How to pickle ginger at home properly and tasty?

How to pickle ginger at home?
Japanese cuisine is full of original recipes and catchy combinations. Cooking pickled ginger is one of its traditions. Such an appetizer can complement sushi or be a component of other original dishes. To learn how to properly pickle ginger is simply because it is much tastier than the store version. In addition, there are no chemicals and preservatives in it, so you can not be afraid of the quality of the product.

How to pickle ginger at home ? Step one: get the right products

First of all, it is worthwhile to figure out what is required to prepare a spicy Japanese snack. First, directly fresh ginger root. It is sold in ordinary vegetable departments, so getting it is not at all difficult. Calculate your purchase so that you get at least two hundred grams of peeled root. Secondly, you need rice vinegar. It must be necessarily red, otherwise ginger will not differ in a traditional pinkish tint. Salt, water and sugar are components that are always present in the kitchen, so they can not even be mentioned. So, everything is ready, you can get down to business.

Cooking Pickled Ginger
How to pickle ginger at home? Step Two: Prepare Beautiful Slices

Begin by carefully preparing the ginger. It needs to be cleaned of a hard outer peel, reaching the light and juicy inner flesh. For this procedure, gloves should be used and kept away from the face - ginger juice is very burning, and sensitive skin can respond with irritation. Two hundred grams of root are peeled. So that you get the same neat and beautiful slices as in a store, you should not pore over the board with a knife for hours. Just use an ordinary peeler. Now you need to chop the ginger and sprinkle it with salt, mix everything thoroughly and proceed to the preparation of the marinade.

How to pickle ginger?
How to pickle ginger at home? Step Three: Prepare the Marinade

If you cooked about two hundred grams of root, you need to take one and a half glasses of vinegar, three tablespoons of sugar and a little salt. Mix, put on the stove on a small fire and mix until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved, without bringing the mixture to a boil. Then you need to rinse the prepared slices of ginger in advance from excess salt, pour them with the finished marinade and let cool. After that, it should again be sent to the fire - boil for about thirty minutes. So ginger will become more tender. Then you need to shift the slices into a jar and pour the marinade, tightly close and leave for five hours. To make the shade brighter, you can add a slice of beets to the jar, and soy sauce is suitable for giving the dish a more spicy taste. This snack is stored for about three months.

How to use the resulting dish?

So, now you know how to pickle ginger at home. But what is it with? Solely from land? Not at all. It is an excellent snack for any dish, an anti-inflammatory and oral cleanser, as well as a good component of meat dishes for those who like the spicy aroma of food.


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