Artem Fedetsky: "brave heart" in Ukrainian

There is a good film “Braveheart”, which tells about the valiant warrior William Wallace, to the roots of his hair devoted to his country and ready to give his life for its independence. If a prize of the same name were awarded in football, Artyom Fedetsky would certainly have received it. The football player’s biography is associated with different cities of Ukraine, however, wherever he plays, in Lutsk or Donetsk, Lviv or Dnepropetrovsk, Artem has always been devoted to the team as much as possible, and fought on the field, not sparing himself.

Artyom Fedetsky

early years

He started as a young football player in Volyn, then he took part in the youth league as part of the Donetsk Shakhtar. In adult football, Artem Fedetsky made his debut just in the Pitmen, but in the early years the defender was rarely allowed to the main squad, as a result of which the player had to be content with matches of duplicate squads. The football player spent two more seasons in the composition of Kiev Arsenal and FC Kharkiv, respectively.

Bright moments

Truly large trophies happen in the life of not every player. It’s a paradox, but Artem Fedetsky won his first and only big trophy with the team after the first season at Shakhtar. Recall that the football year 2008-2009 ended for the Donetsk team with a bright victory in the UEFA Cup final over Bremen's powerful Bremen. Needless to say, the delight of the young defender knew no bounds? This achievement, by the way, is marked at the state level by the medal “For Labor and Valor”.

Artyom Fedetsky biography

Lviv - Dnepropetrovsk

Artem Fedetsky is one of the best right-backs of the Ukrainian championship. Thanks to this, in fact, for many years he has been the main fullback of the national team. However, in Shakhtar, it was extremely difficult for a football player to break into the main squad from behind the back of a real phenomenon named Dario Srna, and therefore, since 2009, Artem Fedetsky has been a member of the Lviv Carpathians, where he was able to truly open up. By the way, over 3 seasons for the “green and white” defender managed to sign at the opponents' goal as much as 12 times, which is a rarity for players of this role. For the next 4 years, the player played for Dnipropetrovsk Dnipro, with whom he reached the final of the Europa League and won the bronze medals of the national championship several times. For the Dnieper team Fedetsky played about seventy matches in all tournaments, 6 times he upset opponents with an accurate shot into the goal. Since 2016, Artyom is a soccer player of the German club Darmstadt, in which the defender again plows his beloved right flank tirelessly.

Artem Fedetsky wife and children

A family

We have already met quite closely with the footballer Fedetsky, but what is Artem Fedetsky in the family? The wife and children for him, no doubt, are always in the first place. The footballer met his future wife Julia a long time ago, and they have been married since 2007. The couple has a wonderful son, Adrian, who watches all the games with his father and is always in a hurry to congratulate him after the next match. Julia Fedetskaya knows several foreign languages, and it is she who helps her to master English to her husband.


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