Treatment of rhinitis with folk remedies: proven recipes and recommendations

Rhinitis is a fairly common problem that a person faces several times a year. Despite the fact that the causes of the common cold can be different, this symptom is treated almost the same. In addition to pharmacy drugs, many resort to the treatment of rhinitis with folk remedies.

Types and causes

Types of the common cold

Runny nose is considered a protective reaction of the body to irritation. There are several types of rhinitis:

  1. Atrophic occurs due to thinning of the mucosa. Most often, this type of runny nose appears as a result of professional activity, weakened immunity or lack of iron. And also the causative agent of the disease often becomes an infection. In order not to form crusts in the nose, alkaline ointment is used. Sometimes treatment does not lead to the desired results and the patient has to undergo an operation during which the nasal passages are narrowed or implants are inserted. During treatment, patients take vitamins and antibiotics.
  2. Due to hypertrophy of the tissues of the nasal concha, a disease such as hypertrophic rhinitis occurs. As in the previous case, the cause of the occurrence is work in hazardous industries. It is treated exclusively by surgery.
  3. If a runny nose lasts about a month, then it is called chronic rhinitis. In some people, this disease does not go away throughout the year. Its symptoms are aggravated or smoothed out regardless of the circumstances. Sometimes it is very difficult to find the cause of the disease, since there can be several factors causing this symptom. But this type of rhinitis is treatable. Most often they use folk remedies. They help a person strengthen immunity and get rid of a cold without resorting to pharmacy drugs, many of which have side effects.
  4. Allergic rhinitis can be treated with antihistamines. And also the condition of the patient is facilitated by traditional medicine and timely prevention.
  5. There is also “taste” rhinitis that occurs after eating hot or spicy foods. It lasts, as a rule, not for long and does not cause any particular harm to health.
  6. If the patient takes vasoconstrictor drugs for a long time, then he may experience vasomotor rhinitis (ICD code 10 J30).

In a word, there can be many causes of a runny nose. Each of them requires a special approach in the treatment process.

Atrophic rhinitis

How to get rid of a cold

Symptoms of this disease are a constant feeling of dryness, inability to breathe through the nose and loss of smell. Rather dense crusts form in the nose, due to which the patient constantly feels the presence of a foreign body. The treatment of this disease involves the use of antibiotics and drugs that stimulate the immune system. And also the doctor must prescribe iron-containing and capillary-stabilizing drugs. That is, funds that improve blood microcirculation.

How to treat symptoms

Treatment of adult atrophic rhinitis and its prevention takes some time. In the clinic, the doctor can prescribe such drugs as “Xanthinol”, “Dipyridamole” and “Agapurin”. They improve microcirculation and stimulate metabolic processes. In addition, you may need the following funds: Inosine, Ferrum Lek, aloe tablets and Trimetazidine. Among folk remedies, the following recipes are usually used:

  1. Eucalyptus essential oil is applied to the nasal mucosa. It is advisable to mix it with any vegetable, so as not to cause irritation.
  2. Often instill Kalanchoe juice in the nose.
  3. In one teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil, the rosehip extract is dissolved and the nasal mucosa is lubricated with the obtained preparation throughout the day.
  4. Pine essential oil also worked well. It is also advisable to mix with olive or linseed oil before lubricating the nose. Sunflower oil dries the mucosa a little, while olive oil has excellent moisturizing properties. In addition, it contains a huge amount of vitamin A, regenerating tissue, and vitamin K, which strengthens capillaries and blood vessels.
  5. Horseradish treatment also gives positive results.

For any type of rhinitis, rinsing of the nasal passages with a weak salt solution is recommended. This tool improves the breathing process, frees the nose from the crusts and disinfects the mucous membrane.

Ginger with honey

Honey with ginger

In order for the common cold not to develop into sinusitis, it should be treated at the very initial stage. Despite the fact that rhinitis often goes away on its own as immunity strengthens, it can seriously harm human health. If the symptom lasts for a week, then there is a risk of thinning of the mucosa, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and so on. Very often, in the treatment of the common cold, honey, onions, aloe juice, ginger and other products with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are used.

