Poet Poperechny Anatoly Grigoryevich: biography, family, creativity

In the Nikolaev region in November 1934 the popular poet Anatoly Poperechny was born, a Soviet and Russian songwriter, the author of texts that people sang right away and sings to this day.

anatoly cross

Childhood and youth

The first four years the poet spent on the picturesque shore of the Southern Bug in the regional center of the Nikolaev region called New Odessa, and in 1938 the family moved to Nikolaev. During the war, it was necessary to evacuate, and the future poet Anatoly Poperechny, with all kinds of anxieties and dangers, traveled all the way to the Urals, where he lived until the liberation of his native places. They returned to the war-ravaged land in 1944, where they had to restore and equip everything again. In the same place, in Nikolaev, Anatoly Poperechny graduated from ten years and got a job at the Black Sea shipbuilding plant.

However, he did not leave school. Despite the production difficulties (he worked in a hot workshop), the verses were written beautifully, and the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute willingly accepted the poet's philology. True, I had to study in absentia and with many interruptions. For many decades, the literary association "Stapel" existed at the shipyard, which Anatoly Poperechny visited with great pleasure: there he was understood and appreciated by his work.

First publications

"Tribune of Stakhanovist" - the so-called large-circulation newspaper of the shipyard, where the first publications of Anatoly appeared. Factory days were surprisingly tuned into activities, the poet did a lot: he wrote poetry, prepared control papers for college, gradually learned to write small notes and extensive essays about his companions in the hot shop. And he did it so well that from the editorial authorities received a proposal for cooperation.

Almost immediately, the poetry of Anatoly Poperechny began to appear in the newspaper, which was read with pleasure not only by the workers of the native enterprise, but also by strangers. The regional newspaper Yuzhnaya Pravda drew attention to this fact and also from time to time published Anatoly's poems. After a short time, even the central newspapers several times honored the publication of the work of the young poet.

transverse Anatoly Grigorievich


The university in Nikolaev failed to finish in a timely manner, and only in 1954 Anatoly Poperechny received a diploma from the Herzen Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute. In 1957, he finally decided to share his poems with the people and sent the manuscript to the publishing house, immediately to Moscow, to The Soviet Writer. The famous poet Alexander Petrovich Mezhirov read the verses of Poperechny and made a positive review of them. And then the Leningrad publishing house "Soviet Writer" in 1959 published a collection of poems and poems "Full Moon", where the author was listed as Anatoly Poperechny.

The debut was successful. Literally a year later, the collection “Red leaves” was released. And after the release of the second book, writers and poets could already join a high professional union, and Anatoly Grigoryevich Poperechny was given the necessary recommendations. In 1960, he was not only admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR, but also invited to work in the journal Oktyabr as head of the poetry department. Thus, the whole family had to move to Moscow, where he found his real national fame.


The rest of his life was spent in the capital, although the work of Anatoly Poperechny trumpeted completely different realities and forced him to spend most of his time traveling and in nature. He loved to read from childhood, the authors of his handbooks were Shevchenko and Gogol, and in the seventies, almost all authors were forced to make room on his writing desk Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, whose books were not just desktop ones. The art of his beloved writer Anatoly Poperechny knew better than his own texts. His biography was built on the unshakable principles of good and truth.

How could the Pereperechnye wife dream of such a future - a simple agronomist Grigory Demyanovich and paramedic Alexandra Mikhailovna? What kind of nightingale did their Anatoly grow if his poems lay down on the music one by one, and then immediately begin to sound from every window, in every feast? The family of Anatoly Poperechny knew by heart every poem, every poem from all twenty-two collections of it. All his life the poet’s work was supported by his wife, his muse - Svetlana Ivanovna. And his son Sergei, born in 1958, helped to go the whole difficult path to fame, when there was no fame yet and nothing, it would seem, foreshadowed her.

song stork on the roof


Is there really a person in the country who would not sing at least occasionally the song "Stork on the roof"? And the song "Grass by the House" has been sung since 1985 by all generations, and will be sung in all future times. Such songs that have become popular, you can list and list, dozens of them - instantly became popular and did not lose this hypostasis with all the changes in the country that affected the lifestyle, moral principles, and even with the change of social and political system.

