What is nettle good for hair? Reviews on natural hair care products

Perhaps any girl dreams of beautiful, healthy, shiny hair. This main sign of femininity and grooming immediately attracts attention. For your hair to be exactly the kind of hair you dream of, you need proper care for it.

nettle hair reviews
In addition to modern expensive tools, there are many folk methods to improve the appearance of curls. One of them is nettle for hair, the reviews of which are the most positive.

This plant has long been given magical significance. There is some truth in this, because nettle has many medicinal properties. With its help, they treat heart diseases, diseases of the liver and kidneys, stop bleeding and get rid of the negative atmosphere in the home.

And what is nettle useful for hair? A solution from it helps to stop their loss and significantly accelerate growth. It is prepared very simply: one tablespoon of crushed dried nettle leaves (you can collect it yourself or buy at any pharmacy) must be filled with 250 ml of hot boiled water. After the solution is infused for twenty to twenty five minutes, it can be used to rinse after each shampoo. After a couple of weeks you will notice the beneficial effect that this tool has. Nettle for hair (reviews say that you can use not only a decoction of a dried plant, but also the juice of fresh nettle leaves, diluted with boiled water) - a truly magical tool!

why nettle is good for hair
Another problem that the nettle successfully copes with is excessive oily hair. Every third woman faces this. To prepare the product, fresh nettle leaves are suitable, which need to be crushed into a pulp using a mixer. For half a glass of the mixture, you need to take a tablespoon of salt, preferably sea salt, and mix thoroughly. You have got an excellent nettle hair mask. Reviews prove that this tool copes with increased fat content of hair no worse than a product with the same name, bought in a store.

Activate the hair follicles and accelerate hair growth will help a decoction of nettles with vinegar. Three tablespoons of crushed leaves of the plant will need 500 ml of water and the same amount of vinegar (preferably apple). All this is placed in a saucepan and set on a slow fire. After half an hour, turn off the gas, cool and filter. The resulting nettle hair tincture can be used to rinse after washing. Also, it can moisten a cotton swab and rub the product into the scalp.

nettle hair tincture

With the help of nettles, you can also get rid of dandruff. To prepare the next tincture, you will need not only nettles. For hair (reviews confirm this), coltsfoot leaves and calamus roots are very useful . We grind it all, take six tablespoons of the mixture with a slide, fill it with a liter of water and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, everything is as usual: cool, filter, use for rinsing after each washing of the head.

Do not neglect folk remedies for hair care, and then your curls will always be soft, shiny and silky!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1468/

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