Application Design: Top Programs

A little earlier, in order to create a website and a mobile application in particular, certain skills were needed in this area: programming languages, layout subtleties, and other specific knowledge.

Today, to develop application design itโ€™s enough to have taste, desire and a little patience, and the rest will be done for you by special utilities - designers. Moreover, the latter, as a rule, help to design not only the appearance of the program, but also are responsible for other components of the mobile product: functionality, monetization, etc.

There are a lot of similar applications for creating design on the Web, and if knowledgeable users have long found the best option for themselves, then beginner typesetters do not know what to stop at. Our article will help to make a difficult choice, taking into account the rich experience of specialists in this field.

Consider the best and most popular programs for the design of mobile applications that can be found on the Web. We will analyze their key features, as well as the main advantages over others. But first, a brief educational program on the features of the development of mobile software.

Immediately it is worth warning that we will not consider any applications for interior design of a house or apartment. Here we will only talk about designers aimed at creating mobile software.

Features of application development and creation

Almost all service programs of such a plan offer the creation of application design of two varieties - HTML5-layout and native. In the first case, we have a permanent binding of the product to an existing website. That is, the software will be an addition to any Internet resource and will work only with it in tandem.

mobile app design

A native application is an independent product, not limited to bindings to websites or some other โ€œparentsโ€. Most users are interested in such solutions. For the normal operation of the application, you do not need a browser or any specific conventions and you can download it on the well-known aggregators from Apple and Google - the App Store and Google Play.

Issue price

If you look at the financial side, then creating a design for an HTML5 product using the constructor will cost about 1000 rubles. And the same amount will have to be paid for monthly maintenance / support.

application design development

But already for an independent native product will have to give almost 3,000 rubles a month. And this amount includes not only the design of the application, but also the registration of your brainchild in Google Play and the App Store. Some developers immediately include such expenses in the tariff plan so that users do not have a headache about this again.

So creating an application design with the subsequent release of your creation is far from cheap, but an expensive pleasure, especially if you are not going to monetize it. It is also worth noting that in most cases you will have to tighten your knowledge of the English language. Because almost all software of this kind comes without Russian-language localization.

Next, we will analyze specific services.


This product from French developers is very popular all over the world. For application design, there is everything you need. The platform impresses with beautiful templates and offers an expanded list of functions, starting with integration with social networks and ending with geofencing.

goodbarber service

The product showed itself perfectly as a tool for the design of Android applications and programs for iOS. The service allows you to create projects from and to. All available design templates can be adjusted if necessary.

The created design in this service is difficult to distinguish from professional products made by specialists. The platform has good flexibility, a huge library of templates, and of high quality, but not for show, as well as the relatively low cost of a subscription. For a month of service, you will need to pay a little more than 2000 rubles.


Since 2011, developers have been busy with their product and polish it endlessly. Judging by user reviews, this platform for creating and designing mobile applications has everything you need to launch serious commercial projects.

shoutem service

Shoutem offers many powerful options, among which there are advanced elements of monetization, for example, integration with Shopify and support for advertising services, as well as a geolocalized catalog of places. The latter tool will be very useful for those who make applications for restaurants, museums and other map-related objects.

There are a lot of design templates in the local library and you can spend more than one hour choosing the best one. All images can be edited and create your own original design. In addition, the service has a minimum entry threshold. Any newcomer will understand the intuitively simple and intuitive interface.

Distribution Terms

The basic package will cost a little more than 1000 rubles. Here you can fully try yourself in the role of application designer and layout designer. But if you want to upload your projects to the Android and / or Apple stores, you will have to take at least an advanced package. And it costs more than 3,000 rubles.


Swiftic Service is one of the largest fish in the area. This platform was launched in 2010 by Israeli developers and has been successfully operating to this day, with more than a million released applications worldwide.

swiftic service

In addition to a large selection of design templates and the ability to edit them, the service provides users with an impressive selection of elements for building the most complex projects. It uses such tools as the functions of loyalty cards, mobile commerce, the integration of organizers and other user events.

The main area that the service developers are counting on is restaurants, cinemas, music groups and other entertainment organizations tied to maps and dates. In addition, the vast majority of design templates on this topic.

Platform features

Judging by user reviews, the platform editor is simple, and the interface is intuitive, and itโ€™s extremely sensible to organize it in terms of usability. The service has an impressive help system and a lot of training materials in both text and video format. Yes, and on the same "YouTube" there are a lot of lessons on creating application design using this platform.

swiftic app design

The service takes all the hassle out of publishing your project in Google Play aggregators and the App Store, so you donโ€™t have to learn very picky download rules, get acquainted with user agreements and load your head with other information. With Swiftic, you will only be engaged in your favorite business - design and hone your skills.

Distribution Terms

With the latest updates, the developers have introduced a new pricing policy, which was enthusiastically accepted by ordinary users and newcomers to this business. A monthly subscription to the service costs a little less than 4000 rubles, or 3000 if you take it for a year. But unlike other similar platforms, this one offers an advanced client interaction policy.

The fact is that the service gives each newcomer a "Guarantee of success for six months." That is, if in the first six months there will be no financial shifts, and the application does not want to pay off in any way, then six months of subsequent free use are provided. This approach allowed us to gain an impressive customer base and, judging by the developers, fully justifies itself.


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