Some poultry farms in the Moscow region: what they produce, development prospects

poultry farms in the Moscow region

Poultry is a booming agricultural sector, and poultry farms in the Moscow Region are growing every day. The cost of production is low, and the benefit is large: this is the sale of not only meat and eggs, but also feathers and droppings. Poultry farms in the Moscow region specialize in breeding meat and egg breeds of Russian and foreign breeding. As you know, this branch of agricultural activity always makes a profit, even in adverse years.

And for the successful operation of any poultry farm in the Moscow region, one cannot do without the introduction of modern production technologies. New types of equipment are being purchased, which include ventilation, electrical and plumbing equipment. The experience of foreign colleagues is being studied. In addition, many poultry farms in the Moscow Region need reconstruction, and at many enterprises it is already underway, and in some places even entered the stage of completion.

Tomilinsk Poultry Factory (Moscow Region)

poultry factory Moscow region

This company has been operating since 1929. At first, there were only about 15 thousand laying hens, and eggs were received only in the summer season. Tomilins were one of the first to keep poultry in cages, which allowed the poultry farm to establish egg production not only in the warm season, but also year-round. This poultry farm was included in the number of experimental productions, it introduced the latest technological solutions for the production of chicken and egg meat. The poultry farm survived the economic crisis, and now it is a closed joint-stock company, began to increase production, because it is located near Moscow. She is engaged not only in the sale of meat and egg products, but also in the sale of chickens.

Mosselprom CJSC is a poultry farm in the Moscow Region.

The company has modernized its chicken meat production workshop. The company launched a line for the quick freezing of meat from a natural product, chopped semi-finished products and chicken legs. The company manufactures products totaling about 7 thousand tons annually. After the completion of modernization, production increased significantly. Therefore, the poultry farm (Moscow region) can offer the following vacancies: poultry houses, sales managers, storekeepers and accountants are required.

Ostriches in poultry farms near Moscow

poultry factory Moscow region vacancies

Europeans have been breeding ostriches for a long time, and according to their statements, this is a profitable business. An adult weighs about a centner, of which 50 kilograms is dietary and tasty meat. In addition, an ostrich female lays an egg almost every day, which weighs 1.5 kilograms. And ostrich feathers and leather are in demand in the manufacture of jewelry and handbags.

The first ostrich farm in our country appeared at the end of the 20th century on the territory of the Saltykovsky state farm near Moscow; the birds were brought from Finland.

The farm has existed for 15 years; adult families and young birds live in it. The ostrich family includes one male and three females. Ostriches live in warm countries, but have adapted well to our climate: they can be in a cold room and walk outside even in severe frost. The plumage heats them, but the birds do not tolerate ice well and if they fall, they can break their limbs or neck.

In any case, poultry farming on an industrial scale is beneficial to both producers and consumers.


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