How to stop being a naive person: tips and tricks

The world keeps on fools. This axiom is known to everyone who enjoys human credulity and kindness. As a rule, each person lives the very child who until recently believes in goodness, honesty and devotion. Unfortunately, life practice shows that the modern world is more often cruel to gullible people. It's time to learn about how to stop being naive if it interferes in life.

how to stop being a gullible and naive person

Trust is sometimes superfluous

Surely in the life of every person it happened that excessive gullibility played a cruel joke with him. The worst thing is that this quality often affects not only the psycho-emotional state. Advertising mailings, promising gifts and reduced prices, dubious services - all this can end badly for the family budget. If you managed to experience first hand what excessive trusting is, it's time to learn how to stop being naive.

There are many ways to cultivate rational thinking. First of all, one should not go to extremes. If you understand that your credulity and kindness harm you directly, you should not look categorically at this situation. It is necessary to believe, but not always and not always.

Take your time to make hasty decisions

If you don’t know how to stop being naive, for a start you should learn not to rush. This is especially true for important decisions. For example, if a sales manager insists you make a decision right here and now, do not rush. Since most often unscrupulous people use this method for their own purposes. Pay attention to the manner of conversation and stop words. For example, you are convinced that then there will be no such wonderful opportunity. This is an obvious sign that they are trying to trick you. Remember:

  1. Don't settle for anything simply because you can't say no.
  2. Only after you are finally convinced of the pure intentions of a person, make a decision. Otherwise, you will look naive.
  3. Be especially wary of people who rush you to make decisions.

If it’s a little easier with crooks and scammers, things are much more complicated in relations with people. How to stop being naive with the opposite sex? This question is often asked by girls who have repeatedly been disappointed in men.

how to stop being a naive person

Skeptical mood

This is a skill that will protect yourself from unscrupulous people. One must learn to criticize all information coming from outside. For example, if an older brother says that he saw from his friend a phone that he bought for a penny, you should make sure of this, but not take a word.

In parallel with this, one should prepare for a negative reaction. After all, people are accustomed to consider you trusting, so they will begin to be offended if you stop believing in them. Every time you get new information, leave a share of mistrust. This will protect against subsequent disappointment.

naive person

Is everything so bad?

Naivety and gullibility are not such bad character traits, and you should understand this. There are quite a few positive points here. For example, strong friendship is impossible without trust. A person is more willing to help if he trusts his partner. The same is true in business. It is difficult to build a joint business without trust. It is impossible to succeed, constantly suspecting a partner and looking for his weak points. In this case, the question of how to stop being a naive person disappears by itself.

In a love relationship without trust you cannot build a family. Girls, repeatedly burned by the flame of love, cease to believe even in the most sincere intentions. Strong families are a union of two people whose relationships are built on trust in each other.

Therefore, we can say that reasonable credulity and naivety are positive character traits that help build a full-fledged relationship. Nevertheless, quite often the question arises of how to stop being a gullible and naive person.

how to stop being naive and gullible psychology

Alternative option

First of all, it is necessary to understand whether excessive gullibility really takes place. This is not at all difficult to do. It is enough to analyze the last problem and draw a conclusion, as a result of which it was formed. If you lost your business because of betrayal, you were again deceived because of excessive naivety, or again you bought an absolutely unnecessary thing only because “His Majesty Chance” chose you - it's time to start working on yourself. After all, it is obvious that in this case it is naivety that plays bad jokes.

Do not categorically refuse to communicate with everyone. You can communicate, make friends, start novels and build a business, but you need to do this very prudently, carefully checking the words and deeds of partners. Sometimes, just realizing that you can be deceived is enough to stop being kind and naive. As an option - healthy criticism. It is appropriate always and everywhere.

how to stop being kind and naive

Practical recommendations

You can talk for a long time on the topic of how to stop being naive and trusting. Psychology is a very subtle science that provides answers to many questions. And here are just a few practical tips you can use in life:

  1. Do not rush to conclusions. Very often rash decisions do not change life for the better. It was not in vain that our ancestors advised to measure 7 times before cutting it off. This rule continues to this day.
  2. Do not believe that sounds too good. If a stranger offers you a meeting right here and now just because he drowned in your eyes - do not believe it. If the consultant says that this set of dishes usually costs twice as much, but today the stars came together miraculously and you simply have to get another junk - do not believe it.
  3. Do not rely on the majority opinion. Those who want to take advantage of your gullibility will certainly not miss such a chance. They will say that almost all your colleagues bought this set of pots. Those who did not have time to purchase, asked to place an individual order. Only you are left. And it is completely not clear how you can live without this wonderful glassware, which in the next few years will occupy an honorable place on the mezzanine.

Gullibility helps build relationships. But obvious naivety seriously spoils and poisons life. Do not let anyone take advantage of these qualities of your character. As they say, trust, but verify.


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