For example, ginger is often called a natural antibiotic. Ginger products are often used to treat colds. To prepare the recipe, take the ginger root and pass it through a blender. Next, the ground mixture is added to a glass container and honey is added. The composition should be infused for some time in the refrigerator. After a few hours, lemon juice is added to the mixture and one tablespoon is consumed three or four times a day. It can be washed down with green or black tea, as well as add the mixture to warm water and drink. It is not recommended to use this remedy for diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas or in the presence of stomach ulcers.

Oil drops for nose

Very often, parents ask: how to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child? Peppermint oil has proven itself perfectly as a nasal drop. It can be buried both in pure form and together with sea buckthorn. In addition, a garlic mixture can be prepared on the basis of vegetable oil. Squeeze a small amount of garlic and squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth. The resulting juice is mixed with unrefined vegetable oil and instilled in each nostril, one or two drops. You can not use this tool too often, since garlic can irritate the mucous membrane. This is a fairly powerful tool that quickly and effectively fights against germs and viruses.

Vegetable juices

Beetroot Juice

Most often they are used to treat children. They help to cope with a runny nose in the early stages of the disease and, as a rule, have no contraindications for use. And also they can cure a prolonged runny nose in a child. How to use vegetable juice? It is usually used in its pure form without additives. However, if desired, you can make a mixture of olive oil with the addition of onion or beet juice. Carrot juice is similarly used. Root crops are peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. Then squeeze the juice through a double gauze. Large particles must not be allowed to enter the nose for instillation.

It is advisable to use the mixture during the day, since in the future it loses its properties. Usually, two drops are instilled into each nostril.

Cold bow

Onion juice

Instead of garlic juice, onion can be used in the treatment of rhinitis at home. The vegetable is ground on a grater or cut with a knife into small slices. Next, the chopped vegetable is poured with olive oil and left to infuse for one to two hours. Before burying the nose, be sure to filter the product through a double gauze. Please note that the ratio of onion and oil should be approximately one to one. Thanks phytoncides, which are contained in onions, recovery occurs quickly enough.

Can children drip onion juice into their nose? This tool helps with dry noses and prevents the formation of crusts. For the treatment of children, the solution should not be concentrated and should be used no more than twice a day. As a rule, an oily solution is not used if fluid flows from the nose.

Rinse nose

Rinse your nose regularly during rhinitis treatment. Sometimes instillation alone is not enough. Thanks to washing, microbes are destroyed, and mucus is also removed from the nasal passages. A person recovers breathing, passes a headache and improves well-being. As a liquid for washing, salt or soap solution is most often used. To prepare the product, it is enough to take one incomplete teaspoon of ordinary kitchen or iodized salt and dissolve it in half a glass of warm boiled water.

The patient pours a little fluid in the palm of his hand and brings it to his nose. With his other hand, he pinches one nostril in order to draw fluid into his nose with the other. Do the same with the second half of the nose. Each time the patient blows his nose, and only then continues the procedure.

Soap solution is prepared only from a piece of laundry soap. It is extremely important not to make a highly concentrated solution, otherwise mucosal irritation will occur. The patient may even feel a sharp pain in the nose. The flushing fluid should be slightly cloudy, but remain light. Thanks to the alkali contained in the soap, the action of harmful bacteria and microbes is neutralized. After a soap solution, free breathing is maintained for a long time. This tool should not be used too often. It is enough to rinse your nose once a day. Such a procedure is especially desirable before bedtime, as it allows the patient to easily fall asleep and not wake up throughout the night.

Treating children

Sometimes difficulties arise during washing the nose of the child. You can not do this procedure for a baby if he is under three years old. In order to rinse your nose, you will need a syringe without a needle or a pipette. And also in the pharmacy you can buy special syringes. A solution is collected in a syringe or pipette and injected into the nose. It is extremely dangerous to use high pressure, since the liquid along with microbes can enter the ear canals and cause acute inflammation. For washing the nose of a child with folk remedies, a solution of sea salt is most often used. And also perfectly proved broth of a camomile.

