How to catch a rabbit: in a garden, in a terrarium

A rabbit is a hare mammal. It is often grown in the countryside for meat or soft, delicate fur. Often, villagers can catch a rabbit in a garden that escaped from a wooded area. Residents of large cities acquire these animals as decorative pets.

Description of rabbits: body structure of the animal

This cute animal has an oval body and long ears that can reach 10 cm in length. Dimensions of an adult rabbit can be from 20 to 50 cm. Weight - from 0.5 to 2 kg and above. Rabbits, as a rule, have powerful hind limbs. On each of them, the animal has 4 fingers, and on the front legs - 5 fingers.

cute rabbit

These animals are classified as finger-walking, because for walking and running they choose their fingertips as the main support. Rabbits have an amazing digestive system. The cecum in their body is 10 times larger than the stomach. Rabbit hair has a soft structure, it is often used for sewing fur products.

Champion rabbit

The world's largest rabbit lives in the UK. His name is Darius. The weight of this giant is 22 kg, and its body length is 1 m 29 cm. Its owner is very proud of his pet. The breed of this amazing rabbit is Riesen.

Rabbit in agriculture

These domestic bunnies are so fast that it would seem impossible to catch an escaped rabbit. How experienced "catchers" do this, now we will consider. The experienced rabbit breeders know for sure that it is easy for this animal to escape from an unreliable cage. Therefore, on large farms, where the scale of breeding of these animals is impressive, special cells from durable materials are installed for them. But if it so happened that the agile animal managed to escape, you need to know how to catch the rabbit and not harm it.

two white rabbits

It is very important not to attack the animal when it is in fear. If the rabbit escaped, this does not mean that he is satisfied and ready to run away. Often animals, getting into the wild from the cage, die due to the inability to independently obtain food. So, first we observe the rabbit, wait until it calms down a bit and takes refuge somewhere in a secluded place.

Usually these are bushes or gorges. If there is a board in the courtyard or a mountain of garbage, it is quite possible that a frightened animal could also hide there. When the rabbit appears in sight, it is important not to frighten it with sudden movements. It is necessary to smoothly approach, then also slowly bend over and grab him by the back with a soft, but sharp movement. But this, of course, "ride" if the animal is not very wild and from time to time was in the hands of the owner.

But when the animal is not tame, how to catch a rabbit? Very often, in the pursuit of an animal, the owners could seriously injure the animal. Then a lot of money and nerves are spent on his treatment. Therefore, it is better to do it carefully.

rabbits eat carrots

How to catch a domestic rabbit

For those who have ornamental bushes or beautiful flowers growing in the garden, rabbits are dangerous because they can destroy all this beauty in a matter of minutes. Therefore, rabbit farmers must know how to catch a rabbit in the minimum period of time so that he does not have time to "eat" an expensive bush of decorative jasmine or tasty currants.

A simple way to catch a runaway animal

  • First you need to find where the rabbit hid, and watch him a little.
  • Experienced summer residents to catch runaway pets use cells that close when the rabbit enters. You can get such a cage on the Internet or in a special store for rabbit breeding.
  • You can lure an animal into a cage with a delicious bait. It must be decomposed not only inside, but also next to the cell.
  • Rabbits are not only fast, but also tricky. Therefore, they can change the trajectory of movement. In this case, you need to rearrange the cage and again lay out the bait.
  • When the mission is completed, and the rabbit got into the cage, you need to drop him into your "house" and try to strengthen it so that you no longer have to catch the animal.

How to catch a rabbit in a terraria

Not only rabbits have to be caught in the garden, but also in the terrarium. There are specially invented methods for this. For example, fishing by force. If a snare is bought, the task will be easily feasible. It is enough to install it on the alleged path of the animal and try to drive the animal there. If there is no snare bought, you can use a large bunch of thick branches, a bush or a small tree in its quality. Be sure to make sure that the tree is heavy and will be able to delay the fugitive. When the rabbit gets entangled in the branches and gets stuck in them, he needs to be pulled out as soon as possible and sent to the cage.

little scared rabbit

A few tips for rabbit breeders:

  • Rabbits have a very sharp sense of smell. They smell a person for tens of meters, so they will try to get around this place on the tenth road.
  • If you managed to catch a wild rabbit and you don’t know what to do with it, put it in some cage and do not rush to sell this treasure. Take a closer look at it, feed it, and perhaps decide to leave it. Rabbits are a good business. Plus, wild animals have good genetics.
  • If you lose a thoroughbred rabbit, it is better to call the animal catching service. This will help to avoid injury or damage to the beautiful skin of an expensive animal. Professional catchers have special tools to help catch the fugitive without harm to his health.
rabbit near the flowers

It turned out to be not so difficult to catch a rabbit. The main thing is desire, patience and some improvised means. It is also important to consider the characteristics of the animal: wild, domestic and thoroughbred rabbits need to be caught in different ways.


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