Fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms): description of the method, features, result, reviews

The science that studies the possibilities of treating humans with fungi is called fungotherapy. In countries such as China and Japan, this treatment has been practiced for a long time. Mushrooms that use healers are most often rare and grow in East Asia. To date, fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms) is considered very promising.

Origin history

It’s hard to believe, but mushroom treatment was practiced 2,000 years ago. In ancient Chinese annals, mention can be made of methods and methods of fungotherapy. There is a treatise in which Chinese healers have described more than 100 types of medicinal mushrooms, whose action is far superior to medicinal herbs.

What mushrooms are used

reishi mushroom

The most popular species is shiitake. Its useful properties were known in antiquity. It is not surprising that this mushroom was often called imperial. With its help, a remedy was prepared for cancer, diseases of the joints and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. According to reviews, shiitake fungotherapy helps to cope with hepatitis B, and also restores the nervous system.

White-brown shiitake is also used in the treatment of malignant tumors, liver diseases and stomach ulcers. These mushrooms have proven themselves in the fight against mental disorders, prolonged depression and with various mania. They prevent panic attacks and depression.

It is believed that the first and healing properties of shiitake were described by the famous Chinese doctor San Kung. He recommended eating up to four mushrooms daily. Thus, according to the doctor, the human immunity is noticeably strengthened and many diseases are cured. Most often, shiitake is consumed in dried and crushed form. They make broths or make tea. For the broth, 200 ml of liquid is required for five or six dried shiitake.

Meitake mushroom has long been used as a means of losing weight, until scientists discovered its ability to fight diabetes, malignant tumors and liver diseases. It is advised to use for people with AIDS as a powerful immunostimulating agent. It restores the metabolism.

Agaric has similar properties. In addition, it is often prescribed for diseases of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland. Important properties of agaric are the ability of this fungus to restore male potency.

One of the favorite mushrooms in the fungotherapy of Chinese medicine - Reishi is used for many diseases, ranging from skin diseases to mental disorders. Reishi has proven particularly well in gastrointestinal diseases. Small mushrooms with a red hat and a white trunk are a very powerful immunomodulator and are often used for malignant tumors. And also drugs based on this fungus have proven themselves in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, problems with the endocrine system and allergies. Reishi is also often used to restore heart rate and in dermatology.

Surely everyone knows a beautiful and terribly poisonous fly agaric. You can also benefit from this fungus. Most often, tinctures for grinding with arthrosis, arthritis and rheumatism are made on its basis. And also with the help of mushroom-based products, you can get rid of eczema, dermatitis and skin tuberculosis. Since ancient times, it has been used for the treatment (fungotherapy) of seizures and epilepsy. You can not use drugs based on fly agaric on your own. Treatment with this fungus should be monitored by an experienced specialist and take place only under his supervision.

And also fun, fungus, chaga, agarnik, muer.


Fungotherapy is contraindicated in severe impairment of the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Mushrooms have a rather complex structure, which is difficult to digest in case of damage to these organs. In addition, it is also not recommended to abuse mushrooms with an aching stomach. Fungotherapy is contraindicated in young children.

But the most important warning that is given by fungotherapists concerns self-medication and the acquisition of mushrooms from unverified suppliers.

Operating principle

Healing mushroom

Many patients are interested in fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms). The treatment method is based on the unique ability of fungi to adapt to the human immune system and thus stimulate it. Thanks to this quality, the patient has the opportunity to get rid of the most complex and dangerous diseases. Not without reason, the method of fungotherapy is very popular among patients with AIDS and hepatitis. Regular use of the above mushrooms can remove salts from diseased joints, as well as rid the body of toxins and toxins.

Mushroom Cancer Treatment

Fungotherapy is also often used to treat oncology. Mushrooms have the ability to influence the production of perforin. It is this protein that helps inhibit the development of a malignant tumor. After cancer cells cease to multiply, it becomes much easier for drugs to cope with an existing tumor. In addition, the fungi remove the adverse symptoms resulting from chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Reviews on the treatment of fungi (fungotherapy) of tumors are quite positive. The patient’s immunity is noticeably strengthened, and the patient gains the ability to resist the disease. Thus, recovery is much faster and more effective.

The composition of medicinal mushrooms

Reishi mushrooms

The healing properties of mushrooms as a whole are due to their unique chemical composition. As a rule, they contain all known vitamins and minerals. This product contains very few calories. For example, the well-known shiitake contain only 34 kilocalories in 100 grams.

In Brazilian agarica, the largest amount of beta-glucan was found, which is also called the antitumor polysaccharide. In addition, the agaric contains polyunsaturated amino acids, nucleic and peroglutamic acids.

It should be borne in mind that, before starting treatment with mushrooms (fungotherapy), the products are carefully checked, crushed to a powder state and enclosed in capsules. They are absolutely safe for future use.

