Beer Peroni: brand formation, features, reviews

Italian beer Peroni is the main brand in the industry on the territory of the country, in fact, a national monopolist, since this particular trademark is the most sought after. Observing the authentic recipe, as well as verified proportions, the brewers managed to achieve a special, delicate taste, the preservation of which the whole company is working on. Beer Peroni is a reason for pride in Italy, a possible competitor to the imported Belgian and German "hop", as well as the subject of much debate. The article will tell about how this brand appeared, and also what its main features are.

Brief history extracts

beer in a glass

This brewery, then still under a different name, appeared in 1846 on the territory of the town of Vigevano. John Peroni moved the manufactory to Rome, where it is located to this day. The company gained its fame at the beginning of the 20th century, because, unexpectedly, it turned out to be the largest within the national market segment. Over the following years, Peroni significantly increased production, but in 2016 it was sold to Japanese colleagues from Asahi for $ 2.9 billion. At the moment, he continues to work as a subsidiary, and supplies products to the market under a dozen brands, among which there are even those that are not exported abroad.

Key brands

The two main brands are the face of Peroni beer, we are talking about:

  • Peroni. Authentic local hop beer with a strong emphasis on the grain component. Light light beer, which is perfect as a digestif on a hot summer day. The key to the recipe is the notes of corn.
  • Wastro Azzuro. Stronger and more expressive drink with a pronounced aroma and a touch of earthy hop aftertaste. Appears on store shelves in the CIS much more often. Named after the Rex liner, which triumphed in the Blue Ribbon, an Atlantic regatta.

However, Peroni's range of products is not limited solely to these products. Among other things, the company supplies a magnificent lager, also light, filtered. It is noteworthy that the brand practically does not produce stronger, darker varieties of foam. The reason for this state of affairs is unknown.

Features of taste and aroma

beer peroni

Peroni beer is almost always a light, expressive drink of bright, straw-yellow color with a lush cap of beer foam. She quickly settles in the glass, but remains a small semicircle on the surface, giving the drink a slight bitterness. The original "Peroni" gives insignificant sweetness, as there is corn in the composition. In general, the drink leaves a good impression as an excellent example of a Mediterranean light camp.


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