The most popular excerpt from Les Miserables: An Analysis and Summary. Gavrosh

Summary Gavrosh

Victor Hugo’s novel Les Miserables is not just a book about old times, about the hard life of ordinary people. This is a cry of the soul, this is an ode to courage and nobility, this is a song of revolution. The author - a novelist and humanist - announced with his works a new era in which there is no place for lies and deceit, meanness and crime. He tells how difficult it is for a person to follow the path he has chosen. However, if he does not turn off it, but continues to move along a difficult path, then only then he will become a man with a capital letter.

“Les Miserables” is a book that you want to read soberly in one breath, without letting go of your hands. We admire the heroes, cry over their fates and wonder at their willpower. That is why not a single summary can convey the charming and tragic atmosphere of France. Gavrosh is not one of the main characters of the novel, however it is a very successful and vivid image.

The story of Gavrosh

Hugo Gavroche Summary
A little boy, whom life did not spoil at all, finds himself on the street with his parents alive: they could not and did not want to support him. But he learned to survive: get bread, keep warm in a cold, protect himself. Bold on the tongue, cheerful, brave and sneaky, he is nonetheless responsive and kind. The story "Gavroche", an excerpt from the famous novel, describes how a Parisian homeless tomboy dies on a barricade during a riot in the city in June 1832. Nevertheless, he served a great cause - the revolution, until the last breath collecting cartridges from the pockets of dead soldiers for supporters of General Lamarck. And even under the whistle of crazy bullets, he continues to joke. He was not distracted from the case by minor injuries, and only death forced him to cease his occupation.

To retell the summary, Gavrosh lived in an unfinished wooden sculpture of an elephant, which was located in the Place de la Bastille. He brought his brothers there (although he did not know who they were to him), pitying them on a deserted street. He takes care of them, feeds, warms. The image of this cheerful little boy can be called collective, because he personified the Parisian gamen of the nineteenth century, a class to which Hugo was so condoled. Gavrosh, the summary of which we have retold above, is one of the finest parts of the novel.

Victor Hugo Gavroche Summary

But the writer offers the reader to get acquainted with other characters. Convict with a good heart, Jean Valjean, hardworking Cosette, passionate Marius - they only emphasize the hard fate of the country, for which Victor Hugo was rooting. Gavrosh, a brief summary of which will not leave anyone indifferent, shows an example of selfless labor for the common good. This is a story about a strong, albeit a young man.

Hugo and his outcasts

Many students prefer to read the novel Les Miserables not in full, but in abbreviated form. Yes, sometimes a book is difficult to read, it is not easy to keep track of the fate of the main characters in constant persecution. The cruel injustice that the characters suffer is a particular pain in the heart. Can this convey a brief summary ?! Gavrosh dies, but other homeless children remain whose names did not remain in the memory of the city. And every little man is another tragedy, another bloody wound on the body of the country.

Only those who have already read the entire novel can be advised to read its summary. Gavrosh and other characters in the book will tell you about their experiences and teach eternal truths. To those who the great author tried to convey to us.


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