Tomato "Male Dignity": grade description, photos and reviews

"Auria", or tomato "Manhood", is intended for those who like to grow exotic in their areas. This variety is not a hybrid. In different regions, he received various names. Somewhere he is called “Feminine Happiness”, “Ladies Caprice”, “Adam”, and some say that it is a variety of “Fun”. But in fact, "Fun" and "Manhood" are two different varieties. The rest of the names belong to Auria, a variety obtained in Israel. However, it is believed that the tomato was bred in another country.

Grade Features

Tomato "Male Dignity" refers to the idiomatic varieties. The plant is tall, can reach two meters.

The variety belongs to mid-season - 110-115 days. A feature of the variety is its fruits. They have an unusual elongated shape, for which the tomato was nicknamed "Manhood". Fruits are red, up to 15 centimeters in length, weighing about 200 grams. The end of the tomato is forked, elongated. The pulp is fleshy, with a dense consistency. There are few seeds in the fruits, as they have a lot of pulp and few seed chambers. In the brush up to eight fruits.

Tomato "Manhood" has a pleasant aroma. Taste is excellent. When overripe, the tomatoes do not crack. The variety is suitable for long-term storage.

The plant can be grown both in open ground and in the greenhouse. The variety is resistant to various types of diseases. He is later affected by late blight.

Public opinion

Gardeners around the world speak positively of the variety. Reviews on the tomato "Male Dignity" suggest that this variety is high-yielding. Five to ten or more fruits are tied on the hands in any weather. Even if other varieties do not yield a high yield, the tomato variety “Male Dignity” will not fail. According to some reviews, the yield per plant is about five kilograms.

The purpose of the variety

Tomato fruits are widely used for whole-canning. They look unusual in the bank because of their interesting shape. Also, the fruits are well suited for the preparation of various blanks. From a tomato you get a thick, tasty tomato.

They can be consumed fresh, stored for a long time: in the refrigerator, the fruits retain their appearance and taste for up to two months. According to the description of the tomato variety "Male Dignity", the fruits can be stored for more than two months. Also, they perfectly tolerate transportation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety “Male Dignity” has many positive qualities. These include:

  1. High yield.
  2. High palatability of fruits.
  3. Fruits are resistant to cracking.
  4. Tomatoes can be used for fresh consumption, canning.
  5. Fruits can be stored for a long time.
  6. Resistance to most common tomato diseases.

Having looked at the photo of the tomato “Male Dignity”, you can appreciate the unusual shape of the fruit. Such exotic will be appreciated by everyone who sees tomatoes, and gardeners will receive a high harvest of very tasty, fragrant fruits.

The disadvantages include shedding of fruit in case of untimely harvesting.


Tomato "Manhood" can be grown in any region of the country. According to reviews, the plant grows well throughout the country. In the Baltic states, in Siberia, the Leningrad and Moscow regions, it is recommended to grow tomato in greenhouses. In the southern regions, the fruits ripen in open ground.

Growing a variety in the northern regions, it should be borne in mind that it does not tolerate cooling. If the plant is cold, then it will drop flowers.

The planting density of the plants is the same as that of the majority of the terminal varieties: 3 plants per square meter. When forming in two stems, it is recommended to reduce the planting density to 2.5 plants.

According to the description, the tomato "Male Dignity" is exposed to vertebral rot more than other varieties. Because of this, the plant needs to be fed a little more than other varieties with calcium.

Auria seeds are sown in different regions at different times. Typically, sowing is performed two months before the expected date of planting seedlings in a permanent place. If the planting is expected in late May, then the seedlings are sown in late March.

The fruiting period begins three and a half months after sowing seeds for seedlings. During the growing season, the plant must be formed. In cold climates, it is recommended to form bushes in one stem. In the southern regions, you can carry a tomato in two stems.

The plant is vigorous, so it must be tied up. It should be borne in mind that it has a very delicate stem and is easily injured during garter. So that there are no traces left on the stem, it is recommended to use special ribbons for tying plants.

Plant formation

The feature of bush growth requires proper formation. When forming in a single stalk, all lateral stepsons are removed from the plant, leaving only the central trunk. This must be done so that the fruits receive all the necessary nutrients and have time to ripen.

Forming a tomato in two stems, the first stepson is left. He serves as the second stalk. Then all the forming lateral processes are removed.

Removal is done at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the main stem. If you break off the shoot along the central trunk, it can damage the plant. Long stumps cause active branching.

In addition to removing stepchildren, it is necessary to remove leaves from “Masculine dignity”. Usually, leaves are removed from the bottom for 1-2 pieces per run. 2-3 leaves are left for each brush. This is done so that the fruits can take the accumulated beneficial substances from the leaf. Thus, tomatoes are poured and ripen faster.

In order for the plant to develop normally, it must be fed. This is done three times during the growing season. The first top dressing is carried out when transplanting seedlings into the ground. The second - at the onset of flowering, and the third - during the fruiting period.

Removing leaves helps prevent the development of various diseases. The bare stems provide good ventilation of the plants, and the lack of contact of the leaf with the soil helps to prevent the early development of late blight and other dangerous fungal diseases.


"Manhood" refers to those varieties that are virtually unaffected by disease. However, due to the peculiarity of the size of the fruit, vertebral rot may develop on them.

Tomato can be exposed to various pests. Most often, the plant eats aphids, whiteflies, spider mites. The fight against them is carried out by the treatment of plants with special preparations. They can be purchased at any country store.


The grade "Man's dignity" is a real exotic that will become an ornament of the garden and table. Unusual tomatoes will be appreciated. In canned form they have no equal. In good weather, as well as when growing a tomato in a greenhouse, the plant will bear fruit for a long time. The possibility of long-term storage of fruits will allow you to serve a salad of fresh, your own tomatoes on the New Year's table.


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