Aspen bark: medicinal properties, recipes, methods of use and contraindications

Aspen is an amazing tree that was forgotten in vain by contemporaries. Few people know that she is able to put even a hopelessly sick person on her feet. It should only be understood by everyone that this plant is not a panacea, but nevertheless, aspen, or rather aspen bark, can help many people if there are no contraindications. From this article you will find out what are the healing properties of aspen bark, who will benefit from it, and also share some interesting information with readers. It should be noted that when using it for medicinal purposes, you must always consult a doctor. This is especially true for those who have a serious illness.

Where does it grow and who uses it

In Russia, aspen is common in the central and eastern parts. It grows in deciduous forests, on the Chernozem region, in Siberia, and can also be found in the southern part of the state. This tree can be seen and distinguished by a strong long trunk with a light gray bark, which has light and infrequent stripes, like a birch.

As you know, nature is very wise. Forest animals, having neither intelligence nor deep knowledge in medicine, biology, intuitively know what will help them survive, recover from diseases. When a tree falls, then foxes, hares, wild boars, beavers and other wildlife inhabitants immediately run up to it. Can these creatures explain why the aspen bark helps, do they know about their diseases? Man is not given to understand this miracle, but animals enjoy the benefits of nature. It was from them that our ancestors learned a lot.

aspen forest

The villagers learned about the healing properties of the aspen bark, and the whole tree as a whole, when they saw a case of a fallen tree and wild animals that nibbled the bark, ate kidneys or twigs. But mostly bark was used. Why exactly her? This will be described later in the text.

Such an unusual aspen bark

In general, aspen itself is a healing plant, but the largest number of useful components is found in the bark:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • lauric acid;
  • behenic acid;
  • aspirin;
  • sucrose;
  • capric acid;
  • fructose;
  • almost all minerals;
  • vitamins C, K and others.

That is why forest dwellers love her so much. For many readers, it is probably difficult to figure out what are the benefits of the above substances. It can only be said briefly that they interact with each other, and this provides effective healing for various ailments.

The healing properties of aspen bark can be enumerated indefinitely. The fact is that the medicine obtained is almost universal. Even if there are several diseases, then aspen bark will help to gradually get rid of all the symptoms.

Undeservedly forgotten

In nature, there are many plants that can treat various diseases that are not amenable to therapy with modern traditional tablets. Not all medicinal herbs, shrubs and trees are studied in medicine and biochemistry. It can be said that it has not been sufficiently studied for some reason. Aspen is one of many medicinal plants undeservedly forgotten by modern healers. Few doctors will be able to recommend it for medicinal purposes, since the tree is not included in the register of medicinal plants, which means that it has not passed clinical trials or registration.

Only some herbalists, healers and herbalists can safely prescribe aspen bark. In traditional medicine, all plants are good if used wisely and for their intended purpose. In addition, many medicinal herbs are used in herbal remedies. But aspen bark, in principle, can act on the body without auxiliary substances, since it itself contains everything you need. An exception may be preparatory or final periods in the treatment of certain diseases. That is why, if there is a desire to be treated with this healing bark, it is better to contact a phytotherapist or a biochemist who will study the tests, the results of medical examinations, the symptoms of the patient, then prescribe a competent treatment.

The mystical nature of the tree

Why modern medicine is still not studied and registered by modern medicine, one can only guess. But there are some assumptions. It is worth going back to history when people lived in nature. Many of us have heard that the aspen stake drives away and kills evil spirits. In addition, it was believed that aspen has a black energy that takes away strength and human health. But is it really so? It is worth remembering how animals relate to the tree. When it stands, no one touches it. But this does not mean that the plant scares away forest inhabitants, on the contrary, animals take care of such a healing and vital tree. So why should people be afraid?

healing properties of aspen bark

Some people know that aspen, on the contrary, gives strength, restores energy. Only your tree needs to be chosen. It is enough to approach him and lean, grab the trunk in order to understand whether the state of health is getting better.

