How to Become a Good Person: Thoughts About

We are all people, all are human beings, all are different, and each has his own idea of ​​Good, Justice and other moral and ethical values. As well as their ideals, on which we are equal, by which we are guided in our actions. Of course, you cannot please the absolute majority, and it would be foolish to try to adapt to the general requirements: it is so easy to lose yourself, your own personality. This means that in this matter it is necessary, on the one hand, to remain true to yourself, and on the other, try to meet the needs and requirements of the reference group to which you belong, without going beyond the framework of traditional, centuries-old moral standards.

To be quite good

how to become a good person
The first lessons on how to become a good person, we receive in childhood. To help the elders and not offend the younger ones, to protect the weak and not to give in to the strong, try to win in a dispute with logic, mind, and not with fists, tell the truth, and not lie for salvation, be responsible for your actions and not hide behind anyone’s back ... Do not be greedy , to share the last with a friend or even a stranger, not to impersonate ... Be kind to animals ... To be able to stand up for yourself, for your beliefs ... The list can go on for a long time, it will be correct, but probably cover all the nuances of how to become a good person, just impossible. Let us recall the intense search for the meaning of life by Leo Tolstoy and his heroes, their passionate desire to “be quite good”, their throwing, moral quests, falls and ups. And the heroes of Dostoevsky? Anyway, all Russian and world classics, the best examples of fiction give us vivid examples of intense spiritual work. And therefore one thing is clear: without volitional efforts, without the fact that “the soul must work,” we will never understand how to become a good person.

become human
And what does it mean - strong-willed efforts? It seems that this is the ability to give up one's interests, large or small, for the sake of the interests of another. To give in where you want to insist on your own. Sacrifice what you want to keep. Take on part of the work or duties of another. Help with advice or deed. In the end, perform a feat in the name of someone or something. Indeed, heroism, courage, disinterestedness are the highest incarnations of the concept of “good,” the moral imperative that people followed in extreme situations.

We see examples of how to become a good person all the time, and to perform a feat in everyday life is not necessary for this. To be competent in some matters and use it for the benefit of friends, acquaintances, relatives. To be a caring son or daughter in relation to aging parents, a devoted wife or husband - to your soul mate. Respect your subordinates if you go to the bosses, and do not cajole before the higher ranks. Maintaining integrity in the first place in relation to oneself also means becoming a person. Do not compromise on moral principles that you consider to be decisive.

how to become a person
And finally, the most important. As already mentioned, “good” is a subjective concept. A person can be considered a scoundrel in society, but he will be good for someone whom he helped - whether in rubles, in services, etc. Enlightened personalities, such as Christ, Buddha, or the wise teachers of Osho, the Dalai Lama, are extremely few, one in millions. As well as a small group of those who do charity from the heart, at the call of the heart, as did Mother Teresa or Lady Diana. And then they did not become absolute virtues for all of humanity. Therefore, the question of how to become a person is not only from the category of the eternal, philosophical, but also, let's say, narrow-group. Its “comme il faut” exists in every single reference medium. Not all "strangers" can adapt to it, and this is not necessary.

The main thing, probably, is not to be indifferent, complacent, not to live by the principle of "my hut from the edge." Try as far as possible and strength to realize their positive potential.


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