Mushrooms in cosmetics

Fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms) also has a lot of tools to combat acne, acne and other skin problems. For example, dermatology has proven itself fun. Preparations based on it are able to cleanse the skin from inflammation and fight against microbes that provoke acne. From this mushroom, a tincture is prepared at the rate of 100 grams of raw materials per glass of diluted alcohol. After the potion is infused in a dark and cool place, it is filtered and used to wipe the skin of the face and shoulders from acne. In addition, the tincture perfectly treats warts and fungal infections of the legs. In a word, treatment with fungi (fungotherapy) of acne on the skin is quite effective.

Many traditional healers consider the treatment of cancer of the skin the main purpose of the fun. It perfectly anesthetizes and regenerates the skin. This mushroom has virtually no contraindications and side effects. If you take it inside, then in the first days there may be a slight laxative effect, which after a while passes. Many fungotherapists do not recommend the use of drugs from this fungus during pregnancy. On the Internet you can find many reviews about the treatment of mushrooms. Fungotherapy today is a fairly popular medical field.

Operating principle

Medicinal Shiitake

It is vain to think that mushrooms only stimulate the immune system and thus help fight diseases. Phytoncides, which are part of mushrooms, do an excellent job with viruses, germs and various parasites. They can cope not only with a harmless runny nose, but also with hepatitis, influenza, herpes and so on. Due to its porous structure, the fungus absorbs heavy metal salts, toxins and toxins. It is able to remove radionuclides and many toxic substances from the body.

Method of fungotherapy

The benefits of fungotherapy

This medical area makes it possible to use mushrooms already prepared for consumption. Indeed, it is often difficult to independently carry out competent treatment and make a drug out of mushrooms. Fungotherapy offers prepared mushrooms, crushed to a powder state and packaged in convenient capsules. For each drug, detailed instructions are given with a description of the rules for admission, contraindications and side effects. In fungotherapy centers, the consultant selects the type of mushrooms and gives recommendations regarding the patterns of use and duration of the course. Thus, you can prevent unwanted action and protect yourself from side effects.

Meytake mushroom

Fungotherapy Irina Filippova

This center was created in the year 2000 in the city of St. Petersburg. Today it has a network of its own pharmacies, which are called “Mushroom Pharmacy”, and also has an excellent production base, where new drugs are regularly produced.

Owing to our own experience and foreign experience, whole series of biologically active additives, balms and tonics have been created based on all the well-known medicinal mushrooms of the world. For the entire existence of the center of fungotherapy Irina Filippova reviews about him are positive.

Production of the company

In total, the company owns two enterprises - Biolux and Shiitake. According to the manufacturer, all products are their own scientific and technological development. Among the most popular drugs at the fungotherapy center are the following:

  • Garikoma mushroom extract is intended to restore the functioning of the kidneys and liver and improve the microflora of the stomach with dysbiosis. It is sold in powder form. One package contains 30 pieces.
  • For those who have long and unsuccessfully tried to lose weight, there are special capsules with yamakiro mushroom.
  • You can get rid of toxins and toxins using capsules with tinder fungus.
  • Suppositories with fly agaric are used for polyarthritis and radiculitis. And they are also indicated for malignant tumors.
  • Reishi mushrooms, otherwise called lingzhi, are used in the treatment of diabetes, as well as in the fight against aging. They are sold in convenient capsules of 50 pieces in each package.
  • Maytake mushroom extract is also found in capsules and is intended for the treatment of so many types of cancer. Also, the extract of this mushroom is sold in the form of candles.
  • It is possible to restore the digestive organs with the help of capsules of the Muer mushroom.
  • Chaga juice has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.
  • In order to maintain visual acuity and avoid many problems with the eyes, they use capsules with a mushroom such as morel. You can also purchase a concentrated extract of this fungus.
  • To suppress cancer cells and successfully undergo chemotherapy, a drug is produced in the form of drops based on the fungus fungus.
  • For the treatment of alcoholism, drops of coprinus fungus are used.
  • The liquid extract of the Brazilian agar is intended to restore the microflora of the stomach with dysbiosis caused by prolonged use of drugs. Thanks to him, the work of the liver and kidneys is restored.

These are not all of the company's products listed. The list is so large that it can satisfy all the tastes and needs of the buyer. No wonder the reviews about the center of fungotherapy Irina Filippova are so enthusiastic.

Users about this treatment.

Chaga tincture

According to customers, the capsules are quite effective and quickly give a positive effect. Some people after the first course of treatment with fungi are addicted to fungotherapy and continue to acquire new products. Very often on the Internet you can find reviews about Philippova fungotherapy. Some of the users visited her center on Dachny Avenue. In it, polite consultants recommend drugs according to the diagnosis of the patient.

For example, after consuming Cordyceps capsules, a surge of strength and energy is observed. This drug significantly heals the microflora of the stomach, due to which diarrhea and constipation pass. Basically, users purchase all medicines through the Mushroom Pharmacy. Very well established dietary supplement “Morel”, consisting of 60 capsules. It can also be purchased at the Irina Filippova fungotherapy center. Morel fungus treatment is intended for people with myopia to improve visual acuity. According to patients, after taking the drug they are less likely to have to resort to glasses when reading or working on a computer. The usual course of treatment is about 60 days, during this period one capsule of the drug is taken.


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