Burdock oil "Evalar": reviews, instructions for use and effectiveness

A lot of women want to have thick and shiny hair. They are ready to pay a lot of money for expensive imported products and for visiting beauty salons. But, as experience shows, the price of expensive and branded cosmetic products does not always speak of their impeccable quality. Therefore, in recent years, girls have opted for domestic and natural beauty products. One of such wonderful and effective products is the Evalar burdock oil. Reviews of those people who have already used this tool are usually always positive. A pleasant herbal smell coupled with an effective result is a worthy replacement for expensive hair care products. Oil is easily washed off with a warm stream of water.

burdock oil evalar reviews

A variety of products from the manufacturer "Evalar"

In recent years, many manufacturers of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products have focused on the use of natural plant materials. Makes burdock oil and the well-known domestic company Evalar, specializing in the production of pharmaceutical products. This product is available in a small convenient bottle of white color with a company inscription on a green label. The main ingredient of burdock oil is the extract of burdock root (burdock), known for its effective healing properties since ancient times. The preparation is enriched with mineral salts, vitamins, protein, tannins, and essential oils. But, in addition to the main components, other natural extracts are added to the composition of the products, namely: extracts of nettle, propolis, succession, calendula, designed to help in eliminating a particular problem.

For example, the use of oil with nettle extract helps with excessive hair loss and perfectly strengthens the roots. A series of softens curls, makes them soft and obedient. Helps to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Calendula with hops is a good antiseptic and prevents various inflammation processes on the scalp. And propolis has bactericidal properties, eliminates excessive dry hair and helps with dermatoses.

Every woman understands that the secret to success lies not only in the degree of intelligence and education, but also in grooming. A neat appearance and beautiful shiny hair are the hallmark of every lady. Therefore, in the care of curls and nails, they choose burdock oil "Evalar". Reviews of it confirm the popularity of this product among girls. Oil has long established itself as a quality tool. A small bottle is enough for a fairly long period of use. Oil is consumed very economically and has a dispenser.

evalar burdock oil reviews

Indications for use

If you are unsatisfied with the appearance of your hair or you are concerned about dandruff, itching and excessive loss of curls, be sure to try burdock oil β€œEvalar for hair”. Reviews about the drug claim that the tool effectively helps to combat the following phenomena.

  • Slow hair growth.
  • Split ends.
  • Dandruff, seborrhea, and scalp itching.
  • Reinforced hair loss.
  • Dull hair.
  • Weakened curls.
  • Thin hair.

Areas of use

I would like to note that you can use this tool not only for the hair of the head and root zone. Burdock oil is perfect for those who want to have beautiful eyelashes, as well as beautiful fashionable eyebrows and strong nails.

Some men have uneven beard growth: in some places the hair is thicker, in others less often. Therefore, the regular use of the product in question for a beard allows men to look their best.

This tool is also included in the treatment of various skin diseases, in particular dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis. Oil is used as compresses or lotions, which significantly accelerates wound healing and healing.

nettle burdock oil with extract of nettle reviews

How to use?

The agent in question is usually used as follows. For best results, you should first wash the curls with shampoo as usual and wipe with a towel. Pour a small amount of oil in the palm of your hand so that it warms up a little, and apply a thin layer on the scalp and damp hair, gently rubbing into the roots for 15 minutes. Use a plastic hat or bag, and wrap a towel on top. Hold for about 1 hour, then wash your hair with shampoo again. The tool is usually used a couple of times a week.

You can make a mask of burdock oil and at night. In the evening it is necessary to apply, and rinse in the morning. To do such masks quite enough several times a week.

The use of burdock oil for eyelashes and eyebrows gives a very effective result . The method of application is the same. It is necessary to apply oil on the eyebrow growth area and eyelash growth line. Leave overnight. A stunning result will be noticeable in a week. Eyelashes will become longer and thicker, and eyebrows will look much better.

The strong half is worth paying attention to this inexpensive and giving an amazing result product. In addition to scalp and hair, oil can also be applied to the beard growth area. It is enough to use it once a week. Men's beard will always look well-groomed and attractive.

And in order to achieve smooth and strong nails, you need to rub a couple of drops of any burdock oil daily into their base. The result will exceed all expectations.

Burdock oil "Evalar" with nettle extract: reviews

This product is available in a 100 ml bottle and, in addition to the burdock root oil extract, contains a nettle extract. If you want your hair to be soft, obedient, have a pleasant golden shine, use burdock oil β€œEvalar” with nettles. Reviews say that this product not only makes curls soft and obedient, makes it easy to comb and style, but also improves the general condition and appearance of the hair. The product prevents the formation of dandruff and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Nettle extract has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in the hair follicles. Promotes the renewal of scalp cells and the rapid healing of wounds.

nettle evalar burdock oil reviews

Propolis burdock oil

If you have dry and damaged curls, scalp problems, dermatoses and excessive hair loss, burdock oil with propolis Evalar will come to your aid. Reviews about this product always have only a positive rating. They characterize it as an emergency remedy for violation of the hair structure. There are no contraindications for taking the drug. Oil does not cause allergic reactions. Propolis has been known since ancient times for its emollient and bactericidal properties. Therefore, burdock oil with propolis is indicated for use on dry, damaged and brittle hair. The tool reduces their loss on the background of hormonal changes and dermatoses of the scalp. Oil gives excellent results with prolonged use.

propolis evalar burdock oil reviews

Burdock oil with the addition of calendula and hops

The composition of the product includes an oil extract of burdock, extracts of calendula flowers and hop cones. This drug is very effective for baldness. It nourishes the hair follicles and restores their functions. Calendula flowers have anti-inflammatory properties and prevent the development of dermatoses. Therefore, those who suffer from excessive hair loss and want to strengthen their hair should try the products of the domestic company Evalar. Burdock oil with calendula reviews collected only positive. They say about this product that the hair after its use becomes smooth, fluffy and shiny even after perming. Itching, discomfort and excessive dryness of the scalp disappear. Hair grows quickly, hair loss slows down.

evalar calendula burdock oil reviews

Burdock Burdock Oil

Delicious result for hair gives burdock oil "Evalar" with a string. Reviews of the fair sex after using the product indicate its effectiveness. A series of perfectly moisturizes the hair along the entire length, gives the strands density and elasticity. After a month of use, hair falls out less, more shine appears. Golden color of oil, a pleasant smell like many girls. The light consistency makes rinsing easier at the end of the application.

succession evalar burdock oil reviews

Hair Growth Mask

There are many hair masks using certain natural ingredients. We want to draw the attention of our readers to a very simple and very effective mask recipe for enhancing hair growth, which includes burdock oil "Evalar". Reviews after using this tool indicate that the hair becomes not only obedient, thick and shiny, but their growth is also significantly enhanced.

For the mask you need to take 1 tablespoon of any brandy, natural honey and burdock oil. Mix and apply on hair from roots to ends. Wash with shampoo after 30 minutes. Such a mask is recommended to be done 2 times a week for 2 months.

We see that burdock oil "Evalar" collected only positive reviews. Many girls are happy with the result. However, they note the fact that the tool must be regularly and correctly used.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14667/

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