Oregano oil: use, useful properties and contraindications

Essential oils are widely used as alternative therapy methods, as they help get rid of a wide variety of diseases and practically do not provoke side effects. Oregano oil, which helps to cope with:

  • bacteria
  • yeast
  • fungal infections.

In addition, this tool helps to cope with viruses and expels parasites from the body. It is also effective in colitis, helps restore liver cells.

What is oil

It is important to study the beneficial properties and contraindications of oregano oil before use to avoid negative effects on the body. Get it from the flowers and leaves of oregano, which grows in various countries.

Since ancient times, oregano has been appreciated and widely used in medicine. He was additionally revered as a symbol of happiness, therefore, there was a tradition to marry newlyweds with oregano wreaths.

oregano oil application
Of greatest value is oregano oil, which is obtained from ordinary oregano, growing in the Mediterranean. To obtain oil, dry leaves and flowers of wild oregano are collected at a time when the content of nutrients in them is maximum, and then the finished product is distilled. The result is a finished product of a golden or dark yellow hue with a fairly pleasant aroma.

Oil composition

Essential oils are rich in various substances, oregano oil, which contains phenols such as thymol and carvacrol, is no exception. Thymol is characterized by antiseptic qualities. This substance helps to strengthen immunity, protecting against toxic substances, as well as preventing tissue damage and promoting their healing.

essential oils
Carvacrol is effective against various bacteria and parasites, in particular such as:

  • E. coli;
  • staphylococcus;
  • Salmonella
  • Giardia.

In addition, the composition of oregano oil includes such substances as:

  • terpenes;
  • naringin;
  • rosmarinic acid;
  • beta caryophilin.

There are also various vitamins, useful trace elements that contribute to the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Beneficial features

The antibacterial properties of oregano oil are widely known, therefore it is often used to treat respiratory diseases, as well as strengthen immunity. It is known that such a tool helps to prevent, and also cure, diseases such as:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • parasites;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • elimination of Staphylococcus aureus.

Oregano oil is used to prevent diseases transmitted through the consumption of contaminated food. Adding a little of this remedy to food, you can eliminate pathogens, as well as alleviate the symptoms of food poisoning.

Oregano oil for colds
The antiseptic qualities of oregano (oregano) are highly valued in aromatherapy. It is believed that this plant has the highest phenol content among all other aromatic herbs. In addition to using this product, for inhalation of cough and respiratory diseases, oregano oil is also used to:

  • scare away insects;
  • eliminate pain in the throat;
  • cure skin diseases;
  • reduce pain in joints and muscles.

The oil of this plant helps eliminate itching and reduce rashes, including those provoked by insect bites or poisonous plants.

Indications for use

Oregano oil has found its application in everyday life and traditional medicine. It has a wide range of therapeutic possibilities due to the presence in its composition of such components as carvacrol and thymol. A lot of phenols allows you to use this tool for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • purulent formations;
  • skin diseases;
  • bacterial and fungal infections;
  • insect bites;
  • joint diseases;
  • diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • intestinal infections.

This is the most powerful antibacterial agent that helps to quickly and effectively fight various infections. In addition, it can be used for cleaning the house, just add a few drops of this product to the water for washing floors.

Oral method

The use of oregano oil inside helps to get rid of discomfort in the stomach and intestines. To do this, take 3-5 drops of oil by mouth, mixing it with 1 tsp . honey. The treatment procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day. For treatment, children need to take 2 drops of oil 1 time per day.

You need to consume this remedy for 2 months in a row, as this will eliminate the inflammatory processes and the existing symptoms of intestinal diseases. You can also take oregano oil in capsules of 150-200 mg per day. Drink this product with plenty of water, juice or milk, since it is not recommended to take the drug in undiluted form.

oregano oil beneficial properties and contraindications
It is advisable to consult your doctor before using the drug, who will be able to prescribe the optimal dosage and tell you how to best take it and what to combine with. In some cases, it is recommended to combine this drug with preparations of the glands, and in others with various fluids.

You can use the tool just by putting it under the tongue. In this case, the dosage should be no more than 4 drops per day. After applying this remedy, certain discomfort associated with tingling and burning in the oral cavity may occur. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to drink some milk.

Use as an ointment

Found oregano oil application to eliminate skin itching or other disorders of the skin. To do this, dilute the product with the base and apply the resulting composition directly to the sore spot. For the base, you can take coconut, olive or just vegetable oil.

oregano oil
To prepare a medicinal product, you need to take 1-2 drops of oregano oil and mix it with 1 tbsp. l the basics. If the disease proceeds in a mild form, then only one treatment with the drug per day is sufficient, and with the course of the acute form, the amount of application of the drug should be increased up to 3 times a day. It is necessary to carefully monitor the process of therapy. If improvement does not occur after 1-2 weeks after applying the oil, then you need to see a doctor. In this case, he can prescribe complex therapy.

