Fuelless energy. Prospects for Alternative Energy in Russia

Modern energy is based primarily on hydrocarbon fuel, which in various forms and types is used in almost all sectors of the economy around the world. In Russia, fuel materials are not just a source of energy, but also an export product, on which the economic development model depends. This largely explains the tasks of the country's leadership, focusing on the development of alternative energy sources in order to reduce dependence on the traditional resource.

As the experience of many developed countries shows, non-fuel energy may well replace hydrocarbon raw materials, which in the near future will lead to radical changes in the energy trade.

Benefits of Renewable Energy

Hydrological Power Plants

Technologies for using alternative energy sources provide several advantages to the countries that introduce them. And if the economic factor can be attributed to universal positive aspects, then in the case of Russia some specific aspects play a role.

First, non-fuel energy can finally solve the problems of inaccessibility of the main gas and electricity supply networks. So far, significant territories in remote corners of the country do not have access to energy in principle, which is associated with poor infrastructural development of the regions. Local use of local energy sources will help to solve these problems. Secondly, the development of alternative energy may well facilitate the process of waste disposal. In particular, the products of processing of raw materials in many sectors of agriculture can be converted into water and biofuels precisely thanks to the use of renewable raw materials with optimized mechanisms of energy transformation.

The main directions of non-fuel energy in Russia

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to talk about dominant directions as established branches of the energy industry. Of course, some successfully implemented projects in the most popular areas involving the use of solar and wind energy are noted. Traditionally, hydropower is also showing success, although there are many difficulties in this direction due to technological imperfection of the equipment used.

By the way, ordinary citizens are also interested in green technologies. Craftsmen make their own solar panels and windmills according to standard models. These, for example, include a neodymium magnet generator. With their own hands, it is assembled on the principle of an axial motor with a rotor and stator. Thus, you can make a good power source for 100-150 watts, which will work completely on free energy.

Neodymium Magnet Generator

Solar generators

According to experts, the potential for the development of solar energy in the Russian Federation in terms of traditional fuel exceeds 200 billion tons. Due to the instability of the possibilities of accumulating energy of sunlight in different regions, problems remain in the technological implementation of power plants of this type, however, under favorable conditions, generators can generate up to 1400 kWh / m 2 . At the same time, the segment of solar power plants for the home is actively developing.

The cost of the kit, providing generation at the level of 2 kW * h / day., Varies from 20 to 70 thousand rubles. on average, but this power is enough to fully service a small house or cottage.

Solar power

Wind generators

In the field of wind energy, experts predict the volume of electricity generation at 15 GW by about 2030. And again, much will depend on regional climatic capabilities in the implementation of current and future projects, since, like solar radiation, the wind is differently active in different geographical points. The most promising regions include the Krasnodar Territory, Karelia, the Volgograd Region, etc. As for the types of wind generators that can form an energy park, most of them should be standard installations with a capacity of 0.1-10 kW, vertical turbines of 5-30 kW , as well as integrated vertical-axis industrial stations with supporting foundations.


Small Hydro Station

In relation to Russia, we can talk about the development of small hydropower facilities that operate at capacities in the range of 1-3000 kW. The transition to optimized hydrological stations was caused by environmental interests, which is associated with the great damage that large hydroelectric power stations cause to reservoirs. The main regional areas of application of fuel-free energy facilities of this type are in the Far East, the Caucasus, the Tyumen region and Yakutia. Microstations with power potential up to 100 W are also popularized. Such structures can be installed in almost any farm, summer cottage or private household, where, in principle, it is possible to use the energy of water movement. The technical implementation of the device in terms of complexity slightly exceeds the task of organizing an irrigation system.

Problems of the development of alternative energy in the Russian Federation

Traditional energy

The main factor in braking in the development and promotion of alternative energy is the cost of implementing such projects and operating already implemented capacities. In each case, financial problems of maintaining energy systems are assumed, and the exclusion of fuel resources alone does not at all make such capacities completely economically independent. In most cases, at least external energy is required to support control systems for the processes of accumulation and conversion of energy from alternative sources. Alternative energy is largely dependent on natural conditions. This significantly reduces its energy efficiency compared to traditional means of generating electricity.

Prospects for Alternative Energy in Russia

Fuel-free energy

The lack of rich experience in implementing large-scale industrial projects based on fuel-free energy generation technologies does not allow us to confidently and optimistically look at the prospects for the development of this direction in Russia. Although each segment has its own successful developments, in general, the effect of their use is not yet comparable with the energy efficiency of the existing traditional electricity generation infrastructure. Despite this, fuel-free energy in the future will make it possible to solve a number of problems of an economic and environmental nature that are not yet quite acute. This also applies to the rejection of nuclear energy, and the large-scale transition from carbon fuel to alternative energy sources.


Wind generators

Alternative energy technologies cannot be called new to Russia. In the USSR, for example, hydropower plants and wind generators were quite widespread. But if we talk about issues of a fundamental transition to non-fuel resources, then even against the backdrop of the active development of technologies, their solution is still rather vague. Unless in the areas of small household energy there are obvious trends of advancement, which confirms the popularity of the same neodymium magnet generator. With your own hands, such a design can be assembled literally from improvised tools with minimal expenditure on consumables, but in the process of operation, such a device will allow you to consistently save a small amount on powering small electrical equipment. And this is just one example of how alternative energy sources penetrate the lives of ordinary citizens. Similar developments are also present in the solar energy segment, and in this area we are talking about the integrated energy supply of private houses.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14775/

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