How to choose a pool for babies in St. Petersburg? Photos and reviews

Today, young parents strive for the comprehensive development of their children, and many of them think about it literally from the cradle. And the first thing you should pay attention to is health.

Strengthen the immunity of the crumbs using water procedures. We will tell you how to choose a pool for babies in St. Petersburg, as well as describe the pros and cons of such training.

When to start?

If you focus on the opinion of specialists, then it is better to start babies swimming as early as possible. Newborns have a reflex breath hold that occurs when moisture gets on your face. Over time, the unique ability fades, but with regular training, this certainly will not happen.

The ideal moment is after the healing of the umbilical wound. Unfortunately, in babies this process occurs at different speeds, so it’s impossible to give an exact date when to start visiting the baby pool in St. Petersburg.

The benefits of water treatments

Of course, the procedure for infants swimming has many advantages.

  1. Strengthening immunity.
  2. Relaxation of the nervous system. Sometimes with increased excitability, a neurologist recommends combining the pool with a course of relaxing massage. Thanks to this combination, sleep is improved and muscle tone is normalized.
  3. Communication with other kids.
  4. Pool training is indicated for children with hip dysplasia.
  5. The fear of water disappears.
  6. The mood improves. Many parents say that newborn swimmers are less capricious.


Infant swimming has its contraindications, so be sure to discuss this issue with your pediatrician before buying a subscription.

Training will give pleasure to the baby and parents only if the right choice of place for classes and a qualified trainer. Far from the last role is played by the water purification system.

Children's skin is incredibly sensitive, and a “meeting” with bleach is unlikely to benefit her. Very often, newborns have an allergic reaction, so when choosing, do not forget to pay attention to this factor. In addition to chlorination, water can also be purified using ultrasound, ionization, ozone, or active oxygen.

"One unit"

You can easily find a baby pool in St. Petersburg in almost every area. It can be classes at children's clinics or modern fitness clubs. One of the best is considered the center of family development "One Whole".

The pool for babies in the Vyborg district (St. Petersburg) is located at ul. Rudneva, d. 22/1.

The air temperature is about 30 degrees, the water temperature is 32 degrees. In addition, the fitness club has a cafe and a children's room.

Everyone can purchase a subscription of 1 or 3 months. For example, one month of visits (classes 1 time per week) will cost 3200 rubles. One-time lesson - 900 rubles.


Parents have a pleasant experience after visiting the One Whole Center. So, visitors note:

- fresh repair;

- cleanliness in rooms;

- a safe water purification system (multilayer filtration, hypochlorite, ozonation and ultraviolet).

The pool is for children only. A relaxed atmosphere, an active trainer and the British Birthlight system appeal not only to mothers, but also to babies.

The main advantage of classes is the democratic cost. There are some rules for visiting the pool. For example, when you buy a subscription, you are assigned a certain day, and a visit on other days or a one-time visit is possible only if there are free places in the group (to be specified in advance). Missing classes must also be reported to the administrator.

Obukhov Sports Complex

Water programs are offered by the pool for babies in St. Petersburg (Moscow region) Obukhov sports complex. Pool parameters: depth 80 cm, length 10 m.

For classes, babies from 6 months are allowed. Changing rooms have changing tables and playpen. Training takes place under the supervision of an instructor using interesting toys and necessary swimming accessories.

A one-time lesson in the pool of the Obukhov sports complex costs 400 rubles, and the most modest subscription for one month (4 lessons) will cost 1200 rubles.

Many moms like the pools in a separate building. Spacious locker rooms with a comfortable temperature and showers leave a pleasant impression. The trainer explains in detail how to behave, and also corrects errors. After class, you can not rush anywhere: feed the child and drink tea in a cafe.


For everyone, a swimming pool for babies is opened in St. Petersburg at the address: st. Galstyan, house 3. “Oceanium” - a sports club for the whole family, where classes with crumbs can start after 6 months.

Water for the youngest athletes is additionally purified by ultraviolet light. In addition to training “Mom and Baby” in the pool, the club can offer a huge number of developing and incredibly interesting activities for children of all ages.

According to visitors' reviews, there are a huge number of toys in the children's pool, safe depth and comfortable temperature. The comments relate to the staff, including the coaching staff, who treat clients rather indifferently than kindly. The cost of children's fitness is approximately 16,000 rubles for three months.


A pool for babies (St. Petersburg, Kalinin district) also offers a rehabilitation center “Biosvyaz”. The technical equipment of the complaints does not cause:

- water purification using sand filters, disinfection with ultraviolet, chlorination and ozonation;

- hydromassage;

- air massage;

- electric heater.

Groups are made up of six kids and their parents, with whom two professional instructors are involved. Training for young swimmers lasts 30 minutes. In the locker rooms and showers there is enough space, there are changing tables and benches.

Visitors note cleanliness in the pool itself and in other rooms. The instructor tells you how to behave correctly during the lesson, and in the end all the kids play with “bubbles” - hydromassage. A referral to the Biosvyaz center can be issued by a pediatrician in one of the clinics of the Kalinin district. In this case, one month of classes will be free.


Fans of early swimming visit the “Atlantic” - a pool for babies (St. Petersburg, Frunze district). Here, as in the One Whole development center, classes are held using the Birthlight methodology.

Kids develop skills of confident behavior on the water and learn to dive, but most importantly, they get real pleasure from such training. The instructor demonstrates all the exercises on a special doll. Classes for the youngest athletes last 45 minutes: 30 minutes with a trainer and 15 minutes - free swimming.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of people who want to visit the baby pool in St. Petersburg. Classes are held at several addresses, but judging by the reviews, the best branch is in the Frunzensky district (Bucharestskaya street).

A monthly subscription (4 lessons) will cost 4000 rubles, there is the possibility of "freezing" for one week. When applying for a subscription, the baby is guaranteed a place in a certain group. A single visit is 1200 rubles.


"Akvadeti" - a pool for babies in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. Exact address: st. Optikov, house 45, building 1. The Early Swimming Center offers individual lessons for children lasting 30 minutes.

pool for babies in the coastal area of ​​St. Petersburg

Pool water is thoroughly cleaned. The system used is sand-coal filters. Water temperature - 31 degrees Celsius.

Visitors to this center note the cleanliness and style of the establishment. Parents like the approach to children and the individual nature of the classes. There are also negative points - tight recording. You need to be prepared for the fact that you may have to pick up time.


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