Sigmund Freud's book "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life": description, features and reviews

The name of one of the main psychoanalysts and psychiatrists of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, Sigmund Freud, everyone knows or heard.

psychopathology of everyday life

Sigmund Freud and his contribution to world psychiatry

A scientist of Austrian origin made a significant contribution not only to the development of psychology, but also influenced other areas of life in the 20th century, namely medicine, sociology, literature and art.

Freud's views on human nature were innovative for their time and went against established concepts. Therefore, the theories put forward by Sigmund Freud caused a great resonance among pundits, someone accepted them, someone denied, but it was impossible to be indifferent to them. Freud's works are still popular.

Freud psychopathology of everyday life

The scientist is best known as the founder of psychoanalysis. He introduced such a concept as the three-component structure of the psyche, which consists of "It", "I", "Super-I". In addition, among the achievements of a psychiatrist:

  • finding special periods of psychosexual personal development;
  • creation of the theory of the "Oedipus complex";
  • the allocation of protective mechanisms of the psyche;
  • development of the interpretation of dreams.

During his professional career, Freud published many works, the total number of which is 24 volumes. More books are being published about the professor, doctor of medicine and winner of the Goethe Prize than about any other psychiatrist, and films are being shot.

The early years of Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in the city of Freiberg. Later, the street where the family lived began to bear the name of the scientist. Here the first three years of Sigmund's life passed. In 1859, as a result of the industrial revolution, the family found itself on the verge of bankruptcy, as did most of the city's inhabitants.

The Freud couple moves to Leipzig, and then to Vienna. After several years of poverty, Freud’s father Jacob resumed his work, and the family was able to move to a more civilized area, although their life could not be called luxurious.

At first, the mother was engaged in teaching the future luminary of psychology, and later the father, who really wanted Sigmund to graduate. Very quickly, parents noticed Sigmund's great potential and tried to warm up and encourage his passion for learning.


At the age of 9, Sigmund Freud enters the gymnasium and soon becomes the first student in the class. The family also created special conditions for him. The remaining seven children were forbidden to play instruments or in every possible way distract their brother from school; he, unlike the rest of the family, had his own room.

Sigmund Freud psychopathology of everyday life

At 17, Freud successfully graduated from high school. After leaving school, he entered the faculty of medicine, although he did not feel interest in this profession and never called himself a true doctor.

Choice of profession

Studying at Vienna University, especially in the first year, was rather difficult for Sigmund, given the anti-Semitic sentiment. Frequent skirmishes with classmates tempered his character and became prerequisites for "independent judgment."

The future professor was interested in zoology and, under the guidance of his beloved teacher Karl Klaus, wrote the first article published by the Academy of Sciences.

In his final years of study, Freud spent most of his time in physiology and writing scientific papers. In 1881, Sigmund completed his studies and received a doctorate.

The upcoming marriage to Martha Bernays demanded career growth from Sigmund Freud. To start his own business, he lacked experience, so it was decided to practice at the Vienna City Hospital. He chose the field of neurology, working with childhood developmental pathologies. It is to him that the term "cerebral palsy" is widely used in modern times. Despite success and achievements in this area, Freud quickly became disillusioned with his work and lost interest.

Beginning of a psychiatrist career

In 1883, he went to work in a psychiatric ward, from where his rapid career began. He was completely carried away by the new work and wrote several scientific articles, the main topics of which were cerebral hemiplegia in children and aphasia. However, soon Freud began to overcome dissatisfaction with his own professional achievements and depression.

Freud s psychopathology of everyday life

From 1884 to 1887, Sigmund Freud wrote several works on the positive effects of cocaine on the body, and also actively distributes it to all his friends and fiancé, while independently suffering from addiction. In 1887, the detrimental effects of cocaine became a generally accepted fact, and they tried to shut up this part of the psychologist’s biography.

The output of the work "Psychopathology of everyday life"

Sigmund Freud's work entitled “The Psychopathology of Everyday Life” was published in 1901. The book contains one of the fundamental studies of the Austrian psychoanalyst. However, the small volume of the book, compared with other studies of Freud, became a classic of the 20th century.

For a long time working with patients with various deviations in behavior, defects and pathologies in development, the author comes to the conclusion that they indicate deep mental disorders, in some cases indicate the presence of psychoneurosis. This is exactly the idea in the book that Sigmund Freud proves.

book psychopathology of everyday life

The “Psychopathology of Everyday Life" contains an analysis of numerous examples of such deviations.

It can be said that after the publication of The Interpretation of Dreams, Psychopathology of Everyday Life becomes the second most important scientific work of a psychiatrist. The book substantiates a topological model of the psyche, namely consciousness - the subconscious - the unconscious, and all this is exemplified by the manifestation of the unconscious in everyday life.

