Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Exposure": reviews and description

Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Excerpt ”, reviews of which you can read in our article, has only natural components in its composition. But each of them is only an additive, and the basis is soft northern water, unique in its composition and properties. Passed through a three-level purification system: coal, mechanical and cationic, it has become an ideal component for creating an amazing drink.

Possessing the highest level of quality, luxury alcohol, forming the perfect combination with other components, turns Arkhangelskaya vodka into a drink of high energy value. But that is not all. As a final step, vodka must pass the final exposure in century-old boilers. She is left there for two weeks to betray the drink an unforgettable taste and strength. The technology was developed by the Arkhangelsk Distillery, and its secrets are reliably protected by the enterprise. Excellent vodka, the best representative in its price segment!

Amazing composition

They will best say about the excellent quality that the vodka “Arkhangelsk. Northern Exposure, customer reviews. So, having bought vodka of this brand, the first thing they pay attention to is:

  • mineral water;
  • refined luxury alcohol;
  • sugar syrup;
  • aromatic lingonberry alcohol;
  • alcohol of Icelandic citraria;
  • alcoholized drink made from oatmeal;
  • alcoholized infusion of marsh cinquefoil;
  • tincture of their deer antlers;
  • tincture of kelp.

Agree that the above can not but be intriguing, causing the desire to definitely try this product!

Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Exposure" reviews

About the manufacturer

The pride of the Alviz distillery is rightfully considered vodka Arkhangelskaya. Northern exposure. " Reviews about the manufacturer and this drink can clearly convince consumers of a thorough approach to work.

Arkhangelsk Distillery has long been engaged in the production of high-quality alcoholic beverages and is deservedly considered an expert in this matter. The company carefully controls the quality of the manufactured goods, and also complies with all technical standards and the recipe. There is no doubt that the Alviz plant deserves the trust of its customers.

Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Exposure" reviews composition

Vodka of this brand has a rich finish and softness. Components of the highest quality and reverent attitude to their craft allow the factory workers to create a wonderful drink.


The vodka “Arkhangelsk. Northern exposure. " Reviews, rating, constant demand - in all respects the product of this brand bypasses its competitors.

Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern excerpt" manufacturer reviews

All things being equal, the average buyer chooses the Arkhangelsk vodka, because it has the perfect combination of price and highest quality. Many positive reviews eloquently confirm the solidity of the product. And the loyal love of customers and good sales, in turn, allow the Arkhangelsk distillery to produce high-quality vodka at an affordable price.

Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Exposure" reviews rating

Customer reviews

Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Excerpt ”, reviews, the composition of which you can evaluate thanks to our article, has an important advantage - high quality alcohol. No less important factor, according to customer feedback, is a rather low price, not exceeding 400 rubles. They also note the design of the bottle - pleasant in appearance and distinguishing vodka of this brand from competitors.

In the opinion of consumers, this vodka is the best option for a feast in the company. Pleasant taste, moderate strength and high quality - this is the secret of this drink. According to them, this vodka can be safely recommended for purchase to your friends, and no one will remain offended.

vodka arkhangelsk northern excerpt customer reviews

Is it worth buying

We hope that enough has already been said about the quality that the vodka “Arkhangelsk. Northern exposure. " Reviews about this drink do not change and stably confirm the high demand for it.

Buyers confirm that this vodka is commendable. Who will refuse a pleasant summer evening to miss a few glasses of amazing drink? And even flavoring it all with delicious barbecue cooked in the fresh air and in a cheerful company.

Vodka "Northern Excerpt" contributes not only to maintaining a cheerful mood in the company, but, and no less important, will not spoil the morning awakening. No hangover and unpleasant residual effects! A special production cleaning system minimizes the harm of alcohol. According to reviews, this is the best representative in its segment.

High quality

Do not lose sight of the appearance of the bottle. Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Excerpt, ”reviews of which have repeatedly noted the excellent work of designers, is not inferior to expensive counterparts.

Pleasant label colors distinguish the product from many analogues, allowing you to quickly find the product of your favorite manufacturer on the shelf. A convenient bottle holds securely in your hand, and high-quality glass reliably protects the contents from external influences, not allowing a drop of a wonderful drink to disappear. A laconic logo and a pleasant font of inscriptions contribute to the aesthetic composition and delight the eye.

What fortress does vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Exposure" have?

The best vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Exposure" reviews

Customer reviews indicate that the serious fortress of this vodka - the classic forty degrees - came to their taste. Perhaps for girls it will seem overly strong, but the male part of the company will definitely appreciate vodka. The drink gently warms from the inside, a warm wave rolling through the esophagus. The aftertaste reveals a pleasant bouquet and does not have an unpleasant, harsh or chemical flavor. Only true quality and high quality ingredients is the motto of the Arkhangelsk enterprise.

Performed in classical traditions, it embodies the canons of strong alcohol. No aromatic odors or confusing additives. A severe male drink for a real company is what the best vodka is.

“Arkhangelsk. Northern Excerpt ”, reviews of which note a pleasant price-quality ratio, will be a valuable addition to any company and will help create a pleasant atmosphere of fun and relaxation. Available to all segments of the population, it boasts a low price, pleasantly surprising customers.


If you don’t know which drink to decorate the festive table, feel free to choose this brand. Vodka "Arkhangelsk. Northern Excerpt, ”reviews of which confirm that no one will leave dissatisfied, is famous not only for the highest quality of components, but also for a special secret that gives the drink a noble taste and softness.

So, you can not hesitate and boldly buy the products of the Alviz plant, not later regretting the money spent. This vodka is rightfully considered worthy and is able to compete with even more expensive drinks.


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