Thermal sources: contraindications, health benefits, sources and healing properties

Thermal water is a generous gift of nature for healing people. The source is a place on the surface of an underground river, the temperature of which should be at least 20 degrees Celsius. Also, this term includes sources located in a specific area, the temperature of which is much higher than the annual indicators characteristic of a particular region.

But before you visit the thermal springs, the benefits, harms and contraindications you need to know, or better yet, consult a doctor.

Healing properties

The healing power of water in thermal springs was known in antiquity. For example, the Romans erected structures near these places - therms, most of which are similar to modern baths.

In the terms there were often soldiers who were recovering from the battles. It was believed that water promotes the healing of even badly wounded fighters.

Roman baths became the prototype of modern resorts with thermal water located in Italy, Austria and Germany, which boast not only the presence of sources, but also special health programs and medical diagnostics of the whole organism.

Thermal waters

Thermal waters, as you know, are rich in many salts and trace elements. They have a positive effect on the immune system, are the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, and contribute to the accumulation of necessary substances in the body. The active substances of the liquid are such elements as potassium, bromine, calcium, iodine, fluorine, magnesium, sulfur and other useful components. Without them, the normal functioning of a healthy body is not possible.

General indications

The range of diseases in which bathing is prescribed in special baths or directly in the springs is quite extensive. It includes:

  • various pathologies of the joints;
  • skin diseases;
  • recovery after surgery;
  • inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • rheumatism;
  • respiratory tract diseases.

What is useful

Everyone should know the benefits and contraindications of thermal springs. For example, the crystal clear water is an undeniable advantage, since its formation occurs deep underground, where the soil is not contaminated with toxins produced by people. And the differences in high temperatures only contribute to its healing power.

Groundwater is also widely used in the cosmetic industry. It can often be found in anti-cellulite and relaxing products, firming creams and other cosmetic products. Water helps protect the skin from environmental influences, moisturize and improve metabolism in skin cells.

Sources vary in their healing effects and chemical constituents. The difference arises because of the different location, since certain elements are present in the composition of the water. Therefore, to select such a liquid should be based on the desired effect or as directed by a doctor.


Sources are divided into three main types:

  1. Hypertonic - contain a high concentration of salts, suitable for dry skin type.
  2. Hypotonic - the salt concentration is extremely small, contributes to the normalization of water-fat balance. Its properties will be appreciated by people with oily or combination skin type.
  3. Isotonic - famous for their tonic effect on the skin.


In turn, specialists in the field of cosmetology give some recommendations on the use of thermal water:

  1. You can use liquid to moisturize the skin by spraying your face with a spray. During the daily care procedure, you need to apply the liquid after washing your face with a special product, and after a while use a moisturizer. The application of cream in this chain is mandatory, as it prevents the evaporation of moisture, which is very important for the summer season.
  2. Thermal water should be stored under the conditions indicated on the bottle of the product.
  3. Liquid will be a great addition to a cream or facial cleansing mask.

For health

With all the obvious benefits, water can harm people. Contraindications to bathing in thermal springs are some diseases.

The use of thermal spring

So, you canโ€™t visit the sources with hypertension of 3 degrees or more, since a sharp temperature drop can provoke low blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, or fainting.

For patients aged, there may be a risk of a malfunction in the circulatory system. Before visiting the pool, even without any health complaints, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since thermal sources of health have contraindications.

Aushiger thermal spas

Aushiger spring is the most famous in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Its depth reaches 4,000 meters, and the temperature ranges from 60-70 degrees Celsius. Its name, and then the resort of the same name, was received from a small settlement Aushiger, in whose territory it was discovered in 1950.

Aushiger thermal springs

Aushiger waters have not only healing and tonic properties, but also have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Recommended for problems:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases;
  • joint diseases;
  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • gynecological problems;
  • disorders of the circulatory system.

Recall contraindications. Aushiger thermal spring should not be visited by people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Bathing in such water is carried out as prescribed by the doctor. Ingestion may also be recommended.

Not far from the source is another natural wonder - blue clay, which contains useful mineral salts and trace elements. It is also used for treatment.

Blue clay is prescribed for:

  • curvature of the spine;
  • problems with the jawbone;
  • urological diagnoses;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • cellulite;
  • for anti-aging procedures;
  • from acne;
  • for whitening the skin.

Now Aushiger has become a full-fledged complex for rest and recovery of the body, near which is located the source itself with river water flowing into it, which lowers the degree to a comfortable temperature. The pools are divided into children's and adult zones with different water levels and are equipped with handrails and steps for gradual descent.

