armchair, or a chair suitable for height.


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