How to cook lasagna at home quickly?

The traditional recipe for many famous dishes is often passed down from generation to generation. Speaking about how to cook lasagna at home, it is worth noting that this process is quite simple. So you will need:

- 0.45 kilograms of not very sharp semi-smoked sausage (without shell);

- 0.45 kilograms of ricotta cheese or cottage cheese;

- 0.45 kilograms of grated mozzarella cheese;

- 1 large can of chopped canned mushrooms ;

- cakes for lasagna or thin pita bread;

- 2 small or 1 large jar of any spaghetti sauce;

- Parmesan cheese.

how to cook lasagna at home

How to cook lasagna at home? The recipe is as follows

Combine the sausage, cottage cheese (or ricotta cheese), mozzarella cheese and mushrooms in a large bowl. Divide this mixture into three parts. Lubricate the high-edge baking sheet with a little vegetable oil. Put 1 tortilla or one layer of pita bread on the bottom, spread about a third of the sauce on top. Cover with another layer of dough so that the sauce is completely covered. Add 1/3 mixture of sausage and cheese. Repeat this sequence a few more times so that the last layer consists of sausage and cheese. Cover this layer with a cake and spread on it the last third of the sauce. Sprinkle grated parmesan into the resulting lasagna. Cover with foil.

How to cook lasagna in the oven at home ? Baking

The dish should be baked for 40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. After that, remove the foil from the top and put in the oven for another five minutes until the parmesan is brown. Cooking times may vary depending on the type of oven you are using. Continuing to follow instructions on how to cook at home lasagna, let the dish brew for 10 minutes before serving.

how to cook lasagna at home

In addition, you can change the taste of the dish by making your own homemade sauce instead of the store. To do this, you need equal parts of celery, carrots and onions, which should be stewed over low heat with canned tomatoes.

Some Extra Tips on How to Cook Lasagna at Home

You must use about a tablespoon or more of olive oil during cooking, as this amount will prevent the dough from sticking.

If you do not use ready-made pita bread, but raw dough for noodles, make sure that it is baked until cooked.

how to cook lasagna at home from pita bread

When choosing the ingredients for cooking, keep in mind that ricotta cheese is better combined with other ingredients, so it is much preferable to cottage cheese. If you cannot buy this cheese, try replacing it with fat cottage cheese.

Since there is no generally accepted lasagna recipe, you can add a few more ingredients as you wish. Two small jars of chopped olives will be very good, as well as chopped fresh tomatoes. However, if you want to make lasagna at home from pita bread with tomatoes, add them after removing the foil in the last step of baking (otherwise you will get wet dough).

Despite the fact that mozzarella cheese can be found on the market already chopped, it is better to grate it yourself. Alternatively, you can use romano cheese instead of parmesan. Finely chopped cheese will be as good as grated.


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