The collections of Anatoly Poperechny can be re-read at all times, they will never lose relevance, since the external manifestations of life concern them a little. It is deep, painfully familiar to everyone. This is “Black bread” and “Invisible battle” from the sixties, this is earth and space - “Orbit”, “Grass by the house”, this is the eternal “Raspberry ringing” that does not subside in the soul of every Russian, and not just Soviet people. Songs to the verses of Anatoly Poperechny will always sound.

May 2014

Not everyone remembers the names of songwriters. But the songs that were once performed by Lev Leshchenko, the group "Earthlings", Alexander Malinin, Nadezhda Babkina, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Philip Kirkorov, Sofia Rotaru, Joseph Kobzon, Lyudmila Zykina and many other stars of previous years, were picked up by new performers. And therefore, the robin will sound a voice, and the next astronauts will dream of grass near the house, and they will sing about Olesya from Polesie at a family holiday in the twenty-second century, and the song "Stork on the Roof" will not be forgotten. These are truly eternal hits.

And in May 2014, Anatoly Poperechny passed away. Cause of death - common today - heart failure. This is a real grief for all people in love with a song. The poet was ill for a long time, he had a heart attack, which is also not uncommon at the age of eighty. Life in the end did not spoil him at all, despite the huge number of constantly sounding hits. And he wrote poetry literally until his last minute. It turned out that there was no money even to adequately bury the poet in the Moscow cemetery. Svetlana Ivanovna had to sell the apartment.

anatolia transverse cause of death


Anatoly Poperechny was a good person, judging by the words of people who worked with him a lot. The only objection that was heard from him was that Anatoly did not consider himself a cohort of songwriters. He claimed that the title of "just a poet" is enough for him. And indeed, you need to be a truly bold poet to use the phrase "glorious bird" (everyone’s favorite song, "Nightingale Grove"). Almost Mayakovsky.

His wife Svetlana Ivanovna, who was the only muse to be "tamed" ten years after the first meeting, said that her husband never wrote poetry about love. Apparently, this is precisely why all the people have been singing songs to the words of Anatoly Poperechny for many decades. This topic is close to everyone, but not everyone will be able to reveal it so clearly and so laconicly.

Poet about his life

The poet rarely gave extensive interviews during his life. And now they are few and therefore invaluable testimonies. The life path is exactly what leads the poet to understanding poetry, to figurative thinking, to the essence of poetic creativity.

The father’s refrain speaks most of all about the family: “You are an agronomist, an agronomist, black earth under your fingernails ...” Father was simple in understanding life, pure in thoughts. My son did not encourage poetry; he saw him only with a real craft in his hands. The theme of fathers and children associated with the war was raised many times by the poet: "Swan Pack", "Full Moon", "Vineyard", "Black Bread" - they are remarkable for their poem depth.

poet Anatoly cross


If there were no exceptional popularity of the lyrics, Anatoly Poperechny would still be on a par with prominent Russian poets - Kazakova, Tsybin, Rubtsov, Gordeychev, Peredreyev. Let them not sing about the difficult, sometimes tragic fate of the working people reflected in the poems Hot Work, Tsar Turner, and Three Masters, where labor is the highest meaning of human life. These are real poems.

Mother was a nurse during the war and accompanied the medical train from Ukraine to the Urals. Naturally, the little son saw and felt all the hardships that the people suffered during the war. When crossing the Dnieper had to survive the raid by the Nazi "Messers" on the columns of the wounded and refugees. Then, after many years, it was from these experiences that the poems "Ferry 41 Years", "Commodity Commodity", "Orphan", "Night Crossings" were born.

