
The clipboard is a certain memory area of ​​a computer operating system that is reserved for storing temporary information.

You have probably moved or copied something on your computer more than once (folders, text, pictures, other files). Have you thought about where the files are placed after the move / copy action? That's right, they are downloaded to the clipboard. It remembers the information that you copied, and gives it away when you click the Paste command.

Some applications have their own buffer, available only within the framework of this program.

Clipboard disadvantages

The main negative point is that it is able to store only one block of information. So, after copying the next data, the old ones will be replaced by new ones.

But there may be a situation where in one text document you need to copy twenty fragments into another document. In this case, you have to do the same thing twenty times.

It will undoubtedly be more convenient if you first copy all the necessary fragments to the buffer, and then use them once in a new document.

By default, this function cannot perform such actions. To implement this task, specially developed applications are also used, also called clipboard managers.

There are many utilities to recover data from the buffer. For example, an application like Ditto Clipboard Manager. It is Russian-language and free. The program makes it possible to recover information from the clipboard. It is displayed in the system tray of the operating system.

All text and graphics recorded on the clipboard, the utility captures in the log. There may be many such passages. If necessary, each of them can be added to the document by selecting it from the list. The utility has a large selection of other settings that even a beginner can easily cope with.

Such a program will provide you invaluable assistance if you often use the clipboard.

Other utilities:

  • Clipomatic - the program is very convenient for working with a buffer, but only remembers text fragments.
  • CLCL is a simple utility with many useful features. Allows you to save hot keys, install plugins, configure the filter for storing information.
  • ClipX is an application very similar to CLCL.
  • Clipboard Keeper is a good free program.

Where to find the windows clipboard?

If you want to see the contents of your clipboard, then you can do this by opening a file called clipbrd.exe. It is located in the system directory C: / WINDOWS, and then in system32. This file is available for viewing (it cannot be deleted) only to owners of Windows XP. In the "seven" and "Vista" it is replaced by the file clip.exe, which is not possible to view the contents of.

Clearing the clipboard (except Windows XP)

To delete content on Windows 7 and Vista, follow these instructions:

- Create a shortcut file. To do this, once right-click on an empty space on the desktop, select "Create", then "Shortcut".

- In the window that appears, in the field where the path to the object should be located, enter the command that clears the buffer: cmd / c echo off | clip.

- Click Next.

- Create a name for the shortcut and click OK.

As a result, a dark label appears on the desktop of your personal computer. If you need to clean the clipboard, double-click on it.

Clipboard errors

When working with MS Office, you may encounter a fairly common error. When copying / pasting, a window appears with the message "Error clearing the clipboard." The reason for this may be the installation of the Punto Switcher application on your computer, which switches the keyboard layout between the two languages ​​in automatic mode. Exiting this program does not guarantee that the error will disappear, but it's still worth a try.

This problem may also occur due to the Download Master application . In the program settings you need to disable the function "Track URLs in the buffer."


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