Tomato "marina grove": photos and reviews about the yield of the variety

Most summer residents are dissatisfied with the harvest, as it is very difficult to choose a variety that will combine high yield, ease of care and, of course, excellent taste. But with the entry into the gardening market of the hybrid variety "marina grove" these problems disappeared.

tomato Maryina grove


Tomato "marina grove" is an unusually rich, stable and reliable variety that belongs to the indeterminate type of hybrid early ripe tomatoes. Mostly it is bred in greenhouses, but subject to the rules of care and temperature conditions in the southern climate, landing in open ground is not ruled out.

The bush grows to 150-170 centimeters in height, has a powerful stem that branches strongly, for this reason, the recommended planting density per 1 m 2 is 2-3 plants. With such a density, the tomato variety "marina grove" forms a large number of brushes on which 8-9 fruits are tied, weighing up to 170 grams, which ensures high productivity - 15-17 kg per square meter.

Fruits hang from branches with a bright red cascade, have rounded shapes and ripen almost all at the same time.

Tomato Maryina Grove photo

Tomato "marina grove" is adapted to low light, transportation and temperature extremes. Perfect for growing in winter and autumn.

Grade Benefits

When breeding this variety, breeders tried to take into account all the main problems that summer residents have when growing greenhouse tomatoes. In the end, a brand new tomato "marina grove" appeared. Reviews, photos, productivity indicate that the variety is really of the highest quality and has several advantages:

  • precocity
  • pleasant taste with a slight acidity;
  • resistant to various fungal and viral diseases, as well as to an unstable climate;
  • tolerates transportation well;
  • has high safety and productivity;
  • comprehensiveness of application;
  • fruit ripening at one time.


The disadvantages of the variety are not so significant, but still they exist. These include:

  • unfortunately, the variety "marina grove" is better grown in a greenhouse or in the southern regions of the country;
  • the need for additional care: eliminating stepsons and tying.

Fruit characterization

Tomato "marina grove" has a delicious appearance. On the bush, the fruits are arranged tightly to each other, have the same shape. As they ripen, the fruits turn from green to brown, and then acquire a bright red color.

Fully ripened tomatoes have a dense, absolutely even and smooth peel. They taste slightly sour on the palate. Due to the dense texture, they easily undergo any heat treatment, so they are ideal for salting and preservation, as well as for various sauces and juices. Therefore, tomato "marina grove", a photo of which can be seen in the article, is widely distributed among gardeners.

variety of tomatoes Maryina grove

How to grow

As already mentioned, this type of tomato is intended for planting in a greenhouse. For this reason, sowing seeds for seedlings should be at the end of February.

Tomato "marina grove" is recommended to be planted in the greenhouse in late April - early May. As a rule, by this time the seedlings have already grown stronger. In heated greenhouses with high-quality lighting and heating, these tomatoes can be grown all year round.

To collect the maximum yield, special attention should be paid to the soil in which the tomatoes will grow. They need land enriched with organic elements and minerals. Therefore, before planting, the soil is loosened and superphosphate, humus or any vitamin mixture is added.

After the seeds sprouted, two or three leaflets appeared on the seedlings, it must be dived. For this, a suitable container (pots, glasses) of 10 x 10 centimeters in size is selected and transplanted. After a dive, it is imperative to adhere to the temperature regime: during the day - up to +22 o , and at night - at least +16 o .

tomato Maryina grove reviews photo yield

A couple of weeks after transplanting, it is advisable to feed the seedlings. Nitrofosk fertilizer can be used. As a rule, apply a tablespoon of fertilizer to 10 liters of water for recharge.

You can plant plants in a greenhouse 20-25 days after a dive. The soil in the greenhouse should be warm. It is advisable to transplant seedlings with the land in which they grew.


Tomato "marina grove" reviews are positive. Gardeners say that when growing this variety does not require much effort. Leaving consists in watering, in periodic top dressing and pinching.

The formation of a bush should begin when there are already more than 8 leaves on the shoots. Since this variety is characterized by intensive growth, the pinching and removal of the lower leaves must be done before the completion of the growing season.

Basically stepsons on tomatoes are formed with the first inflorescence. You need to remove them when they are no more than 5 centimeters, otherwise the stepson will be useless. It is recommended to carry out the procedure systematically - once a week. The very first process is not removed, but all subsequent ones must be cut off. Thus, the bush should consist of one stepson and the main stem.

Watering seedlings is carried out with slightly warm water, about 2 times a week. Care must be taken that the soil in the greenhouse is always slightly moist.

Fruits in the process of formation and growth need to be nourished. For these purposes, you can use complex fertilizers.

tomato marina grove reviews

Grade Diseases

Tomato "marina grove" is not susceptible to diseases that affect most greenhouse tomatoes, such as tobacco mosaic, cladosporiosis and fusarium. Therefore, when growing this variety, you do not have to deal with fungal and viral diseases.

As for various pests, their presence can be observed only in summer and spring. Most often these are slugs, as in the greenhouse there is increased humidity. To get rid of them, you need to open the greenhouse for ventilation.

The hybrid tomato variety "marina grove" refers to premium plants. Growing this variety on your site, you will get tomatoes with excellent taste. Moreover, the variety does not require special care; it is resistant to diseases and pests.


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