Tourism Manager Resume: A Sample

The key position of today's society is that there is no loss of time. When choosing a vacation destination, an appeal is immediately made to a travel agency, of which there are a great many. In order for the consumer to choose the right agency, he must be interested in the tourism manager. Only a professional is able to motivate a client to personally come to a travel agency, which will end with the compulsory purchase of a tour. No other profession can be compared with giving people the opportunity to relax, improve their health, and enjoy the journey. As in any specialty, minor troubles are possible, but communication skills will help in any situation, and the experience of providing support will be invaluable.

Amazing profession

Amazing profession

The peculiarity of the profession "tourism manager" is the ability of the staff to capture the attention of the visitor, to interest him. When choosing this particular specialty you need to have:

  • Sociability.
  • Love for the chosen business.
  • The ability to maintain hours of conversation.
  • Desire and opportunity to travel.

An employee in the field of tourism services should have a well-groomed appearance.

During his trips, he should not forget to carefully enter data that may become key when choosing a vacation destination for a client.

In addition, do not forget about the benefits of communication skills in social networks in order to promote services and company recognition. Such data must be indicated to candidates for the appropriate position in their resume as a tourism manager without experience, but also by experienced professionals.

Principal features of the profession

Features of work

Modern tourism makes special demands on the applicant for the vacant position of tourism manager. You should try to highlight all your professional skills in a resume. The duties of the tourism manager that the employee will have to fulfill if his candidacy is approved are numerous and multilateral, such as:

  • Definition and analysis of consumer desires based on the capabilities of the company.
  • Providing advice on ordering.
  • The correct execution of applications.
  • The implementation of interaction between all interested parties.
  • Possession of negotiation techniques both personally and by telephone.
  • Use of software in the work.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the order and drawing up a report.
  • Knowledge and use in the work of laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in the field of tourism.
  • Establishment of a customer insurance system.
  • Study and application of travel agency regulations.
  • Comparative analysis of services provided by competing firms.
  • Knowledge of the reservation service system.
  • The use of motivation methods in order to acquire a larger package of travel services for clients.
  • Organization of work taking into account the wishes of customers.
  • Active exploitation of social psychology skills.
  • Compliance with ethics of business communication.
  • Knowledge of geography and foreign languages.

In addition, the specialist should not by his actions cause damage to the reputation of the company and comply with the terms of the contract between the client and the agency.

Communication style

Communication style

The working time of the tourism manager for 70% consists of skillfully calculating the needs of the client through communication. The specialist must skillfully negotiate with the future tourist in order to establish contact, find the key need of the client and satisfy it through the sale of tourist services. There are several methods for developing relations with the buyer of the service:

  • Solve a customer problem.
  • Amaze the visitor’s mind.
  • Listen to the consumer, trust him and offer the service.
  • Varieties and combinations of the above methods.

The tourism manager is required to be sensitive to communication with the client, without having at the same time a special impression.

Labor functions

The tourism manager in many tourism organizations combines several areas of work:

  1. Work with customer orders. Reclamation and sale of a tourism product.
  2. Organization of leisure of tourists, work as a forwarder or animator.
  3. Development of tours.

Delimitation of areas of responsibility and authority of employees leads to a more complete and high-quality provision of tourism services.

Skillful salesman or geographer

Seller or geographer?

When preparing to write a resume for a tourism manager, you need to highlight your strengths, based on which, the employer can highlight your area of ​​specialization as a manager. The sales experience that is required during employment is a complex of knowledge, skills that contribute to the decision of the consumer to buy a service or product. The formation of successful sales skills occurs:

  1. With personal experience in the sale of goods and services.
  2. Attentiveness and accuracy to the work performed.
  3. Sociability - features of character, expressed in sociability.
  4. Determining the needs of the buyer or the careful imposition of goods in which the client does not feel an urgent need.
  5. Using the skills of elementary psychology.

If the applicant does not have sales experience, but has sociability with the skills of psychology, it is necessary to indicate such abilities in the resume and convincingly show them at the interview.

As a rule, the leaders of travel agencies pay attention to the countries visited by the applicant. The inveterate traveler possesses:

  1. Basic knowledge of geography.
  2. The ability to explain the price difference between hotels of different comforts.
  3. Using different types of recreation: beach, sea cruises and so on.
  4. The ability to share your impressions.

Indication in the resume of the tourism manager of travel places, countries visited by the applicant will be a huge positive plus when considering a resume. But the most important thing that is required of the candidate is to love travel, value his future clients and help them in choosing a vacation.

Formation of a questionnaire for employment

The usual resume form for the position of tourism manager, with which all employers have mastered, is as follows:

  1. The information presented should fit on two pages, all data that exceeded the volume can be highlighted in the form of letters of recommendation or told at the interview.
  2. The stated data should be concise, without “water”.
  3. According to the introduced professional standards, the tourism manager must have a university degree. Additional courses are indicated separately.
  4. If the applicant uses a sample resume of a tourism manager with no experience, then he should not deceive the company and come up with jobs, because all the data is checked. Existing work experience must be consistent with the entries in the work book or in the contracts.
  5. When applying for a job as a tourism manager, external data greatly influences, so you must definitely attach a photo made in the official style.