Rinse with Oregano Oil

Rinsing with diluted oregano oil is well suited for the treatment of colds and viral diseases, as well as various kinds of mucosal infections. To do this, take 1 tbsp. orange juice, add 3 drops of oregano oil and rinse your mouth several times.

oregano oregano
Orange juice can be replaced with warm water, but care must be taken to ensure that the temperature of the liquid is slightly higher than room temperature. Gargle 2 times a day.

How is the treatment of various diseases

The use of oregano oil allows you to get rid of various diseases and is considered a good tool for combating infectious and fungal diseases, viruses, and also helps to eliminate bacteria and helps get rid of parasites. As a result of the research, scientists have determined that this tool helps to cope with colitis in the same way as by using traditional means. Moreover, there are absolutely no side effects.

In addition, this tool helps to restore liver cells, and also reduces the risks of harm resulting from the use of antibiotics.

Oregano oil is used in the treatment of acne and as a prophylactic. To do this, dissolve 2 drops of oregano oil in 200 ml of water, moisten a cotton pad in the resulting product and treat the affected areas of the skin. If redness appears during the processing, then you need to stop the procedure and add a little more water to the product to reduce the oil concentration. Scientists have proved that oregano oil controls the amount of cholesterol in the body, while preventing the formation of fat deposits, and the existing excess fat is burned.

capsule oregano oil
In addition, this tool normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. At the same time, the production of enzymes and bile involved in the digestive process is enhanced. As a result of this, normalization of metabolic processes occurs.

Oregano oil allows you to cleanse the body of parasites, in particular such as giardia, round and tapeworms. If you take this tool for 6 weeks under the supervision of a doctor, then you can cleanse the intestines from helminths. To prepare a therapeutic agent, you need to take milk or juice, add 2-3 drops of oil and mix everything thoroughly. You need to take a healing agent daily 3 times a day.

Oregano is a plant whose consumption helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. Oregano oil makes it possible for women to more easily endure the menopause. It helps to normalize mood, eliminate excessive sweating and alleviate the symptoms characteristic of this hormonal surge.

Some skin diseases can be triggered by the presence of fungal infections. Oregano oil can protect the body from negative effects. In the case of a fungal infection of the cuticle or nail plate, you need to use this tool for 3 days. To guarantee a good result, you need to dilute the oil in warm water and rinse in a solution of socks.

Oregano oil is widely used for respiratory diseases. At the slightest symptoms of a sore throat or colds, you need to use a miracle cure. Every day you need to drink a glass of juice with 3 drops of oil diluted in it. The course of therapy should be no more than 5 days.

Oregano oil for colds helps get rid of a runny nose, cough, and sore throat. To do this, you need 1 tbsp. warm water dilute 5 drops of oil. With the occurrence of colds, it is necessary to massage the feet, using oregano oil.

This tool has an expectorant effect, helping to remove sputum from the respiratory system. To clear the nasal passages, breathing over steam is recommended. To do this, 2 drops of essential oil should be dissolved in hot water. It is necessary to inhale therapeutic steam, covering his head with a towel.

In addition, you can use this tool for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, rashes on the surface of the skin and polyps in the nose. You can not bury oil in its pure form in the auricle, you just need to treat the skin around it.

How to make butter yourself

Making oregano oil requires a specific distillation process. However, it is entirely possible to prepare this drug yourself. To prepare it you will need:

  • oregano leaves;
  • olive, almond or grape seed oil;
  • jar with a lid.

Initially, you need to boil water in a pan, when it boils, turn off the heat. Transfer the selected oil and chopped oregano leaves to the jar. The prepared container should be put in hot water and left for about 5-10 minutes. Thus, the oil warms up very well, which will release the essential oils.

The bank needs to be taken out of the water and put in the sun for 1-2 weeks. Every 2-3 days you need to shake the jar thoroughly. Then you need to strain the oil and pour it into a clean, sanitized jar. Keep the product in a cool, dark place. To preserve the finished product for much longer, add a few more drops of grapefruit seed oil.

Caution for use

When applying oregano oil, certain rules must be considered. In particular, when purchasing a product, it is worthwhile to study the instructions for use. If there is an individual intolerance to oregano, then you should not use this tool. In case of allergies, dizziness and vomiting, stop using the oil and be sure to consult a doctor.

In no case should the dosage be exceeded, since this remedy has a strong therapeutic effect, and an overdose is fraught with various kinds of complications. It is absolutely not difficult to use it, however, you must strictly follow the instructions for use, since together with the benefit it can also harm the body.

Side effects and contraindications

Oregano oil has certain contraindications. You can not use this tool during pregnancy, as it stimulates the flow of blood to the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage. In addition, it can provoke allergies, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. You can not use it for children under 2 years of age.

When consuming oregano oil by mouth, an upset digestive system can occur.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14758/

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