Aushiger sources

Also in the resort there are fonts, cafes, comfortable hotels and parking for visitors to car owners. Aushiger spring has become a popular spa resort for recreation and recreation, whose fame has long gone beyond the borders of his native republic.

Suvorov sources

On the territory of the health complex there are baths with water, which differ in temperature indicators.

Suvorov thermal spring

For instance:

  1. Indoor pool (up to +50 degrees).
  2. Outdoor swimming pool (about +45 degrees).
  3. A small pool suitable for children (from +28 to +30 degrees).

Suvorov thermal sources of contraindications and indications also have.

Water is recommended for:

  • problems with the spine, joints;
  • improper metabolism;
  • impaired digestion;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pathologies of the female and male genitalia;
  • skin diseases.

But there are contraindications. These include:

  • high pressure;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • obesity.

Hungarian Wellness

As the Hungarians themselves say in a joking manner: โ€œIf you stick a stick anywhere in Hungary, healing water will certainly flow from there.โ€ And itโ€™s hard to disagree. About 80% of the territory in the state has healing springs. No country in the world can boast of such indicators.

The city of Harkany, located in the southwestern part of Hungary, gained unprecedented popularity at the European level. The sources located there reach about 70 meters in depth, and the average annual temperature is 60.2 degrees Celsius.

Local waters are known for their healing effect in the treatment of gynecological problems, musculoskeletal system, psoriasis.

It is no accident that Hungary is called the empire of thermal waters, and majestic Budapest is the capital of spa resorts, which, by the way, has about 130 sources on its territory. In the bowels, more than 70 million tons of blue water is formed with a temperature of 20 to 60 degrees. In general, throughout Hungary there are about 60 thousand places with medicinal water.

Hungary has also achieved stunning results in balneological treatment. The rich chemical composition of local waters, knowledge and hospitality of the resort staff are the key to unprecedented demand.

Mineral waters of Hungary

The healing properties of water depend on its chemical composition, as well as physical qualities. The latter include an increased concentration of salt.

thermal springs in Hungary

As you know, in such a liquid the body is much lighter. For obese people, there are special sets of exercises that are easier and more effective to perform in mineral water. During exercise, the fluid acts with a massage property, which cannot be obtained by doing sports on the ground.

Water also has a vascular stimulating and massage effect on all muscle groups. Sources with temperatures up to 40 degrees have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and blood pressure regulation.

Chemical elements in the composition play an equally important role in healing the body. Mineral components penetrate perfectly through the skin, which helps support the lymphatic system, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and cell regeneration.

The climate that surrounds the thermal springs plays a large role in saturating the water with useful elements and endows it with well-known healing properties. The air above the waters is very clean, all the noise of the city is outside the resort, which also contributes to complete relaxation and stress relief, purification of thoughts. Such a relaxing atmosphere perfectly affects the speed of recovery and the effectiveness of balneological procedures.

But abuse is also not worth it. In addition to the fact that there are standard contraindications for thermal springs in Hungary, prolonged exposure to water can cause side effects in the form of nausea, dizziness and headache. Therefore, near each pool it is often indicated what time it is possible to stay in thermal water so that it brings only benefit.

The healing power of blue water

Physiotherapy has become a fairly popular healing procedure. Healing fonts, which are located in every resort in Hungary, vary in their purpose and duration of the course.

Physiotherapy procedures are used:

  • for general strengthening of the body;
  • recovery after surgery;
  • to support or even cure mental disorders.

Healing water is used not only to fill the fonts and pools. There is also a mineral that is prescribed for drinking. It can be found in the resort or hospital, such a liquid can be purchased for bottling.

Healing water is taken orally for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin infections, normalization of metabolic processes in the body, improvement of the digestion, kidneys and other things.

It is worth remembering that mineral water for drinking is not able to completely relieve one or another disease. But in tandem with drugs, it contributes to a speedy recovery.

Magic resort of Miskolc-Tapolca

Each represents a thermal spring in the form of an ennobled pool amid a no less luxurious resort. This is partly true, but the baths located in the caves of the northern town of Miskolc completely refute this view.

Miskolc-Tapolca thermal springs

The highlight of these sources gives their primeval location. Bright blue thermal waters are enclosed in pools. And the passages between the cave arches, brightly lit both from above and from the bottom, make this place even more delightful and fabulous.

There are also individual open-air sources that amaze with their beauty and allow you to admire the views of the Tapoltsay park and on a starry summer evening, and in winter.

Especially popular is Lake Cave. The density of its waters is only 1,000 mg / liter. It allows you to be in the lake for an unlimited amount of time. Conducting balneological procedures in this reservoir has no bathing restrictions, which only increases interest in the source.

But in any case, visiting thermal springs, it is better to clarify health contraindications from a specialist.


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