Life in Moscow: pros and cons, advantages, tips and reviews of Muscovites

Many Russians aspire to Moscow in search of a better share. Someone wants to make money, someone wants to get an education or become popular, but someone just wants to get married successfully. In the article below, we will consider the main pros and cons of life in Moscow and see if it is worth moving to this city. It is worth noting that it all depends on the person and his character. Someone likes the noise and the frantic rhythm of a big city, and someone is more comfortable in the peace and quiet of a provincial town.

Pros of life in Moscow

Let's start with the advantages of the capital. The virtues of life in Moscow include the opportunities it provides for growth and development.

  1. Education.
  2. High salaries and prospects.
  3. Developed transport network.
  4. Entertainment.
  5. City development.
  6. Developed tourism.
  7. Proximity to Europe.

We will study each aspect individually.

Top view of Moscow


In Moscow, there are good opportunities for quality education. Graduates of schools can find many educational institutions where they teach a variety of professions that are in demand on the labor market. Moscow universities are highly valued not only in Russia but also abroad, and therefore, finding a job with a Moscow diploma will be much easier.

High salaries and prospects

If you compare all the pros and cons of life in Moscow, then the size of wages will be the most important factor in favor of this city. Compared to the regions, wages in Moscow are much higher, which is the main reason for moving to the capital. There is work for everyone here, since the labor market is very wide. The city has virtually no unemployment. Many large Russian and international companies are concentrated in Moscow, which provide excellent opportunities for career growth and development.

Moscow City at night

Developed transport network

Moscow boasts a good transport infrastructure represented by ground public transport and, of course, the metro, which is expanding every year. Metro is the most common form of transport. The roads in the city are wide, always maintained in good condition. A huge plus is that by public transport you can get to almost any part of the city, so now many people are starting to give up personal means of transportation in order to avoid traffic jams and not spend a lot of money on gasoline.

We advise you to immediately purchase a Troika transport card in order to save on travel. If you have your own car, be sure to install the navigator. Without it, it will be very difficult to navigate in such a big city as Moscow.

Good transport infrastructure in Moscow


In Moscow, there is always something to do and where to go: museums, exhibitions, theaters, conferences, parks. Stars often perform here with their concerts, sports events and festivals are held. It is also worth mentioning the many cafes and restaurants, bars and clubs where you can have fun on the weekend.

For example, in the summer of 2018, during the World Cup, Moscow turned into a center of fun, entertainment, sports and friendship of peoples. Thousands of fans from around the world came here to support their players.

Football fans in the streets

City development

Moscow does not stand still, it is constantly evolving. For example, now you can move around the city on bicycles rented. Every day the city is becoming more beautiful. Here, they closely monitor the cleanliness and order of the streets.

Developed tourism

It is not surprising that such a large and developed city attracts tourists from all over the world. You can always meet foreigners on the streets and practice your English. Due to this, the city also has a developed network of hotels.

Proximity to Europe

Undoubtedly, this is a big plus for those who love to travel. From Moscow you can go to any country. This city has 3 main and 3 additional auxiliary airports, as well as 9 railway stations.

Cons of life in Moscow

We have listed the main advantages of the capital of Russia. However, the shortcomings of life in Moscow are also many. If you decide to move to this city, then the minuses of living in it are worth knowing in more detail.

  1. Traffic during rush hour.
  2. High housing prices.
  3. Many visitors.
  4. Stratification of society.
  5. High rhythm of life.
  6. Bad ecology.
  7. A lot of scammers and crooks.

Traffic jams and rush hours in public transport

The road situation is the main problem of the Russian metropolis. The number of personal vehicles is increasing every year, and the construction of new roads and junctions is not keeping pace with this growth. As in any metropolis, traffic jams occur in the mornings and at the end of the working day, and congestion at the exit from the city is also created during the holidays.

The metro in the morning and evening rush hours is also fully loaded, especially at the transition stations. Visitors will have to get used to that it will take at least 1-2 hours daily to travel to and from work.

High housing and rental prices

Moscow is one of the most expensive cities in terms of housing costs. Of course, this figure varies depending on the area and proximity to the metro, but on average in 2018 1 square. a meter in the Central District cost from 400 thousand, and, for example, in the North or South - from 129 thousand rubles. A one-room apartment costs at least 5-6 million rubles.

