What is a relationship? What is a free relationship?

what is a free relationship
All people are social subjects. There is no person who in his life would not meet with other people, did not enter into various kinds of relations with them (business, friendship, family, love). But, having various kinds of connections with others, we come to the conclusion that it is not so easy to start them, to support to stop. For example, in order to support friendship, you need to make a lot of effort before you get emotional satisfaction. Any relationship requires some sacrifice and sincerity. So, what kind of relationship is there and how to understand what it is?

The meaning of the word "relationship"

What is a relationship, many understand, but not everyone can define this term. In the process of life, we engage with many people. Even at a young age, children together prepare a program for mornings, holidays, eat and perform any activity together. It is safe to say that they have a relationship with each other. It turns out that relations are interaction with one person or group of people, which has its own specifics, goals, circumstances, tasks and place in society. Any relationship can have an emotional connotation (sympathy or antipathy for another person), a different degree of awareness and experience of these connections.

What benefit do all kinds of relationships bring us?

what is platonic relationship
Knowing what relations are, we can ask a logical question: "Why do we need them?" In any action, a person learns more about the world and fulfills a specific goal. If he adequately perceives the environment, then his activity will be filled with meaning. Any interaction also makes sense. All communication and relationships fulfill their functions for a person.

  1. Through interaction with others, we receive information. This sometimes happens even without words, with the help of such thought processes as analysis, generalization and conclusions.
  2. What is a relationship? In fact, they prompt us to activity, which, in turn, provides employment, tone and meaning to our actions. That is, relationships are the internal engine, the driving forces in our lives.
  3. In interaction with people, feelings, emotions, motives, personality orientation are used, spiritual connections can arise here (what is a platonic relationship, we will learn a little later). A person can become attached to the object of relations, experience negative feelings for him. Such a dynamics of interactions between people develops their inner world, they learn to understand themselves and others, improve their relationships.

What is the relationship between the sexes?

what is a relationship
Many scholars have wondered about the relationship between men and women. A very large number of works have been written on this topic. Question: "Gender relations - what is it?" - has been considered in various theories. Most psychologists, sociologists and other specialists agree that the relationship between men and women is dictated by industrial relations. That is, no matter how wild it may sound from the side of science, gender communication is based on the mechanisms of mutual exploitation.

If you observe the beginning of any interaction between a man and a woman, it will necessarily be based on the division of labor (here the production aspect becomes clear). Moreover, this separation of duties and actions is necessary for all mankind, as one of the most powerful driving forces of society. The division of labor in society between people occurs, first of all, by gender, and then by inclinations, abilities, interests and desires.

Historically, a man is considered a breadwinner, leader of a tribe, and supremacy. A woman performs an expressive role - she cares, cares, supports the family mood, creates emotions in the family. That is why the question: "Gender relations - what is it?" - is one of the fundamental for the development of human norms and principles.

Types of relationships in people of the opposite sex

We have already touched a little on the importance of relations between men and women, but we have not touched on the equally important question of personal relations between a man and a woman, a guy and a girl. What is the relationship between a guy and a girl? Why are they needed and do they need to be cherished?

what is the relationship between a guy and a girl
Initially, God (or someone else, depending on your position of the emergence of the world) conceived the relationship between young people of the opposite sex to prolong the genus, to reproduce. There are many theories of how it is possible for two different people to unite into one, and all of them, in their own way, correctly consider the basic mechanisms of rapprochement of people. You can’t fit people's feelings, their motives to be together under some clear classification. Each person is individual, therefore he is free to do as his heart tells him to.

In addition to production and business relations, there are still friendly and love relationships of a guy and a girl. There are 7 main stages in the origin of love. They will help to understand what is the relationship between a guy and a girl.

