Cognac A. de Fussigny Selection: reviews, manufacturer

Cognac House A de. Fussigny Selection is a representative of the classical school of winemaking in France, the history of which is shrouded in secrets and intrigues. The company survived several crises and was even on the verge of bankruptcy, but survived. Now the price tags for cognac A de. Fussigny Selection is at the level of the most status alcohol. Such a drink is a great gift, valued directly by the fact of possession, because it has a rich history in addition to its rich taste and aroma. The key advantage of the brandy of this brand is its concentration on a well-tuned blend elevated to the status of excellence, which the founder of the company was striving for at one time.

Brand history and a few words about the founder

a de fussigny selection reviews
The cellar master - this is what the founder of the brand A de was called. Fussigny Selection Louis Royet. This craftsman managed to put his hand to another French cognac, namely Louis Royer, which today is called the Grand Champagne treasure and one of the best drinks in the VSOP category. Louis left the established production for his own business. Many considered the winemaker’s act to be at least discouraging, since at first the master was in danger of bankruptcy. At that time, he was a representative of the honorable family, which for seven generations was engaged in winemaking. Master Royer specialized in blending, in which he achieved considerable perfection. The combination of certain varieties of Grand Champagne, France, and brandy spirits , followed by aging in oak barrels made A de brandy. Fussigny Selection alcohol with its own character, mysterious and bright, like a French woman.

Start and current brand position

Cognac A de. Fussigny Selection "laid down" on fertile soil and quickly gained popularity. Since the establishment of the company in 1988, the reputation of the house of Louis Royet has provided him with access to the best vineyards of the Grand and Petit Champagne, where later the plots of the brand itself appeared. The use of high-quality raw materials was supplemented by its own blend of spirits, which delighted both connoisseurs and winemaking professionals. Later, the manufacturer also acquired its own barrel factory. Distillate holding tanks are made from Limousin oak, previously sent for preservation in the damp climate of Charente. Storage of the drink also occurs according to a specific technology.

Company's mission

cognac france
In an interview, the founder of the company, Louis Royer, said that the brand aims to create a high-quality drink according to a traditional blend made directly by the founder himself. Products belong to the premium category and are supplied worldwide. Cognac A de. Fussigny Selection, reviews of which speak about the high status of alcohol, is one of the coveted “guests” in any private collection and is often found at exhibitions. According to the master, one perfect blend of cognac spirits does not exist. Each farm has its own specifics, dictated by geolocation, recipe features. Reviews for A de. Fussigny Selection describe the magnificent palette of the drink, dictated by the very blend, but true connoisseurs always notice the slightest change in the recipe.

Product line

The company supplies the market with several varieties of cognac at once, among which there are no frankly “young” subspecies. The brand specializes in cognac classes VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale) and XO (Extra Old). The first category includes products with a shutter speed of at least 5 years. The first period of 24 months the drink spends in barrels in a cellar with a damp earth floor, the last - in a dry room subject to a special temperature regime. "Extra old" cognacs have their own bright taste and aroma, characteristic of alcohol with potential. Extract of such a drink provides for canning for 25-30 years. Price A de. Fussigny Selection XO can unpleasantly surprise an amateur, but every dollar in value is due to high quality.

Production Features

a de fussigny selection price
According to the owners of the brand, in the blend of cognac A de. Fussigny Selection, reviews of which speak about the indescribable taste of the drink, is used immediately by several copyright spirits developed by the founder. That is what is the secret of brand identity. In addition, a special technology for creating barrels, without the use of metal fasteners in general, provides its own emphasis in the taste palette, with subtle woody notes and the aroma of tobacco. According to rumors, the founder first personally inspected the raw materials supplied from the Grand Champagne vineyards in order to verify its quality. All cognacs of France have their own character and specifics of production, but A de. Fussigny Selection went around them all.

Taste palette

The brand keeps secret the exact recipe and all the specifics of production. According to reviews of cognac A de. Fussigny Selection, the drink has an unprecedentedly extensive flavor palette. The style of the master is to give the drink an exceptional wealth of nuances. He is able to create an amazing masterpiece with soft floral and fruity nuances, a rich wood palette and an emphasis on tobacco notes in the aroma. Alcohol has a spicy and honey finish, softly enveloping the tongue. The cognac strength is 40 degrees, but despite this it is extremely easy to drink and does not have a strong ethyl aftertaste. According to reviews of cognac A de. Fussigny Selection, as well as the reactions of a number of sommeliers and critics, the brand’s blend was borrowed, including from Louis Royer. Refutation, as well as confirmation of this information, no.

Cognac a de fussigny selection
Cognac is served chilled at a temperature of 14-16 degrees in a wide glass with ice. It is used in the preparation of cocktails, but has its own bright taste, which is difficult to insert into the palette of other components. It is best suited to drinks, where the supplement has notes of nutmeg and pepper.

Market position

a de fussigny colection
The brand produces two main positions: A de Fussigny Selection, VSOP and KhO. Both drinks have a strength of 40 degrees and come in special, branded packaging. In the first case, it is a metal tube with a fixed wax of the company, in the second - a cardboard box, which also has a confirmation of quality from the company. The color of the liquid is honey-golden, with a slight haze and sediment. XO in A de. The Fussigny collection has its own "passport" certifying the authenticity of the purchased drink and its origin. At the moment, brandy brand takes a position close to leading in quality and consistency.

The threat of fakes

Each status alcohol to one degree or another is at risk of becoming an object for the manufacture of fakes. Some reviews of cognac A de. Fussigny Selection, being negative, is dictated primarily by the fact that the buyer is faced with a fake. A genuine brand can be determined not only by the integrity of the package and the presence of excise tax, but also by the external data of the liquid itself. The hue of alcohol is light golden, less often honey and with amber highlights. Alcohol overflows are even, with a small amount of dullness. The drink does not have a pronounced precipitate or "chemical" brightness.

a de fussigny selection
Cognac A de. Fussigny Selection has its own history with notes of mystery and intrigue. The question why the founder left his family’s business and started all over again is still worrying for those who follow developments in the world of alcohol. Now this drink remains one of the representatives of the alcohol category with status. Such cognac in itself is a significant quantity and is a great gift, but to taste it means to touch the long-term history of winemaking in France, saturated with its own indescribable specificity. Reviews for A de. Fussigny Selection speaks for itself. Connoisseurs emphasize the delicate taste of the drink and its aroma.


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