A related profession is ... The concept, definition, classification of work performed, the performance of labor and related work and payment rules

To choose one narrow specialization and work, develop in this direction until recently was one of the effective rules of success. But alas, not today. In the real world, universal workers, specialists of a wide profile are appreciated. To have only one profession is not that unfashionable, but impractical in our age of economic instability, the capitalist law "every man for himself." The risk group here will be people with those specializations that overwhelmed the labor market β€” economists, lawyers, and teachers. How to be? We offer the reader an effective and efficient way out - these are related professions. What is hidden under the term, what specific specializations are included there, how to get them - we will share all this with you further.

Related professions, combination and advanced training

First we need to get rid of the confusion:

  • Related profession. This is an additional profession that the worker takes possession of. It implies a combination of work responsibilities, the expansion of their own labor potential, opportunities. There is one distinguishing feature. Related professions and specialties always have technological or terminological commonality with the main specialization. For example, a toolmaker and a turner. In this case, one employee may combine two or more specializations.
  • Actually combination. This type of activity means that the employee, in addition to his main job, is also engaged in some other kind of activity. The latter is not related to his education, his main specialization. For example, a human resources specialist may also be the secretary of a manager β€” answer calls, schedule appointments, and so on. Such activities will not be called a second related profession.
  • Training. It also has nothing to do with the related profession. The worker only increases his level of professionalism in the main type of employment. He becomes a more experienced specialist, but does not gain knowledge in another field. A related profession is always mastering skills that allow you to engage in a qualitatively new activity.

And now for the specifics.

related profession is

Which professions are related?

Now we know that this is a related profession. But what exactly fits here?

A related profession can be found in almost every existing specialization. But for an example we will consider the risk groups mentioned in the introduction:

  • Lawyer.
  • Educator.
  • Accountant.
  • Pharmacist.

We will analyze each example separately.


It would seem that this is a specialization that will be in demand at all times. But, as practice shows, it is sometimes difficult for accountants to find a decent job - both for young professionals and those with professional experience. This is due to the oversaturation of the labor market by representatives of this specialization.

The list of related professions that is easy enough for an accountant to master (and especially for a specialist who already has experience):

  • Economist.
  • Auditor.
  • Finance manager.
  • Tax consultant.

What is convenient, the specialist does not need to receive a second higher education. Today it is enough to take advanced training courses on the basis of your higher education. The proposals of economic universities in this area are extremely diverse and numerous.

related profession training


Again, many will say: why do you need training in a related profession, because you can always find work with a legal education. Alas, this is not so. A striking example would be the hundreds of offers from jobseekers on labor exchanges, sometimes having fairly impressive work experience.

How to be here? In this case, there are several related professions:

  • Legal Counsel. Legal adviser is required for almost every company, large company, bank. You only need to strengthen your knowledge in the field of legislation that is related to the activities of your employer.
  • Real Estate A person who thoroughly knows the legislation of this area will always be worth its weight in gold.
  • Economy. Many lawyers (again, based on the field of specialization) can easily retrain into a specialist in this field.
  • Recruiting. Knowledge of labor law and continuing education courses will easily make a lawyer a successful HR manager.
  • Public service. We must not forget about this option. As an example - employment in Rosreestr, registration chambers and so on.
    related occupations


And another classic example of a profession with too high expectations. Yes, in the Russian Federation there is an acute shortage of teachers and teachers. But as a rule, in small single-industry towns, villages, and even in villages that are practically divorced from civilization. In megacities, developed settlements, there is no such need. Or it is less than the number of job seekers and teachers.

Having a pedagogical education on the shoulder will be the development of related specialties of the following series:

  • Tutor.
  • Social teacher.
  • Educator.

One cannot but recall the "transformations" within one's own professions. A music teacher can master the specialization of a teacher of fine art, a chemistry teacher - a teacher of biology, a history teacher in addition to teach social studies and life safety.

Many teachers also try themselves for positions in the Board of Trustees, work in children's rehabilitation centers and boarding schools.

related professions


Why do I need work in a related profession if almost every house has a pharmacy? It is hard to believe, but those with a pharmaceutical education also sometimes have difficulty finding a job. Sometimes this is due to the desire to develop, move up the career ladder, in one's own professional self-development.

There are many options for a pharmacist:

  • The most difficult thing is to retrain as a general practitioner.
  • Retraining courses today help pharmacists become clinical pharmacologists.
  • There is an activity where you need thorough knowledge of the market for medicines and other medicines. This is a marketer, product manager, sales representative of a pharmaceutical company. But this is not all the possibilities. Knowledge of a foreign language may well make the pharmacist an international representative of a pharmacological firm.

Working specialties

It must be said that workers in related professions have been relevant since time immemorial. This is even indicated by the names of the types of such employment: a painter-plasterer, plumber, driver-loader-forwarding agent, finisher-tiler and so on.

Offers for retraining in this area can be found sea. But the mass of workers takes on additional skills independently in the process of activity or with the help of their colleagues. Therefore, they need such courses most of all "for the crust."

mastering related profession

Three Ways to Become a Contributor

There is no doubt that the related profession is an excellent social β€œpillow” in case of dismissal, reduction, change of life plans, moving. In addition, it is an opportunity to earn extra money, to contribute to professional self-development. But how to become a "contiguous"? In the modern world there are three main ways:

  1. The concern of the employer. A large number of large Russian corporations, following foreign ones, open training centers on their base. There, they learn the basics of beginners, continuing education courses, and what we need is the development of related professions. This is beneficial for the company itself - it can build training in a favorable direction for itself, prepare the employee for the tasks necessary at the stage of his development. A big plus - training here at the expense of the employer.
  2. Own initiative. You can easily master the related profession by completing relevant courses at the university, a center for retraining of specialists and so on. You can pay attention to short-term trainings. You will be given an appropriate diploma, a certificate confirming new professional skills. But of course, for my own money. You will also need to sacrifice your free time.
  3. Freindly help. The best option that does not require a waste of time and money. After all, everything happens at the workplace - you learn from your colleagues. But, like the previous ones, this method has its drawbacks: it is not so easy to motivate a versatile professional to share his knowledge and skills with you.
    related profession

Leadership attitude

And the last point that motivates you to get an adjacent profession. This is a leadership attitude. As a rule, the employer is always more favorable to an inquisitive employee who is in a hurry to develop and gain new professional knowledge than to someone who only monotonously fulfills his duties every day.

This also applies to so many frightening in our unstable time cuts. The employer will make a decisive choice in favor of a specialist who is not afraid to expand his functional responsibilities, to retrain for other work. He can always fill in the "gap" in the case of leave, dismissal or illness colleagues. And the management will have no fears that the production process will stall or stop.

list of related professions

Acquiring related professions should be of interest to every specialist who seeks to be confident in the future, his career growth. Today, there are several ways to master new functions specific to each profession.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14746/

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