Location of questionnaire blocks

A sample resume for a tourism manager should look like this:

  1. First, a photograph of the candidate is located and his contact details are indicated.
  2. Further, labor functions and acquired skills from previous jobs are signed. First, the last job, then the previous ones. The block is closed by indicating the first place of work.
  3. Indicated received primary and secondary education.
  4. Character traits that can be considered a personal achievement.

This arrangement of information is typical of most resumes of a tourism manager.

The ability to highlight their own characteristics

The ability to highlight their own characteristics

The ability to analyze one's strengths, as well as understanding one's personal weaknesses, are also useful skills. The resume of the tourism manager will be successful if you display:

  • personal sales experience;
  • own travels;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages.

Indisputably indicates the use of business ethics in communication. The employer will immediately highlight the skills that are necessary for the tourism manager.

Resume sample

Writing a resume for work

After making sure that the profession of a tourism manager is the very job that you don’t want to run away from, and you get a sense of meaningful occupation with your favorite thing, you need to go on to write a resume. A sample resume of a tourism manager looks like this:

Name: Surname, name, patronymic.

Purpose: seeking a vacant position of tourism manager, specialist in order processing.

Personal data:

Date of birth: 12.31.1987

Address: Republic of Urashya, Kuruguch, pr. Louis Koshelkina, 5, apt. 3.

Phone: cellular (number), home (number).

e-mai: felicitĂ

Data on previous jobs:

September 2012 - up to the present - Tourism Manager of EduKudaHochu LLC.

Education: 2009-2014 St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich, St. Petersburg. Received specialty - economist, qualification - bachelor.

Functions performed:

  • Handling phone calls with self-searching clients.
  • Recommendations on tours and advising clients on prices, conditions and additional services.
  • Invoicing for payment in a specialized program.
  • Drawing up contracts with tourists.
  • Registration of tourist applications, booking tours.
  • Preparation of documents for obtaining a visa.
  • Interaction with tour operators.
  • Workflow control.
  • Maintaining application registers, success statistics, analysis of financial activities.
  • Getting feedback from customers after the trip.

Skills gained:

  • Ability to work with cold calls.
  • Ability to communicate with any client.
  • The base of resorts of neighboring countries has been compiled.
  • Legal and technical support for clients.

Additional Information:

Confident user of PCs and all applications: MS Office, "Garant Systems", Lotus, 1-C (version 8.3). Work with any office equipment.

Salary - from 40 thousand rubles.

Good knowledge of English.

Marital status: not married, have a child.

Lack of bad habits.

Presentable appearance, readiness for irregular working hours.

Information about personal qualities: communicative, organized, stress-resistant, non-conflict.

Hobbies: traveling.

An example of a resume by a tourism manager will help you create your own unique application form. Do not forget to change the profile according to individual characteristics. The resume of a tourism manager with no work experience indicates the strengths of the applicant, such as: communication and psychology skills.

Executive Preferences

Executive Preferences

The higher education of the applicant, indicated in the resume of the tourism manager, is an indispensable attribute of passing control to transfer it into the hands of the head. An indispensable advantage will be:

  • Education by profile.
  • At least six months work experience in a travel agency.
  • Knowledge of the rules of law that govern domestic, outbound and inbound tourism.
  • Work with insurance companies.

Having sufficient information, the manager will better understand what to ask the applicant about and what tasks should be assigned during the probationary period.

Personal achievements in the resume as a tourism manager

The summary should indicate the individual characteristics of the applicant for a vacant position, which will contribute to:

  • Increase the number of clients of the company.
  • The development of individual tours.
  • Settlement of conflict situations.
  • Providing legal assistance and psychological support to tourists located abroad.

Appreciation and feedback from tourists and guidance should also be included.

It is not superfluous to indicate the address of the social network that is used to advertise tourism services.

Data harmful to your resume

Following generally accepted rules may be violated by a slight departure from them (for example, by placing contact information at the end of the resume), which can give a personality to the resume and attract attention. However, there are strict rules that can not be violated when filling out the questionnaire:

  1. No mistakes can be made.
  2. All information should be easily verifiable.
  3. Indicate only existing contacts.
  4. All hobbies should be standard.
  5. In the resume, you can not provide information that discredits the reputation of the company.
  6. Do not use more than five skills when describing personal qualities.
  7. The photo should not be too large or small.

The questionnaire sent to the organization should be in the form of an official letter, there should not be a sharp difference in font size or the use of more than two colors. If you use the sample resume of the tourism manager specified in the article for applying for work, you need to change the contact details and places of work, supplementing the questionnaire with personal achievements.


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