Contrast shower, the benefits and harms of its systematic adoption

It's no secret that after a hard day's work, taking a shower can only be compared with a refreshing breath of cool water in a sultry desert. In the morning, this procedure helps us wake up and feel cheerful throughout the day. Why not make a shower not only a pleasant pastime, but also a useful, energizing one? As they say, in a healthy body - a healthy mind!

Contrast shower, its benefits are undeniable, but few people know what it is useful for. Jets of hot water relax the body, and cold jets train the muscles' elasticity and increase their tone. In addition, the skin pores tend to expand under the stream of hot water, and under the cold - on the contrary, they narrow, due to which keratinized skin particles are easily washed off the surface of the human body. Improving blood circulation with the help of a contrast shower helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body, and sudden changes in temperature perfectly activate the name system.

The best moment to take such a shower is morning. A contrast shower is needed, its benefits will be much stronger at this time of day, when the body is as relaxed as possible after a prolonged sleep. Start the procedure with warm water, the jets should descend over the body, starting from the neck, for a minute, then lower the temperature to cold. Wait about 15 seconds, then make the water warm again. It will be enough to repeat the manipulations 3-4 times, but it should always end cold. After a week, increase the temperature difference by about 5 degrees, and within 2-3 months you will come to a noticeable difference. Hot water is about 45 degrees, cold water is 15-20. The benefit of such a contrast shower will be effective.

An important point: do not substitute a head for a contrast shower, because even the strongest person can have pressure drops, inflammatory processes or a serious cold. In the process of taking a shower, step from one foot to another - do not stand still, the legs should also receive their portion of energy. You can take such a shower 2 times a day, and if you feel a slight cold, then you should not stop. In this matter, the main thing is regularity, then everything will go like clockwork when your body wakes up from hibernation.

Contrast shower, benefit and harm

So, a contrast shower, its benefits from the above are obvious, but what is the harm of a contrast shower? Naturally, each barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment, this also applies to the topic we are considering.

A contrast shower can not only be beneficial if, like any other medical procedure, it is illiterate. The body of many people will perceive a douche as a strong stress, so often they try to reduce the discomfort from the procedure by taking a cool rather than a cold shower, which leads to inflammatory processes and colds.

There are also contraindications for this procedure. It is strictly forbidden to take a cold-hot shower with malignant tumors, diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system, thrombophlebitis. In cases of cerebrovascular accident, hypertension, spasms of blood vessels - only after the permission of the attending physician. It is not recommended to start taking a contrast shower with cystitis, colds, tonsillitis, menstruation. Be extremely careful, since a contrast shower is not a simple procedure; nevertheless, serious temperature changes can adversely affect your health.

And in other cases, a contrast shower, the benefits of it will favorably affect the body with regular repetition of the procedure. Remember that our health is in our hands. So why not combine business with pleasure in the process of daily showering?


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