Advice to housewives: how to remove bitterness from eggplant

We love summer not only because the vacation season is coming, but also because it is this time of year that gives you the opportunity to enjoy plenty of fruits, berries and vegetables. It is in the summer that you can treat yourself to various eggplant dishes, such as appetizers and salads. Unfortunately, the taste of the dish sometimes spoils the inherent bitterness of this vegetable. Now we will tell you about the benefits of the vegetable and how to remove bitterness from eggplant.

The benefits and harms of eggplant

For what reason do we love “blue ones” so much? The answer is very simple: in addition to excellent taste, this vegetable has a large amount of nutrients and nutrients. Eggplant well reduces blood cholesterol and does not allow it to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. For liver diseases and atherosclerosis, it is also recommended to eat dishes from the “blue ones”. They contain a lot of potassium (per 100 g - 226 mg), which regulates blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and helps to normalize water and salt metabolism. Phosphorus, manganese, folic acid, vitamins C and B - eggplant is rich in these elements.

how to remove bitterness from eggplant [
Chlorogenic acid, which is contained in this vegetable, is perhaps the most powerful antioxidant with antiviral and bactericidal properties. Low calorie eggplant can effectively and safely reduce weight, and high fiber and low carbohydrates - blood sugar. Phytonutrient nasunin normalizes the amount of iron, reducing the likelihood of cancer and heart disease. There is only one caution: due to the content of esters and salts of oxalic acid, eggplant is not recommended for people with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Agree, it is worth learning how to remove the bitterness from eggplant and start their regular use. And how many of them can be prepared with delicious dishes - do not count!

The first way: salt treatment

how eggplant relieve bitterness

Each mistress uses her own method, repeatedly tested and beloved. In this article, we will talk about the most famous methods of how to remove eggplant from bitterness. So, the first way is salt treatment. We take the vegetables prepared for processing, wash well, cut the tails. Depending on the type of dish, cut the vegetable into slices or circles.

Put in a bowl (preferably deep), rub with coarse salt and leave them alone for 20 minutes. If you need whole “little blue ones,” then the pickling time can reach an hour. As the salt dissolves in the eggplant, droplets of liquid will come out. After the specified time, it remains only to rinse our vegetables well under cold running water and use as directed. The first option on how to remove bitterness from eggplant is mastered. He is the easiest. You can, by the way, not wash the vegetables with water, but just squeeze them.

The second way: soaking

how to get rid of the bitterness of eggplant

In this case, the vegetables are simply soaked in water. To do this, carefully washed and sliced ​​in the right way, the fruits must be put in a bowl, pour water and add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. Cover, place a load on top, which can be a can filled with water. There is nothing complicated in how to soak eggplant from bitterness. Soaking lasts about 30 minutes for thin slices and about an hour for thick ones. Next, wash the vegetable well under cold water and continue cooking in accordance with the recipe. For information: vegetables soaked in this way will turn out even tastier and more tender, as they will absorb significantly less oil.

The third way: peeling

Admittedly, eggplant is not always bitter. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to predict this, therefore, if it seemed to you that the purchased vegetables do not have the desired sweetness, then just peel them off. In this case, you can be absolutely sure that the bitterness will go away and will not spoil your dish.

how to soak eggplant from bitterness

There are a couple of ways how eggplant can relieve bitterness. They are less popular, but some housewives continue to use them.

  • The first option: add chopped eggplant, put a napkin or paper towel on top and sprinkle with milk. We press down with some kind of cargo and after 10 minutes we remove the towel or napkin. Along with them goes bitter juice. Dry wipe the eggplant and cook it according to the recipe.
  • The second option: after cutting the vegetables of the desired shape, soak them in boiling water without salt for 5-7 minutes. We drain the water, and dry the “blue ones” in a colander and proceed to cooking.

We hope that the question of how to get rid of the bitterness of eggplant is closed. The choice is plenty.

Choosing the right eggplant

Every housewife, going to the store for vegetables, should know how to buy the right “little blue ones" that will not spoil the gourmet appetizer or aromatic stew with unnecessary bitterness. Such a disadvantage is only for old vegetables, young ones can be cooked without preliminary processing. In this case, the task “How to remove bitterness from eggplant” will not arise before you. How to distinguish young from old? Nothing complicated: young and healthy vegetables have a smooth, shiny skin without traces of rot and dark spots, small size and oblong shape. At the same time, they are relatively heavy, and if you cut such a fruit, then you will not see dark seeds inside. Feel the vegetable with your hands, and if it has a dense and firm texture, do not hesitate - buy. If you have not found suitable vegetables, remember the tips on how to remove eggplant from bitterness. Your dish will be delicious!


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