What are the bends of extensions of eyelashes: types, length, diameter and photo

Without a doubt, the eyes are what you pay attention to each time you meet. A beautiful and confident look cannot but arouse admiration and not bewitching. In this regard, many girls are increasingly resorting to eyelash extensions. This procedure is quite lengthy and difficult. Therefore, to obtain the desired result, you should study what are the bends of extensions of eyelashes. This is important to do before going to the master. It is the selection of the appropriate curl of cilia that contributes to the creation of a unique image, focusing on the eyes.

Build-up procedure

Before touching on which curvatures of the eyelashes do exist, it is worth at least briefly reviewing the extension procedure itself.

bending extensions eyelashes what are the photos

The whole point boils down to four basic steps:

  • The lower cilia are closed with special silicone pads. This avoids bonding.
  • Natural eyelashes and eyelids are first disinfected, and then degreased with a cosmetic product.
  • Through special glue, artificial cilia are attached to natural villi.
  • Excess glue is removed.

Any experienced master can perform all these operations within 1.5-2 hours. For beginners, such work can drag on for a significantly longer period of time.

The concept of bending

What are the bending extensions of eyelashes (photo can be found in the body of the article)? But most importantly, what is meant by this term? In fact, this is the degree of curl of artificial eyelashes with rounding at their tips. Thanks to this, this or that image is created.

The process of building itself always begins with the choice of bending. It affects how they will look after this procedure. At the same time, the choice of bending is carried out not only in accordance with the wishes of the client, it is worth considering the eye shape, lifestyle and general condition of the client’s natural eyelashes.

To give maximum naturalness, you can not do without taking into account the following factors:

  • color;
  • length;
  • thickness (diameter);
  • bending
  • building technique.

If an experienced master takes up the matter, then with his own hands he is able to build up such eyelashes that will fully correspond to the type of client's face. Therefore, it is important to apply only to highly qualified specialists.

What are the bends of extensions eyelashes? From the photo at the beginning of the article you can already understand, but this issue needs to be considered in more detail.

What is affected by bending?

It is worth noting that the beauty industry is developing rapidly, and this implies certain advantages. You can achieve maximum naturalness by using different techniques and materials.

what are the bends of extension eyelashes of length and diameter

Now extensions of eyelashes can no longer be compared with puppet charcoal-black hairs, which are able to close the entire eyelid. All business rests on bends, however this parameter influences something.

First of all, on the durability of the result. If you make too big a bend on thin and weakened hairs, then this can not end with anything good. Artificial cilia will soon lose their attractiveness or begin to fall off. And this will clearly upset their owner.

Bending also affects the state of natural cilia. And if a lot of pressure is put on them, ultimately, this will lead to their thinning or breaking.

It is necessary not only to know what are the bends of extended eyelashes in length and diameter, but also the importance of their choice. If you dwell on the wrong option, then this will bring nothing but an unattractive and not aesthetic image.

The main types of bending

Each type of eyelash curve is adapted to a specific eye section. In this case, an important role is given to the natural length and curl. If the hairs are strikingly different from each other, then there can be no talk of any naturalness.

what are the bends of extensions of eyelashes

Manufacturers today can offer a wide range of bends, which are usually denoted in Latin letters:

  • J - is the most common and easiest type of bend. Hair is almost identical to natural or lift them up favorably.
  • B - this option looks as natural as possible. Such cilia are more curved than type J, however, for an ideal eye shape that does not require correction, this is a good alternative.
  • C is another fairly popular variety of ciliary bending. With its help, you can adjust the shape of the eyes, while the look is made wide and expressive, which creates an amazing effect.
  • D - sooner or later, but any girl thinks about what are the bends of extensions of eyelashes. And this type is suitable for those whose hairs are located at right angles or lack volume. Ultimately, a “puppet” effect is created that allows you to hide your overhanging eyelids or deep-set eyes.
  • M - with this bend, you can add volume and increase the length of almost any natural eyelash.
  • U is the most curled shape and with eyelash extensions you can achieve the effect of dramatic effect. This option attracts a lot of attention, and will appeal to all the fair sex who love dark makeup. However, the owners of the "cat" shape of the eyes of this type will not work, as the overhanging upper eyelid rises.
  • L - this bend is designed for representatives of the Asian race. As a result, after the extension procedure, the overhanging upper eyelid becomes less noticeable. In addition, the eyes become more rounded. A great option for those girls who constantly wear glasses.

In addition, there is a type L with a + sign. This is an ideal choice for those who have a slightly drooping eyelid. Such a curve will give expression to the look. What are the bends of extensions of eyelashes and how they differ from each other, we figured out. But what other parameters are taken into account when choosing a material?


The thickness is no less than the value in the selection of the optimal bending option. And this applies not only to natural cilia, but also to hair extensions. But before choosing, you should decide on the purpose of the procedure in advance.

Eyelash Extension Procedure

So, a thickness (same diameter) of 1 mm will be optimal for thin and weakened natural cilia. After the build-up procedure, the image is as natural as possible.

If you choose a thickness of 1.5 mm, you can provide yourself with an impressive volume. But, in addition to this, a special effect is created - as if the cilia were tinted and eyeliner was used.

