Martini: how to eat vermouth?

Today, martini is rightfully considered one of the most popular types of vermouth. And, despite the fact that we consider it a purely β€œfemale” drink, in Western countries it is popular among both sexes. Many people like to treat themselves to a martini. How to bite a drink like this, not everyone knows.

What is a martini?

martini than snack
Martini is the most popular Italian variety of vermouth. The alcohol content here is about 16-18%. This is a flavored wine infused with herbs. By the way, wormwood is an integral component of grass gathering, which, in fact, provides the bitterness characteristic of vermouth.

In addition, other herbs are used in the production, in particular St. John's wort, cinnamon, mint, nutmeg, chamomile, oregano, elecampane, ginger, angelica, black elderberry, coriander, immortelle, lemon balm, juniper and many others.

Many people today increasingly prefer martinis. How to have a drink? This is also an interesting question, because here everything depends on the type of vermouth that you drink, as well as on personal preferences in food.

What types of martinis are there?

To date, there are four most popular types of this drink:

  • Martini Bianko (Bianko) - white vermouth, which stands out for its sweet taste, spice and a pleasant vanilla aroma.
  • Martini Rosso (Rosso) - a red drink with a slightly bitter taste and rich aroma.
  • Martini Rosato (Rosato) - pink vermouth, which is a mixture of white and red wines.
  • Martini Extra Dry (Extra Dry) - dry vermouth (minimum sugar level) with a high alcohol content.

Martini as an aperitif: how to bite it?

what to eat martini bianco
It is immediately worth noting that vermouth is most often used precisely as an aperitif - it activates the digestive tract, so it is best to drink it just before eating. In addition, many drink lovers use it along with desserts.

True connoisseurs of vermouth argue that it is not worth biting - this is the only way to enjoy its unsurpassed taste and bouquet of aromas. However, light snacks are acceptable. For example, dry varieties of vermouth are served with olives on a skewer. In addition, hard cheese, salted nuts, almonds are suitable for the drink.

How to bite martini bianco and rosso? Since these wines are sweet, other products are used for them. In particular, in almost every bar, these drinks are served along with a slice of lemon and several ice cubes. Other fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, can also be served. Some connoisseurs claim that pieces of dark chocolate also go well with this drink.

By the way, vermouth is widely used as the basis for the preparation of various cocktails. It is mixed with juices, soda and, of course, vodka (a favorite drink of James Bond).

Martini appetizer during a feast

martini appetizer
In fact, vermouth is not considered a drink that should be offered during a feast. On the other hand, quite often lovers choose a martini. How to have a drink during a meal? In fact, there are many options here - it all depends on the type of vermouth that you drink.

Various types of fish are great for martini bianco. But the rosette is better to drink with chicken dishes. Red sweet vermouth goes well with ham. Many people prefer dry martini. What to eat this vermouth? Fish and seafood dishes as well as meat are also suitable here.

There are also some universal snacks that are usually served with a drink. In particular, salmon sandwiches or avocado pasta will definitely not ruin the taste of vermouth. On the table you can also serve olives, olives and slices of acidic fruits (lemons, oranges, pineapples, some berries).


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