Strong tincture of plum brandy. Home-made recipe

Slivovitsa is a drink that is made on the basis of fermented juice from plums. Its strength is 45%, and classify it as a brandy. In Croatia, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Bosnia and Bulgaria is considered a national drink plivovica. Her recipe is very simple, you can cook plum brandy at home. They usually use it as an aperitif in its purest form. If mixed with another drink, then when consumed, you will feel an unpleasant metallic taste.

Recipe for plum brandy

plum brandy recipe

The main ingredients:

  • plum fruit (eleven kilograms);
  • water (eight liters).

How to make plum tree

The manufacturing process consists of several stages:

  1. Fruit preparation. Take away sweet or even overripe plums. Fruits should not be washed, only wipe with a clean rag. Next, separate the pulp from the seeds (for convenience, divide into two halves). Grind the pulp to gruel - you can use a meat grinder or a blender. Put in a jar with a wide neck.
  2. Preparation for fermentation. Try the ground mass first, it should be a little sweet. If not, add a little sugar to taste. Shuffle and try again. Next, tie the neck of the container with gauze and leave it in a warm place for a day. This action must be done to begin fermentation. A foam should form in a day. This means that the process is proceeding normally. Prepare a bottle and pour the mass there, add water and shake well. Next, install a water seal.
    plum brandy recipe
  3. Fermentation process. Place a container with a water seal in a dark and warm place. Be sure to prevent exposure to sunlight. The process lasts from three to five weeks. Throughout this time, the water seal will gurgle. And when the bubbles stop appearing, proceed to the next step.
  4. Distillation. Pour the fermented mash into a distillation cube. Distillation begins. It is best to take only the second distillation to get a quality drink. If you use this advice, you get a strength of 60% plum brandy. The recipe itself is simple, but the cooking process is long. The resulting plum brandy can be diluted as you wish.
  5. Infusion. If you have the opportunity to store the drink in oak barrels, then we advise you to do so, otherwise bottle it. Enjoy the plum tree after three months.

Slivovitsa: a quick recipe

how to make plum brandy

The main ingredients:

  • ripe plum (1 kg);
  • alcohol (1/2 liter);
  • granulated sugar (300 grams);
  • vodka (1/2 liter).

Cooking process

Method 1

Wipe the plums with a kitchen towel. Cut in half and take out the bones. Put the plums in a bottle and pour water with alcohol. We close the cork and put in a dark place for five weeks. When time runs out, add granulated sugar, shake well and let stand for another five weeks. Then filter (you can take a filter for making coffee or regular cheesecloth). Bottled and corked.

Method 2

In this case, the plum will be stacked entirely in a jar. We fall asleep with sugar, pour vodka. Next, close the lid. We put it in a dark place for three months. After the time has passed, we filter and bottle. Now you can help yourself, plum brandy is ready. The recipe is quite suitable for making a drink at home.

Slivovitsa is a versatile drink that has beneficial properties. Use it as an antiseptic for cuts, bruises and small wounds, as well as for colds for tinctures and compresses.


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