A diameter of 2 mm is most suitable for those purposes when it is necessary to create the effect of long, evenly stained, curled and voluminous cilia. Eyes are attractive and more expressive.

What are the bends of extended eyelashes and diameter? Those who ask such a question will probably be surprised, but there are villi with a much greater thickness - 2.5 mm. However, they are used only in rare cases, when there is a need to allocate eyes for a long time. At the same time, they are quite heavy, so constantly wearing them is not very convenient.

Volume matters

Based on the goal and the condition of natural cilia, the volume of building can also be different. As experts note, there are several types of it:

  • ultra-volume;
  • partial;
  • volume 2 or 3D;
  • standard.

Ultra-volume allows you to create stage or puppet images. At the same time, artificial hairs in the amount of 4-7 pieces are attached to each natural hairline.

A partial volume is formed in the middle of the century or in its outer corner. In this case, the extension is achieved by attaching the hairs not to each cilium, but through one.

So what are the bends of extensions eyelashes? There are a lot of views, for example, a 2D or 3D effect allows you to get a Hollywood look. For each natural hair, 3 or 4 artificial cilia are attached.

The standard is suitable for all girls with good natural vegetation. The ratio of artificial cilia to natural hairs is 1k1.

Optimal combinations

The best effect can be achieved with cilia 1 mm thick, creating a partial volume. With hairs with a diameter of 1.5 mm, you can make almost any volume with the exception of partial and ultra. As for the cilia with a thickness of 2 mm, they are distinguished by their universal character.

what are the bends of extensions eyelashes

But with all this, everything again depends on the source data and the necessary goal. In addition, it is worth considering the professional skills of the master, who will perform the building procedure.

Types of bending eyelashes by effects

What are the bends of extension eyelashes for effects? There are a lot of species. Depending on the specific choice of one or another bend, you can easily create some unique image. The result is one of the following effects:

  • Natural or classic - extended eyelashes will be as similar as possible to the hairs that nature itself endows with a person. A similar effect allows you to adjust the shape of the eyes. Is an oval cut needed or should the outer corner be raised or extended? Everything can be solved with this effect.
  • A fox look - what a girl does not dream of looking like a fox - beautiful, cunning and charming! This is the second most popular effect, which allows you to get the desired. At the same time, this option is not suitable for every girl, because her eyes will be slanted. The effect is created in such a way that the length of the cilia gradually increases in the direction from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer.
  • The effect of rays (discharged) - is created by a combination of villi of different lengths. What are the bends of extension eyelashes and length in this case? Short and long hairs are glued in turn.
  • Glamor - in this case, building is done in bunches. That is, two or more villi are glued to each natural cilium.
  • Puppet glance - the option is relevant in relation to any holiday event. It is created by sticking on the natural eyelashes of long and identical artificial hairs.
  • Squirrel image - longer villi are concentrated near the outer corner of the eyes, which ultimately creates an imitation of squirrel brushes on the eyelid.

These effects are the most common, but there are others.

Different shades are used to create a multi-colored and theatrical variety. But, in addition to this, they are decorated with rhinestones, feathers and other paraphernalia.

What are the bends of extensions of eyelashes and how to choose them

To make the best choice for eyelash extensions, you need to build on the result that is needed. Most young girls know about the procedure only in passing and think that it is mainly associated with an increase in the length of hairs.

J type eyelash curl

Long cilia really look attractive, but the true beauty lies precisely in the harmony of appearance. In other words, the length of the eyelashes must match the type of face.

Owners of rounded eyes should better pay attention to the type of bending J. With the help of variety C, adult women will gain a younger look. Those wishing to visually expand their horizons should use the average curls.

But what do those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, whose eyes are set deeply? In this case, the maximum bend will help out. But the minimum curls should be used for those whose eyes are wide apart.

Materials used

We have already figured out what are the bends of extensions of eyelashes, and also examined the length and diameter. Now it’s a sin not to mention what materials are used to make them. Usually this is pure synthetics. False eyelashes even have their own names:

  • mink;
  • sable;
  • silk.

Previously, animal hair was used to create an attractive look, but now the species listed above have nothing to do with building. Modern materials are lightweight and hypoallergenic, which can significantly expand the possibilities for unusual shapes, sizes and shades.

Natural wool can cause irritation and itching. And they are named so because they resemble the villi of these animals. Moreover, each type of artificial cilia has its own characteristics.


This material is preferred by most masters, as it is suitable for any building technique. Based on the thickness and shade, these cilia are most similar to natural villi. Due to their light weight, they can hold out for quite some time. In addition, you can not resort to frequent correction.


Those who are interested in what kind of bends are extensions of eyelashes, probably also not averse to learn about the materials of which they are made.

what are the bends of extension eyelashes types and effects

If we compare silk with mink, then this is a more weighty and thick material, which is distinguished by the presence of a glossy shiny surface. With it, you can create the effect of 2D and 3D and as a result get thick and fluffy cilia of the desired length. They are also a great addition to evening makeup.


This is a fairly dense and tough material, and for this reason it is suitable for use in creating evening and holiday images. These cilia can last no more than 3 days. But thanks to their thickness, you can create a full 3D effect.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14682/

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