The book "Psychopathology of everyday life" shows that various speech disorders, stuttering, reservations, and confusion in words are not at all random, but appear as a result of the suppression of the thought that a person is trying to supplant.

First chapters of the book

The author does not give specific examples from the lives of his patients, but refers to his own memories, as well as to his friends and relatives, who have had more than enough such cases.

Freud's book psychopathology of everyday life

The first four chapters of the book `` Psychopathology of Everyday Life '' occupy notes on this topic. In a single cover, the world saw them in 1904. Freud's work caused a great resonance both in scientific circles and among ordinary inhabitants. The work became one of the most popular among the masses and further strengthened the authority of the scientist.

Subsequently, many works were published on an in-depth analysis of the already popular book Psychopathology of Everyday Life (Z. Freud). Description and analysis of their scientific research attracted and interested other scientists in this and related fields.

What is the unconscious and content of the book

Freud's book, The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, proves that consciousness is an inseparable part of the deeper levels of mental activity. An analysis of childhood neuroses that educators encounter from time to time, thoughts about drives, principles of regulation of vital mental activity, memory errors are of significant interest for the development of this topic in the future.

What is the unconscious? To understand this, we can recall people who believe in magic, all kinds of mystical rites to achieve the desired result. Psychoanalysts consider all this a manifestation of the unconscious. This issue is even better covered in the works written by Freud Z.

"The psychopathology of everyday life" contains a description of issues such as:

  • the problem with remembering your own names and the names of loved ones;
  • a problem with remembering foreign words;
  • memorizing common phrases;
  • childhood memories;
  • reservations;
  • errors in reading and writing;
  • forgetting planned actions, experienced impressions and intentions;
  • acts committed `` by mistake '';
  • random actions or performed on the machine;
  • erroneous judgments and errors;
  • determinism - faith in fate, superstition, predictions.

Reservations are given a significant place in the book, since they are an important aspect of the theory of psychoanalysis that Freud promoted.

The "psychopathology of everyday life" deserves close examination by people interested in psychology.

Psychological Society on Wednesdays

As a psychoanalyst and a person with extensive experience working with people with problems in this area, he tried to make the book understandable to readers who were not even related to psychiatry, and the new concept made Freud appear to have students. As a result, a club appeared with the interesting name “Psychological Society on Wednesdays,” which lasted more than six years. Subsequently, some members of the club became quite famous figures: A. Adler, P. Federn, C. Jung, E. Jones, and of course Sigmund Freud himself did not lose popularity.

psychopathology of everyday life s Freud description

The "psychopathology of everyday life," reviews of which were very ambiguous at the time, came at the peak of the popularity of society and played an important role in shaping the principles of psychoanalysis.

Reviews of `` Psychopathology of everyday life ''

Nowadays, many people are interested in the studies of Freud and his `` Psychopathology of everyday life. ''

Someone says that a small book of 200 pages can fully capture. Some never thought before why it is impossible to remember a word or name, although it is as if the word is spinning in the language. The book made it possible to look at this problem from the point of view of psychiatry. Easy to read, clear terminology.

The book is written in simple human language. It is interesting to read about life stories that really happened to Freud or his friends. After each example, a complete analysis is given. The author has an amazing memory.

Many people like that the book consists of real, life examples. So it will be interesting not only to psychiatrists and doctors, but also to ordinary people. The author shows the influence of the unconscious in everyday life. After all, all sorts of reservations and forgetting well-known names are quite common. Freud points out to the reader that all this happens by chance.

Someone admits that he always believed that Freud was a pseudo-scientist and that all his works were pure quackery. But he changed his mind after reading Psychopathology. The book is interesting, although you can’t read it quickly - understanding is required.

Collapse of society

In 1910, society collapsed due to internal conflicts. One of the first to leave was Adler, whose views differed significantly from the views of the founding father of psychoanalysis. He believed that the main motivation of man is the desire for power, while Freud saw her in sexual desire.

Later, a conflict occurred between Freud and his protege Carl Jung. The reason for the divergence of views was Jung's enthusiasm for myths and spiritualism, as well as the denial of some of the mentor's postulates. In particular, he put forward the theory of `` collective unconscious. ''

In any case, the “Psychopathology of everyday life" occupies an important place in the theory of psychoanalysis and the structural model of the human psyche.

The last years of Sigmund Freud's life

In the early 30s, the scientist managed to move to England, which was not easy, given the martial law of Germany. Sigmund Freud died in 1939. Suffering from a serious illness, he asked his daughter Anna for euthanasia.

Anna refused to fulfill the will of her father, however, watching the torment of her parent, she soon changed her mind. At the end of September, Freud’s doctor in charge introduced him with a lethal dose of morphine, as a result of which the brilliant psychiatrist of that time died.


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