How to earn 5,000 rubles a day: ways without investment

Any person wants to have large sums of money, with the help of which various financial problems can be easily solved. Therefore, the question often arises of how to earn 5,000 rubles a day. You can use different methods for this, but each person chooses a method for himself that is ideally suited to his needs, education and state of health.

Types of methods

Understanding how to earn 5000 rubles every day is easy enough, but you really have to work hard for this. If a person does not have equity, then he can still count on a good daily income. The following methods can be used for this:

  • opening your website on the Internet or a YouTube channel;
  • freelance work at high prices;
  • resale of various products offered on Avito sites or other resources;
  • cryptocurrency mining;
  • getting a job with hard physical labor, but visiting it every day will not work due to high fatigue and harming the state of health of a citizen;
  • blood donation;
  • Forex trading.

Each option has both pros and cons, so it is important to choose a method that will ideally fit the needs of a citizen.

how to earn 5000 rubles in one day

Search for rare coins

How to earn 5000 rubles in one day? To do this, it is advisable to check your own piggy bank for the presence of any rare coins whose value may exceed 5 thousand rubles.

The most valuable coins are those on which there are any errors or defects. Often, citizens discover rare episodes that will be of interest to every numismatist.

For such ordinary coins, you can get an amount ranging from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. If you find several of these coins, then you can achieve your goal. But this method is one-time, so using it every day will not work.

how to earn 5000 rubles in 1 day

Use of heavy physical labor

Handymen perform different types of work on a construction site. They are engaged in heavy physical labor according to irregular work schedules, so they get really good earnings. How to earn 5000 rubles a day? To do this, you can get a construction site or other facility where the necessary amount of funds is transferred daily to the workers.

But with this method of earning, one should prepare for really hard physical work. Therefore, if a person is weak or has any serious illnesses, then he will have to use other ways to get the right amount of money.

Blood donation

If a person is interested in earning 5,000 rubles in one day, then in the presence of an excellent state of health he can donate plasma and blood. For this, you need to pass at least 400 milliliters of plasma. First, you will have to undergo a medical examination and pass tests to make sure that the state of health of the citizen is suitable for the planned activity.

Donating blood in such an amount every day does not work, since you can use this method only twice a month. If a person will often donate blood, then he may receive a special title of honorary donor. In this case, he will be able to receive a monthly allowance in different regions, the amount of which exceeds 5 thousand rubles.

where to earn 5000 rubles a day

Resale of goods

Where to earn 5,000 rubles a day and not particularly physically strain? You can use a rather interesting way. It lies in the fact that goods are bought on the Aliexpress website, after which they are sold at inflated prices on sites such as Avito.

Using these sites, you can earn money in various ways:

  • by selling personal unnecessary things represented by furniture, household appliances or even clothes, but in order to receive money on the day the announcement is posted, you will have to set a not-too-high cost;
  • resale of various goods at a higher price, and such activities can bring daily income;
  • Publishing ads offering various services.

If a person is well versed in computers, then he can place an ad with the offer of repair services for equipment. Typically, such services are in demand, so due to the specific work you can earn a large amount of money per day.

Bitcoin Earnings

If a person is interested in how to earn 5000 rubles in 1 day, then he can use such an interesting way of earning as mining bitcoins. It has the following features:

  • to get a really good income you need to have an expensive and specific technique;
  • optimally create a bitcoin farm in advance, with the help of which electronic currency is easily and quickly earned;
  • if mining is impossible to use due to the lack of the necessary equipment, then you can use special crane sites, for which you need to enter captcha, but for such actions you can get a little satoshi, so to get a large amount you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

Mining is considered to be the most profitable, but this method is not suitable for all people interested in earning good money.

where you can earn 5000 rubles per day

Work in a taxi

Where can I earn 5000 rubles per day? If a citizen has a private car, then you can earn the right amount of money in a taxi service. To do this, you can register in any application of a large company to become its driver. Under such conditions, the driver receives orders through the application, after which he receives a certain amount from each order. For such work, you do not need to first obtain a license or different permissions. The features of such earnings include:

  • cooperation is offered only to citizens with vehicles in optimal condition;
  • a large amount of funds from such work can be received on any holiday, so if you go to work on New Year or March 8, you can count on a really good income;
  • drivers who have a high rating, use a new and comfortable car, and also offer the opportunity to transport small children and bulky goods get a higher fee.