Renting a one-room apartment is also not cheap - from 30-35 thousand rubles a month. Therefore, many visitors simply rent a room for 10-15 thousand. Basically, these are old municipal buildings, converted into hostels, in which there are several rooms, one kitchen and a bathroom for all. This option is the most affordable, but you should keep in mind that you have to get along with your neighbors.

Many visitors from Central Asia

Many migrants come to Moscow in search of work. They can be regarded as plus and minus life in Moscow. On the one hand, they bring great benefits to the city’s economy, because they agree to low-skilled and less paid work. However, many Muscovites complain about their poor behavior and disrespectful attitude towards the host.

Janitor cleans up Red Square

Great stratification of society

Social inequality in the city is noticeable with the naked eye. In Moscow, you can find ordinary workers living at the minimum wage, and oligarchs who buy apartments for millions. There are frequent cases when the so-called "golden youth" violates the laws with impunity, travels in the oncoming lane and does not pay attention to law enforcement agencies.

Fast pace of life and crowds

No matter where you go, people will always surround you. According to official data for 2018, about 12.5 million people are in Moscow. However, no one knows the exact number of migrants living. According to some reports, the population in the city can reach 20 million. No matter how much Muscovites say that Moscow is not rubber, it continues to receive thousands and thousands of new residents.

The rhythm of life of Muscovites and guests of the capital can be called frantic: everyone is somewhere in a hurry, running, pushing. Many take a second job to earn more money. At first it’s difficult for visitors to adapt to such a lifestyle. But it’s worth a little getting used to, and after a noisy city, life in the province may seem too calm, measured and dull.

Bad ecology

The abundance of transport and factories leaves a mark on the environmental situation. Many visitors note that it is difficult to breathe deeply on the streets due to exhaust fumes. But you can get used to everything - bad air too, especially since you can often get out into the parks and out of town. In summer, the city is very hot and stuffy. There are very few places for swimming, since almost all water bodies are polluted. In winter, dirty snow and slush are everywhere, as all roads are sprinkled with reagents.

Moscow during the weather

Scammers and scammers

In such a large city as Moscow, there are a lot of those who are not averse to profiting from the naivety of citizens, especially visitors. On the streets you need to be very careful not to be left without a wallet. A lot of scammers in the housing rental market.

We want to give you a little advice: in no case do not agree to make an advance for an apartment that you have not even seen. On the Web, there are a lot of scammers who provide false or stolen documents, take an advance and disappear without a trace. Before you pay for an apartment or any service, be sure to look for information about the company, read reviews on the Internet.


Among the reviews about the pros and cons of life in Moscow, you can find both positive and negative. Here are just some of the opinions.

In their reviews, residents of the metropolis note that in Moscow there are many beautiful places: the center, VDNH, Moscow City, Vorobyovy Gory. Recently opened a new modern park Zaryadye. If you weigh the pros and cons of life in Moscow, then many would come here as tourists, but would not want to live here.

Moscow sights

Some reviews write that for some reason on the sidewalks tiles are constantly shifted, although the old one was still good. And residents have to go around on roads or through mud. Thus, money is simply pumped out of the budget.

Other reviews write that Moscow is a fairly clean city. In many places, separate collection of garbage, there are collection points for old equipment. They try to monitor cleanliness and ecology.

As for the salary, then, according to reviews, here they are really higher than the average for the regions, but you should not expect golden mountains. Of course, there are those who receive more than 100 thousand a month. If you get at least 40 thousand - that's good.

Many in Moscow like everything, but in recent times the number of chain stores and shopping centers has been annoying. There are more and more of them, and they are being replaced by small cozy shops and kiosks. To buy bread or a bottle of water, you need to go to the mall, which is very inconvenient.

According to the residents of the city, the main advantage of Moscow is that they invest a lot of money here, so everything is quickly repaired, restored and improved. Some also like that the city is constantly evolving. There are many perspectives. This is the main plus and minus of life in Moscow, because in the pursuit of money, many people forget to just live and enjoy the world around them. For many, work is life.


The advantages and disadvantages of life in Moscow are obvious. Everyone decides in which place he is more comfortable living and developing. Moscow is perfect for those who want to build a career, develop in their field, build their own business or become a successful actor, singer or media person. However, if you are planning to move to Moscow and achieve success, be prepared for the fact that you have to work tirelessly. Nobody cares about you here, nobody will help you and give you a second chance. Here you can rely only on yourself, your skills and knowledge.


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