Forms of speech or how we communicate

At all times, people differed from each other in appearance, aspirations, actions, thoughts and desires. However, if necessary, people can always "agree." So how does this happen? What kind of mystical action allows two completely different people to understand each other? Speech is a process of speaking, a way of conveying information by an individual to someone.

Speech in Psychology

In the theory of the Russian language, speech is usually divided into oral and written. Psychology considers three types of speech:

  • mental
  • oral;
  • written.

The connection between human thinking and his speech is obvious, but, nevertheless, could not be studied for a long time. Speech is a tool of thinking, it is one of the ways a person expresses himself. But speech and thinking are not the same thing. Thinking can be without speech, just like speech can be non-intellectual (there are widely known cases when animals and birds "speak").

writing forms

In the applied field, psycholinguistics allows you to compose a psychological portrait, determine gender, age, level of education and social class of a person only by a written excerpt from his speech.

Speech as a way of expression

oral speech

People try to express themselves through art, dancing and singing, all their actions are aimed at communicating with the outside world. Word and speech are not as spectacular as the performances of dancers, but with skillful use of the power of emotional impact and colorfulness, speech will not yield to any other way of self-expression.

The phrase written on the garbage tank (photo below) is very indicative in this regard: "Think before you speak. Read before you think."

forms of speech

Speech is an instrument not only of self-expression, but also of a personโ€™s self-development. Everyone should carefully use the speech, because first of all it is an obvious indicator of his literacy and personality.

History of Speech

It is not known for certain when and at what stage of development a person spoke. Scientists believe that primitive people could communicate using gestures and imitative sounds, but it is impossible to call such communication a speech.

One thing is clear: at a turning point in certain groups of people, the first "words" common to all members of the group began to appear. Then people began to combine them in a certain way, understandable to all fellow tribesmen, and form meaningful sentences. This moment can be called the time of the appearance of oral speech.

For a long time, the oral form of speech was the only one. The people who inhabited the land were either nomads or plowmen. They did not have free time to think about anything other than a daily routine.

Only with the development of class society, with the emergence of the beginnings of statehood and the emergence of the need to transfer accumulated knowledge did a written form of speech appear. It is believed that this happened about 4 thousand years ago, it is precisely this age that the first pictograms have found. An icon is an image of recognizable features of an object in a graphic sign.

Russian speech

Russian speech or Russian language?

Very often, โ€œspeechโ€ and โ€œlanguageโ€ are understood as synonyms. Although both concepts make up a common sign system, they are not the same thing.

Speech is an expression of thought through a language code. Language is a historically developed and socially significant sign system used for the purpose of communication. In other words, there are a lot of languages โ€‹โ€‹in the world, and speech is a process of communication: oral or written.

Language can be realized only in speech and has a pronounced social significance, speech is individual for everyone. The expression "Russian speech" most likely reflects the speaker's belonging to a Russian ethnic group. The phrase "Russian language" refers to one of the many existing languages โ€‹โ€‹on the planet.

Species of oral and written forms of speech

In addition to the division into oral and written, speech is divided into productive and receptive.

Oral and written forms of speech have not only different norms for using the language, but also different areas of application. Oral speech is more often used in everyday, everyday communication. Writing is used in the education system, for business correspondence, scientific activities and all kinds of formal communication.

Productive forms of speech are aimed at creativity, the creation of oral or written texts that carry either a distinctive meaning or a vivid and memorable form of presentation. But most often, word masters combine the uniqueness of form and semantic load of the text.

The profession "speech writer" is gaining more and more popularity. A speechwriter is a specialist with deep knowledge in the field of language and psycholinguistics. Speechwriter work is a prime example of a productive form of speech.

Russian speech

His responsibilities include writing not only beautiful and interesting texts of performances for public figures and celebrities, but also creating their speech image. A good speechwriter will write a speech that will be in harmony with the appearance, education and character of the client. If necessary, the speech can be composed in such a way that the speaker will seem better than he really is.

Receptive forms of speech are associated with the perception of a ready-made text - oral or written, its deep analytical processing and analysis. An example of this perception is the work of historians on ancient manuscripts, the activities of editors from various publishing houses and translators.


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