  1. Contemplation. In other words, the selection of one person from the crowd, as interesting for himself. The second, noticing attention, also focuses on a person of the opposite sex, in order to verify the prospects of building interaction with him.
  2. Initiation. The active phase of attracting attention. Here all possible means and methods are used. The dominant is the desire to interest, please.
  3. Disclosure of the heart. In other words, it's time to fall in love, “pink glasses” and passion. At this stage, it is important not to plunge into passion at 100%, since relationships based only on intimacy are guaranteed to fail. To test feelings, it is helpful not to have sex. Then you will understand what a platonic relationship is when love covers passion.
  4. Contact. In another way, grinding in - a guy and a girl recognize each other's characters, principles. Correlate life ideals and foundations of their own and their partner, draw conclusions about living together.
  5. Creation. They say "they are made for each other" - the couple is trying to adapt to the partner in terms of warmth and bestowal to create the ideal, in their opinion, family. At this stage, they are ready to accept new souls - their children.
  6. Self-sacrifice. Naturally, the world of illusions and “pink glasses” once ends, and ordinary everyday life comes. It is they that bring with them life problems (illness, financial difficulties, separation from relatives, friends). Here, each couple passes the test of love, and they are very happy if they came out of these tests with moral acquisitions.
  7. Harmony. The feeling that nothing and no one is able to destroy the happiness built by labor.

What does the phrase “free relationship” mean?

Men are more eager for freedom, nature itself endowed them with this aspiration. Women are constant, they seem to anchor where they feel good. In recent society, the issue of freedom of choice, freedom of communication is relevant. What is a free relationship? Such an interaction is considered to be non-binding relationships that do not give the right to another person to claim the freedom of the subject. This, of course, is good, but is it necessary for the two sides of the interaction.

Scientists have long confirmed the fact that at least one side definitely suffers from civil marriage (free relations). A family cannot exist without certain obligations on both sides. And the answer to the question of what free relations are, we know - this is the absence of any obligations. By connecting logic and analysis a little, we can confidently say that these types of connections will not last long. They will either collapse or grow into something more serious. So why waste time ?!

Human interaction in the context of legal relations

what is a legal relationship
Many people do not know what a legal relationship is, because of this, problems begin with the law, with the executive branch, and so on. The definition of this concept recalls that there is some object that defines the range of rights and obligations (for example, a child). Also in such relations there are subjects of law (for example, parents) who are participants in relations regarding the object. So, legal relations mean the interaction of entities regulated by the rules of law and their volitional efforts, while each entity has its own legal duties and rights (for example, adoption of a child, child support, maintenance up to 18 years, and so on). Such relationships can easily be adjusted using the letter of the law.

Market relations in the life of every person

what is market relations
In this interaction, we are every day, perhaps several times. What are market relations and why are they peculiar to every person? Such interaction means the relationship of certain owners, each seeking their own benefit. On the market, these are two people - a producer and a consumer. Such relationships are conflicting, tense, criminal, friendly and others. But they are also governed by certain laws that uphold the rights of two parties to market entities.

International relations as expanding the boundaries of the subject

international relations what is it
Speaking about international relations, it should be noted that they are both official at the largest social level, and unofficial, friendly. Unofficial international interaction is a whole layer of ethnopsychology, so we restrict ourselves to the generally accepted definition of international relations.

So, international relations - what is it? First of all, this is an interaction that goes beyond the boundaries of the territory, and therefore it is international. This concept combines many criteria by which states and citizens of different countries separately can cooperate and communicate with each other. These relations are regulated by both the country's internal law and generally accepted human rights standards.

Interaction Dynamics

We saw that in any relationship there is a dynamic. It has polar peaks: from hatred of love, from aggression to friendship, from indifference to care. And these fluctuations are equally suitable for subjective relations, as well as for international ones.

Hard work called relationships

Interaction, relationships - this is really difficult, daily work. As a person is changeable, falling under the power of mood, so are his relationships. In order to keep them positive, productive and useful, it takes a lot of effort and knowledge, not only in a specific area, but also within the framework of laws, to assert their rights.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14679/

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