"Ryazan Madonnas"

The poem “The Soldier” turned out to be so penetrating, permeated with such genuine, real, high pathos that they were read to them even before the song appeared, in which the whole world fell in love. The name of the song is different - "Ryazan Madonnas", on a line inside the poem. The beautiful composer Alexander Dolukhanyan insisted on this shift, who wrote music that was really in tune with the poetic lines.

The song instantly became a hit, it was recorded in Japan and France, and the voice of Lyudmila Zykina sounded throughout the world. This song is for all time, since it is recognized as a pop music classic, like many other songs based on poems by Anatoly Poperechny. They do not run out of light, joy, tenderness, kindness, anxiety, experiences that give people inspiration and innermost feelings, memories and hope, inspire hearts.

Anatolia transverse biography


Composers demanding texts, such as Bogoslovsky, Dolukhanyan, Tukhmanov, worked a lot with Anatoly Poperechny. Among the musicians, such recognized professionals as "Songs", "Flames", "Earthlings", "Veras" and many, many other excellent masters, sang songs to the poetry of this poet. Valley and Leontiev, Shavrina and Gnatyuk, Piekha and Allegrova - it’s even impossible to list all those who helped bring these songs to the top of their popularity.

Dobrynin and Shainsky, Migulya and Krutoy, Morozov and Ivanov were inspired by the verses of Anatoly Poperechny. And all because, despite the simplicity of verbal images, the texts were very deep, leaving a long “aftertaste” in the form of memories. Songs one by one became legends: "The soul hurts", "Stork on the roof", "Heavenly forces", "White lilac" ... The author simply loved life very much and never tired of wondering and rejoicing at all its kind manifestations.

About the poetic world

Even for the hits known throughout the country, one can conclude that the poetic world of Anatoly Poperechny is wide and diverse. Everything already exists here: the search for the meaning of life, and the Motherland, and love for it, and the desire from its historical roots to achieve the poet's real purpose through his own, long-suffering word. Reality is reflected in the works of the Cross always artistically, vividly lyrical, vividly figurative and aphoristic.

The poet devoted more than twenty poems and poems to the memory of the Great Patriotic War. It is surprising how a seven-year-old child managed to preserve until the very incarnation all these small, innermost, precious details that fill his verses with terrifying reality. However, there is no hopelessness there. There is a flavor of the native land, suffering painfully, but always a winner, this poet lets you know with every letter.

anatolia cross family

Your word

But I had to look for this “my word” in the same way as every poet does - tirelessly and painfully. Anatoly Poperechny spent all his life searching for these, traveled almost the whole country, where he talked with completely different people. I went fishing in the Caspian Sea (from where the most penetrating poem "Red Stones" was brought from), I was in Siberia, I often visited Ukraine for a long time - my homeland was in Belarus, but I even settled in Transbaikalia, because the book was supposed to be born and born " Core".

All the joy and all the pain of the past century are reflected in the poetry of Anatoly Poperechny. Reading it is not boring: the language is colorful, with its inherent Little Russian flavor, the intonation is wide, entailing. In the heroes of his poems, fate is often tragic, but evil is always overcome, because the theme of love never ceases to sound - to people, to the homeland, to the world that is about to arise. In the transverse verses there is harmony, in them nature and man are one.


The song is not in vain called the fate of a generation of people. Some songs survive their generation. The transverse melody of the verse is such that there are several dozens of long-lived songs. Some critics speak of the approximation of these texts to folk art, where there is a certain collegiality - uniting, gathering, reconciling the most diverse people.

Others talk about deep psychologism, which helps to penetrate into the innermost corners of the soul, about associativity. After all, what is “raspberry jingle” for a Russian person? This is, above all, a symbol. Therefore, all the poet’s work is a bow to his native nature, this is giving his own loyalty and understanding to any plowman, shipbuilder, blacksmith, this is love for life in all its manifestations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14642/

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