Products of the company "Redox": reviews, descriptions, features and specifications

Redox recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. This company was founded in Nizhny Novgorod (1990). The idea of ​​creation belongs to local businessman and physicist Bugrov Stanislav. Young Russia of the 90s needed scientific advanced ideas, entrepreneurs were looking for new approaches to economic development. The main focus of the company "Redox" was the management of life style.

dr redox reviews

The main objectives of the project

“Only everything useful is in fashion” - this is the principle of activity of the wonderful and beloved Redox company. Reviews about the work, from employees only positive reviews. How can an enterprise be able to solve the following problems?

The company is committed to:

  • weaken the influence of bad habits on the quality of life;

  • conduct research on the mentality of different peoples and countries, introduce its results into scientific developments;

  • create modern and useful products;

  • produce goods to maintain youth, health and good habits;
  • stimulate to physical education;
  • to promote the image of the right life position;
  • to study and introduce new ideas for a comfortable lifestyle.

The company "Redox" introduces the most advanced technologies. The company's credo is the global and universal accessibility of modern technology. The company provides an opportunity for young creative people to realize themselves. Redox products are very popular; this is an established brand.

redox company reviews

Revolutionary Technique - Electric Vitamins

Over 25 years of operation, the company received a large number of thankful words addressed to it. Particularly pleased with the new development of Redox - electrical vitamins. What is it? Electric vitamins mean electrical energy that the human body is able to absorb due to the chemical nature of low-resistance metals without being connected to a network.

Man is capable of intelligent control of energy flows. After all, it was not in vain that the scientists developed a biosensor system that responds to weight gain and physical activity. With the help of special Redox devices, sensations representing an electric charge appear in the body. The following devices are such carriers of electric vitamins: a special lounger “Doctor Redox”, a biotracer, an applicator.

redox employee reviews

Applicator "Redox": reviews

After applying this applicator, many people have the following changes:

  • headaches were significantly reduced;
  • overall well-being changed for the better;
  • sleep has become longer and stronger;
  • there was an influx of vital energy in the body;
  • manifested anti-stress effect, tiredness went away;
  • strength was quickly restored after nervous and physical exertion;
  • the applicator had a particularly favorable effect on the condition of the legs, tension and signs of fatigue went away;
  • the body became more resistant to colds.

Many people who used the Redox applicator were very pleased. It is an affordable and effective device. It is very easy to use at home, it is enough to fix it on the body for 20-30 minutes a day. This applicator is especially useful in the morning. Many felt a surge of strength and vigor.

The applicator acts very beneficially on the legs: the blood flow through the veins improves, the “stars” disappear. If you use the device for more than 2 months, then colds are reduced, weight is reduced without following special diets. The beginning of the procedure is marked by pleasant tingling sensations, then relaxation occurs, which is replaced by a surge of heat and the appearance of a slight burning sensation. It is also recommended to normalize blood circulation in the muscles of the back.

redox applicator reviews

Lounger "Dr. Redox"

Osteochondrosis, excess weight, wrinkles, tobacco dependence - these are the problems that are solved by the Redox company. Electric vitamins are an innovative technology. They do not cause any side effects and have no particular contraindications.

An excellent therapeutic biotrainer is the “Redox” sunbed. The reviews of employees who tested this treatment mat are the most positive. It can be purchased for home use or visit the reflexology office in the clinic. On this device, you can lie back or stand on his feet. You need to start with short procedures: alternately become legs for a few seconds. Then the amount of time can be adjusted to the desired indicator (10-30 minutes). Here are the problems that have been fixed with this miraculous sunbed:

  • he helped eliminate back pain;
  • removed fatigue in the legs;
  • stimulated the abdominal muscles, improved blood circulation;
  • body fat is slowly but gradually reduced;
  • reduced the number of acute respiratory viral infections, colds in children;
  • the condition of children with scoliosis improved;
  • It is a good stimulant for the muscles of the foot, prevents the development of flat feet (not for nothing that in the old days they were treated barefoot walking on the ground)
  • dilates blood vessels, relieves acute back pain, providing muscle relaxant and analgesic effect;
  • tempers the body, delicately irritating the central nervous system;
  • helps with loads on the spine for people who work for a very long time at a computer or drive a car;
  • promotes relaxation and good sleep, has a light sleeping pill;
  • creates a good mood, develops stamina and the will to win;
  • It is an adjunct in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraines, asthenia, neurosis, pre-climax syndromes;
  • helps relieve tobacco addiction.