If people always knew and appreciated the healing properties of aspen bark, then there would be much less chronically unhealthy and even cancer patients. Therefore, you should not associate it with bad mystical abilities.

Bark properties

As you know, if a medicinal plant is used wisely and in moderation, then it will only be beneficial. Same thing with aspen. Despite the fact that the tree is not poisonous, the finished medicine must be used in a strict dosage to avoid toxic effects. No wonder they say: "Everything is medicine and everything is poison." And now we list what healing properties the aspen bark has:

  • wound healing;
  • suppression of viral infection;
  • antimicrobial action;
  • prevention of various diseases;
  • antipyretic;
  • antiparasitic effect;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic.

Thus, raw materials can be used in various fields of medicine.

Aspirin appeared thanks to aspen. It was from it that the antipyretic known throughout the world was obtained. Therefore, the cortex is also used to reduce body temperature, reduce symptoms of acute illness.

Treatment of gastroenterological diseases

Aspen bark is used if there are problems with:

  • the stomach;
  • intestines;
  • the duodenum;
  • gall bladder;
  • esophagus;
  • pancreas;
  • the liver.

With the help of drugs from this plant, gastritis can be cured, the liver and gall bladder work, get rid of stagnation. In addition, if there is damage to the mucous membranes, then it is possible to speed up the healing process.

aspen bark for the liver

Only some contraindications should be taken into account. Aspen bark can aggravate the situation if:

  • there are stones in the gallbladder;
  • the patient is tormented by frequent constipation;
  • there is intestinal dysbiosis.

Only a doctor can give consent to treatment after an examination.

Urology and Andrology

Since the aspen bark has antimicrobial properties, therefore, it has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, bladder and ducts. At the same time, the genitourinary system is cleansed of harmful microorganisms, wounds heal and inflammatory processes are removed. Thus, in folk medicine, aspen bark is used for:

  • chronic and acute cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • stones and sand in the kidneys, ureter, and bladder.

Often, in the treatment of urological ailments, complex treatment is used depending on the diagnosis and stage of the disease.

Frequent male diseases in the modern world are prostatitis, prostate adenoma. Aspen bark will not only help relieve inflammation, but also can fight infection, parasites.

study of aspen bark

Currently, many people suffer from diseases in the genitourinary sphere. Even if at the moment everything is in order, there is no risk, then in any case it is advisable to conduct preventive courses. The body will definitely thank.

Endocrinological diseases

Many who are familiar with traditional medicine, herbal medicine, know that aspen bark is used for diabetes. The fact is that such a medicine lowers blood sugar levels to normal. The pancreas and thyroid glands under the influence of a decoction or infusion of aspen bark begin to function normally, recover. Of course, a complete cure can not be expected, but it can be used instead of harmful synthetic drugs with a lot of side effects. Only the duration and treatment program should be painted by an endocrinologist or a doctor who is engaged in natural healing.

It is very important, as with diseases of the genitourinary sphere, to use decoctions or infusions for prevention, especially if there is a predisposition to diabetes. As popular wisdom says: β€œA disease is easier to prevent than to cure.”

For liver and gall bladder

In medicine, a narrow specialist, a hepatologist, deals with liver diseases. Many people complain of pain and discomfort in the right side, during the examination, doctors find various pathologies:

  • wen;
  • stagnant processes in the gallbladder;
  • sand and stones;
  • cirrhosis.

From here various diagnoses follow:

  • cholangitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • dyskinesia;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis and so on.

Improper nutrition, chemically flavored food, constant stress and a downgraded biological regime lead to various diseases. Often, doctors prescribe synthetic drugs to eliminate the symptoms, which are expensive and have a ton of side effects. But aspen bark for the liver is a real salvation.

aspen bark helps

How is this organ related to the gallbladder? Directly. The fact is that the liver produces bile, which then flows into the gall bladder. Its composition and structure depends on what enters the body from the outside. Folk doctors are sure that a decoction of aspen bark can change the chemical composition of bile, reduce its viscosity. Thus, the patient may restore health.

