Amber market in Barnaul: description and mode of operation

The Amber Market in Barnaul has been operating since 2014. It became the first place able to combine the classic market and modern shopping center.

The design is made in the same style, all signs, signs, plates and storage devices are made under an old tree. Also on the market there are lots of decorative items that are not typical of simple bazaars and markets.

Amber Market is a real find for people who value naturalness, quality and comfort.

Address and mode of operation

The market is located in the Industrial District of Barnaul on the street Suche-Bator 3A and works every day. On the 1st floor of the universal market they sell food products, on the second floor they sell mainly clothes and shoes. You can also buy toys for children, gadgets, hats, leather goods and cosmetics.

industrial area barnaul

Quality control

All products sold on the market are subject to sanitary and veterinary examination from the Veterinary Service of the Altai Territory in Barnaul. This helps to select only fresh and safe products for sale to citizens.

Sanitary day

Amber Barnaul Market

Every third Monday of the month in the universal market "Amber" is a sanitary day. On this day, the market is closed to buyers, and staff conducts total processing, disinfection and cleaning of the premises. Veterinary organizations and the Center for Disinfection help with disinfection (a contract is concluded). This allows you to kill all microorganisms, rodents and insects. After that, everything is thoroughly washed by cleaning companies and staff.

Tenants also indirectly take part in the sanitary day. They pre-clean absolutely all the goods in special refrigerators. This allows you to protect products, rinse all the windows.

Social responsibility

The market administration has created the most convenient conditions for all people with different purchasing power. Also, people with disabilities and parents with young children can easily visit the market.

The administration is trying to support veterans who live in the Industrial District. And for pensioners who want to sell their products, they provide preferential places.

Why the wound was called "Amber"

When the market opened, there were warm pre-autumn days. A large number of ripe pumpkins, fragrant apples, fresh honey, carrots, corn and cheeses were laid out on the shelves. The administration immediately thought that it reminds them of solar amber. Therefore, the market "Amber" in Barnaul received this name.


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