Ionized Redox Water

What adjuvant treatment should be used for people suffering from chronic intoxication, diabetes mellitus, and diseases of the digestive system? The Redox company also took care of this. Reviews about water ionizer filters are left by many customers. How does ionized water affect the body?

It helps relieve symptoms of intoxication, reduces the level of acetone in the blood, lowers the level of sugar in the body, relieves heartburn and helps improve digestion. Helps to cope with stress, nervous breakdowns, depression. Helps stop vision loss. Struggles with problems of swelling, joint pain. Increases hemoglobin, gradually eliminating anemia. Used to restore the oral mucosa after dental treatment.

redox reviews

Many drink Redox water with pleasure. It is useful for both men and women. Moreover, it is able to improve the condition of the skin, remove edematous bags under the eyes. Beauties will not hurt to wash with such a tool. For some, this water has helped relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. It is better to drink ion-charged water on an empty stomach or before eating food.

Anti-wrinkle bio simulator

This is a wonderful Redox invention. Reviews of many women about him are good. It is made in the form of a small roller with particles of silver and zinc. Such a bio-simulator is an excellent massager, it improves blood circulation. If you use it every day, you can notice how the skin becomes toned, and wrinkles - less deep and even disappear. This wonderful device can perform cosmetic and therapeutic massage at home. It perfectly relieves headaches, treats osteochondrosis.

redox reviews negative

Tobacco addiction ring

A small finger bio-exercise machine, Antistress, helps quit smoking. Instead of picking up a cigarette in your hands, you will need to put a magic ring on your finger. Here is such a new good habit! You can also fight excess weight with this ring, it gives a feeling of fullness. This bio-simulator is an excellent stimulator of fine motor skills of the fingers. It works thanks to redox currents affecting certain points.

Healing pillows

A very compact and lightweight invention is an inflatable pillow, it is covered with velvet fabric on top. Thanks to such a pillow, there is no need to worry about the position of the head, it is always convenient with it: in a train, bus, plane. You can also relax on it at home. Thanks to the comfort of the pillow, sleep will be strong and long. Its synthetic filling lasts a very long time. There is a reliable inflatable mechanism. Rest on such a device is very comfortable.

redox electric vitamins

Miracle Collars

Cervical osteochondrosis is very well treated with the Redox collar. Reviews about him are excellent. The collar relieves stress from the neck and back if the person has been in a sitting position for a long time. Like an air bag, you can take it with you on a trip or a long trip. It promotes relaxation, relieves neck vessels from being squeezed. Thus, the risk of cervical hernia formation is reduced. Here is the effect of the collar on the body:

  • blood circulates correctly through the vessels of the brain;
  • relaxes the neck, shoulder girdle;
  • the load is removed from the back and neck;
  • movements of the head, arms, neck become more free.

Redox: negative reviews

Around electric vitamins a lot of controversy and disagreement arose. Many criticized the Redox company for incorrect advertising of their products, which used the name of Professor Ginzburg. So far, clinical studies do not confirm all the healing properties of these vitamins.

A negative characteristic of this product is given by academicians Aleksandrov EB and Kocharovsky V.V. Many scientists believe that the company uses pseudoscientific terms to promote its products. Such a statement was signed by 44 scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Nevertheless, many note the positive effect of Redox products on the body. It can be used by adults, children, the elderly. Whether such an effect is a placebo or not is difficult to say.


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