Potato for inhalation

For coughing or acute respiratory infections, potato inhalation is often used. If desired, various essential oils can be added to the potatoes, and then the effect of the product will noticeably increase. Typically, the potatoes are boiled in their skins, after which they are pushed with a fork in a clean container. Eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, chamomile or orange oil is dripped from above. In a word, any essential oils that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

The patient bends over the container, covering his head with tissue. He holds one nostril with his finger, and the second inhales steam. You can not take a deep breath during inhalation during rhinitis, as well as breathe sharply. Usually they do this: first inhale one nostril twice, then inhale through the mouth once and again inhale twice, but the other nostril. Thus, warm therapeutic steam will be able to treat not only the nasal passages, but also the upper respiratory tract.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

This disease occurs as a result of narrowing of the nasal concha, due to which the breathing process is disturbed. It is allergic and neurovegetative. Sometimes it is caused by the very frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs. This disease is characterized by symptoms such as regular headache, fatigue, decreased performance and memory. In addition, in patients with vasomotor rhinitis, sleep patterns are very often disturbed. For its treatment, both medicines and folk remedies are used. For example, the Kalanchoe juice in the nose has proven itself perfectly. From large dense leaves squeezed juice through cheesecloth, instill it into the nose, two or three drops in each nostril. Also, carrot juice can be used as drops.

In this type of rhinitis, it is useful to massage the maxillary sinuses and lubricate the nostrils with ointment from walnut leaves or calendula flowers. As the basis for ointment, beeswax is most often used. It also contains beneficial substances that contribute to a speedy recovery. Fresh calendula inflorescences are ground with a wooden mortar and mixed with petroleum jelly or wax. Do the same with walnut leaves. Ointment can be used immediately after preparation.

Doctors recommend using folk remedies for honey with vasomotor rhinitis. This product heals the mucous membrane and cleans the nasal passages well of germs. A small portion of honey is diluted with water in a ratio of one to one and instilled into the nose with a pipette. This tool is recommended for the prevention of sinusitis.

Herbal fees

Many medicinal herbs have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and help cope with rhinitis. A decoction of chamomile, calendula, plantain or yarrow flowers instill a nose during the day. What helps infusion of chamomile and other plants? The remedy based on medicinal herbs perfectly rinses the sinuses, dissolves and removes dry crusts on the mucosa and promotes free breathing.

Experts recommend making the following composition of oak bark, horsetail, red rowan fruits and sage leaves. All of these components are taken one tablespoon and poured into a liter jar. Then the raw material is poured into 400 ml of purified water and put in a water bath. After about an hour, the composition will be completely ready for use. It is taken in an amount of 100 grams three times a day. As well as the resulting broth, the nasal passages are washed. The flushing fluid should be warm, but not hot.

Horseradish juice

Horseradish Juice

The use of horseradish juice to treat rhinitis with folk remedies is very popular among Germans. This plant contains components that are rarely found in others. With the help of this root crop, you can get rid of germs, viruses, fungi and bacteria. It acts fatally on almost the entire pathogenic microflora. Since the horseradish root is quite burning, its juice has irritating properties and can burn the mucous membrane. Therefore, horseradish is most often consumed inside with apples and sugar. This is the recipe used in Germany.

The juice of the root of the plant can be combined with petroleum jelly and lubricate the nostrils with it. And also it is bred in water, adhering to a ratio of 1:10, and buried in the nose. Only in such a diluted form can horseradish be safe for the mucosa.

In a word, there are many recipes for treating rhinitis with folk remedies that can help get rid of this problem. It is extremely important in this disease not only to use drops in the nose, but also to take medicines inside, warm the legs, and also do a massage of the sinuses. Comprehensive treatment gives excellent results and helps to cure the most complex types of rhinitis.


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