If you approach this work responsibly, then there will be no question of how to earn 5,000 rubles a day, since such earnings in a taxi are considered standard for large cities.

how to earn 5000 rubles in 3 days


If a citizen has any unique knowledge, then he can offer the services of a tutor. To do this, you can work with children in school subjects or teach foreign languages. Tutoring can be individual or group. How to earn 5000 rubles in 3 days? To do this, assign classes to different students during these days.

The cost of tutoring services can vary significantly in different regions, but get 5 thousand rubles. can even be done in one day. This is especially true for specialists offering group classes.

where to earn 5000 rubles per day

Driving Assistance

The number of cars is constantly increasing in every city. But people turning to a driving school do not have time in a short period of time to get all the necessary skills for free and safe driving. Therefore, they use the services of citizens who offer private driving lessons.

How to earn 5000 rubles a day? To do this, you need to have a comfortable car for work. Customer search can be performed on special sites or you can even make your own official resource. In winter, you can offer training services for driving on ice, and such services are really in demand, since many people are lost in specific driving conditions.

Create your own Youtube channel

This way of earning is suitable for proactive, cheerful and energetic people who may be of interest to others. If a person thinks about where to earn 5000 rubles a day, then with a competent approach to your channel, you can really count on a good income. It can exceed even 5 thousand rubles. daily, but the rules are taken into account:

  • It’s important to create truly interesting and original content;
  • a topic is selected that is in demand on this site;
  • videos must be released at least twice a week;
  • to create a video, it is important to use only a high-quality and expensive video camera, since only in this case you can get videos in high resolution;
  • each owner of such a channel independently chooses the appropriate methods of monetization, and for this usually an agreement is concluded with Google and other large networks;
  • in addition, you can place links to different sites or companies under your videos, as well as include ads directly in commercials.

For about 1 thousand views on this site you can get about $ 1. Therefore, if the content is really interesting and original, then the owner of such a channel will be able to get good profit from work.

how to earn 5000 rubles every day

Mobile App Formation

If a person is well versed in such work, then he will be able to count on a significant income exceeding even 5 thousand rubles. in a day. For this, it is important not only to know how the application is created, but also to choose its theme competently so that it is interesting, unusual and original.

Even a novice can well understand the rules for creating a mobile application, as this process is considered quite simple. As the main theme, you can choose any book, music or game. The new application will have to be effectively promoted to the Play Market. After downloading it, it is the owner who can set the cost of using the entire application or only some of its parts.

Creation of sites on the Internet

Every modern person uses the Internet, so sites are a good source of profit. For optimal income, which exceeds 5 thousand rubles. per day, recommendations are taken into account:

  • a topic in high demand is selected;
  • The site is filled with competent, unique and interesting content;
  • vivid and eye-catching pictures and videos should be selected;
  • It is advisable to independently establish communication with site visitors;
  • in the presence of significant initial capital, you can even organize an online store.

If you are independently involved in the creation of the site, you will not have to spend a lot of money on this process. Additionally, you can apply for the creation of a resource to various specialized organizations, and then promote it yourself.


If you thoroughly understand how to earn 5,000 rubles a day without investments, you can get a really high income with minimal effort. For this, the wishes and abilities of the immediate citizen are taken into account. It is recommended to choose areas of activity in which a person is well versed, since in this case it will not be difficult to get high earnings.

To get a good income, you can engage in additional dog walking, the provision of photographer services, website design, or other similar activities.


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