From parasites in the liver and bile

Opisthorchiasis is a dangerous disease, leading to disastrous consequences. We are talking about parasites that can live in the liver, bile ducts and pancreas for years. You can get infected by eating river fish, especially if it is raw, smoked, or poorly fried. From opisthorchiasis in traditional medicine, "Biltricid" is prescribed. Only the drug adversely affects both the liver itself and the general well-being of the patient. In addition, there is a wide range of contraindications. What to do? Nature will come to the rescue, namely the aspen bark. A decoction or infusion gradually eliminates parasites.

How does this happen? The fact is that any bitterness (and the decoction and infusion of aspen bark is very bitter in taste) can paralyze the parasite, then they detach from the walls of the organs and go outside.

Skin ailments, dermatology

With mechanical skin injuries, inflammation, aspen bark is useful. Instructions for external use are as follows: the bark must be burned to form ashes. Next, a regular pharmacy vaseline is taken and mixed with the obtained raw materials. Then you can apply a thin layer to the sore spot.

Of course, it is allowed to do otherwise: moisten a cotton wool or bandage in a decoction or infusion and attach. A similar procedure applies when:

  • cuts;
  • boils;
  • acne
  • itchy skin.

It is advisable to first consult with a dermatologist to know how much time to treat and whether it is appropriate in this case.

Use of other parts of the plant

Aspen itself is used in the construction of houses, baths, and also create furniture. Many people have noted that they feel better when they are in a room made of this tree. Traditional healers recommend steaming in a bathhouse not only with birch, but with aspen brooms. Thanks to this, one feels better, the person’s bio-polarity is leveled, and nervous diseases go away.

It is good to sleep on a bed made of aspen. It improves sleep, eliminates the depressive state. As you know, all diseases from nerves, therefore, in this way you can treat many ailments.

aspen for home

For medicinal purposes, aspen bark is used more often, but other parts are suitable. For example, to make cabbage leaven successful, add branches. The hunters, before a long hike, stock up on finely grated bark to just eat without preparing infusions and decoctions.

Cooking Healing Medicine

Those who learn about the healing properties of this tree often ask how to prepare aspen bark. There are a lot of recipes, you can get confused. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a phytotherapist. In addition, you can pay attention to packaging with finished raw materials from different manufacturers. Even here, the application methods are often different. It all depends on the type of disease and the severity of the disease. In addition, the age and weight of the patient are important.

medicinal aspen bark

But you can give a common example of infusion: 2 teaspoons of raw materials are poured with boiling water and insisted on a water bath for 15-20 minutes. To prepare a decoction, you can pour one glass of bark with three glasses of boiling water and cook for half an hour. Tincture of aspen bark is done mainly on vodka for oral administration: 0.5 cups of raw material is poured into 0.5 l of vodka and infused in a dark place for about two weeks. Shake the container regularly.

Treatment duration

Synthetic drugs are designed to quickly relieve symptoms. Therefore, many people are accustomed to the fact that treatment is fast. But not everyone knows that the disease, most likely, is not cured, but is drowned out for a while. Natural medicines have a mild effect, and it is aimed specifically at healing. As stated at the beginning of the article, there are many useful substances in the aspen bark. They restore the body, make up for the deficiency of various components for life and functioning. And also there is an effective cleansing of germs and parasites.

Reviews of aspen bark is very few. But those who tried to be treated with it are delighted. Just a warning: long-term treatment, requiring patience and the desire to finish the job. Sometimes several courses are required. One course can be from 2 weeks to 1 month. Then you need to take a break for at least 2 weeks.

Contraindications aspen bark has not only those listed above, but also three more: allergies, pregnancy and lactation.

In general, this healing plant will help everyone who wants to be cured and be healthy. Aspen bark can be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy or medicinal herbs store.


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